Publications of the Institute for New Media Art Technology
(1407 items)


Scientific journals/Article

Scientific congresses and symposiums/Paper published in a journal

Scientific congresses and symposiums/Paper published on a website

  • Loconte, L., Sladek, A., Mengel, S., Trapp, M., Solin, A., Gillis, N., & Vergari, A. (May 2024). "Subtractive Mixture Models via Squaring: Representation and Learning" [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), Vienne, Austria.
    36 Negative Mixture Models via Squaring - ICLR 2024.pdf

Diverse speeches and writings/Conference given outside the academic context


Parts of books/Contribution to collective works

  • Gallas, M.-A.* , & Saura Lorente, G. (2023). Expérimentation pédagogique de la gestion de la circularité d’un bâtiment via la maquette numérique. In A. Deboissieu, "BIM computationnel, des données vers l'IA" (pp. 91-108). Paris, Unknown/unspecified: Eyrolles.
  • Brie, D., Gillis, N., & Moussaoui, S. (2023). Non‐negative Matrix Factorization. In Christian Jutten, Leonardo Tomazeli Duarte, ... Saïd Moussaoui, "Source Separation in Physical‐Chemical Sensing". Hoboken, United States: John Wiley & Sons. doi:10.1002/9781119137252.ch3
  • Stragier, V., Dutoit, T., Seddati, O., & Vandenbulcke, V. (2023). Developing an Interactive Agent for Blind and Visually Impaired People. In "IMX '23: ACM International Conference on Interactive Media Experiences". New York, United States - New York: Association for Computing Machinery. doi:10.1145/3573381.3596471

Scientific journals/Article

  • Andre, E., Boulekbache, H., & Gallas, M.-A. (22 December 2023). Durabilité sociale dans les pratiques BIM, enquête sur la communication entre concepteurs et usagers. "Les Cahiers de la Recherche Architecturale, Urbaine et Paysagère, 19/2023". doi:10.4000/craup.13304
  • Nadisic, N., Gillis, N., & Kervazo, C. (11 July 2023). Smoothed Separable Nonnegative Matrix Factorization. "Linear Algebra and its Applications, 676", 174-204. doi:10.1016/j.laa.2023.07.013
    81 Smoothed Separable Nonnegative Matrix Factorization.pdf
  • Lerat, J.-S., Mahmoudi, S., & Mahmoudi, S. (2023). Single Node Deep Learning Frameworks: Comparative study and CPU/GPU performance analysis. "Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience".
  • Rocca, F., Dave, M., Duvivier, V., Van daele, A., Demeuse, M., Derobertmasure, A., Mancas, M., & Gosselin, B. (2023). Designing an Assistance Tool for Analyzing and Modeling Trainer Activity in Professional Training Through Simulation. "Proceedings of ACM International Conference on Interactive Media Experiences (IMX ’23)".
  • Debauche, O., Nkamla Penka, J. B., Hani, M., Guttadauria, A., Ait Abdelouahid, R., Gasmi, K., Ben Hardouz, O., Lebeau, F., Bindelle, J., Soyeurt, H., Gengler, N., Manneback, P., Benjelloun, M., & Bertozzi, C. (June 2023). Towards a Unified Architecture Powering Scalable Learning Models with IoT Data Streams, Blockchain, and Open Data. "Information, 14" (6), 345. doi:10.3390/info14060345
  • Vu thanh, O., Gillis, N., & Lecron, F. (31 May 2023). Bounded Simplex-Structured Matrix Factorization: Algorithms, Identifiability and Applications. "IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 71", 2434-2447. doi:10.1109/TSP.2023.3289704
    80 - Bounded Simplex-Structured Matrix Factorization - Algorithms, Identifiability and Applications.pdf
  • Mahmoudi, S., Amel, O., Stassin, S., Liagre, M., Benkedadra, M., & Mancas, M. (May 2023). A Review and Comparative Study of Explainable Deep Learning Models Applied on Action Recognition in Real Time. "Electronics, 12" (9), 2027. doi:10.3390/electronics12092027
  • Stassin, S., Englebert, A., Nefack, G., Albert, J., Versbraegen, N., Peiffer, G., Doh, M., Riche, N., Frenay, B., & De Vleeschouwer, C. (2023). An Experimental Investigation into the Evaluation of Explainability Methods. "Communications in Computer and Information Science".
  • Hautecoeur, C., De Lathauwer, L., Gillis, N., & Glineur, F. (01 April 2023). Least-squares methods for nonnegative matrix factorization over rational functions. "IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 71", 1712-1724. doi:10.1109/TSP.2023.3260560
    79 Least-squares methods for nonnegative matrix factorization over rational functions.pdf
  • Nel, H. P., Dualibe, F., & Stander, T. (02 March 2023). Influence of PVT Variation and Threshold Selection on OBT and OBIST Fault Detection in RFCMOS Amplifiers. "IEEE Open Journal of Circuits and Systems, 4", 70-84. doi:10.1109/ojcas.2022.3232638
  • Leplat, V., Nesterov, Y., Gillis, N., & Glineur, F. (01 March 2023). Conic-Optimization Based Algorithms for Nonnegative Matrix Factorization. "Optimization Methods and Software, 38" (4), 837-859. doi:10.1080/10556788.2023.2189714
    78 Conic-Optimization Based Algorithms for Nonnegative Matrix Factorization.pdf
  • Hien, L. T. K., Duy Nhat Phan, & Gillis, N. (02 February 2023). An Inertial Block Majorization Minimization Framework for Nonsmooth Nonconvex Optimization. "Journal of Machine Learning Research, 24" (18), 1-41.
    77 TITAN - An Inertial Block Majorization Minimization Framework for Nonsmooth Nonconvex Optimization.pdf
  • Gillis, N., & Rajkó, R. (16 January 2023). Partial Identifiability for Nonnegative Matrix Factorization. "SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, 44" (1), 27-52. doi:10.1137/22M1507553
    76 Partial Identifiability for Nonnegative Matrix Factorization.pdf
  • Laidi, A., Ammar, M., Daho, M., & Mahmoudi, S. (2023). GAN Data Augmentation for Improved Automated Atherosclerosis Screening from Coronary CT Angiography. "EAI Endorsed Transactions on Scalable Information Systems", 173981. doi:10.4108/eai.17-5-2022.173981
    GAN Data Augmentation for Improved Automated Atherosclerosis Screening from Coronary CT Angiography.pdf
  • De handschutter, P., & Gillis, N. (2023). A consistent and flexible framework for deep matrix factorizations. "Pattern Recognition", 109102. doi:10.1016/j.patcog.2022.109102
    74 A consistent and flexible framework for deep matrix factorizations.pdf
  • Gallas, M.-A.* , Saura lorente, G., & Godimus, E. (2023). A Data Workflow Approach for Pedagogical Sensitization to the BIM Concept. "Advances in Science, Technology and Innovation".
  • Doh, M., Rodrigues Mazini, R., Boutry, N., Mancas, M., & Bersini, H. (2023). Bridging Human Concepts and Computer Vision for Explainable Face Verification. "CEUR Workshop Proceedings".
  • Parian-Scherb, M., Uhrig, P., Rossetto, L., Dupont, S., & Schuldt, H. (2023). Gesture retrieval and its application to the study of multimodal communication. "International Journal on Digital Libraries". doi:10.1007/s00799-023-00367-0

Scientific congresses and symposiums/Unpublished conference/Abstract

  • Gallas, M.-A. (14 December 2023). "Formations et certifications BIM UMONS & Campus UCharleroi" [Paper presentation]. Journée BIM Charleroi UO.
  • Gallas, M.-A. (28 November 2023). "Expérimentation pédagogique de la gestion de la circularité d’un bâtiment via la maquette numérique" [Paper presentation]. EDUBIM2023.
    Présentation EDUBIM_2023_GALLAS_SAURA.pdf
  • Rocca, F. (10 January 2023). "ARC Sim'Pro : La technologie au service du formateur" [Paper presentation]. Seminaire INAS.

Scientific congresses and symposiums/Paper published in a book

  • Maiorca, A., Bohy, H., Yoon, Y., & Dutoit, T. (2023). Objective Evaluation Metric for Motion Generative Models: Validating Fréchet Motion Distance on Foot Skating and Over-smoothing Artifacts. In "MIG '23: Proceedings of the 16th ACM SIGGRAPH Conference on Motion, Interaction and Games". New-York, United States - New York: Association for Computing Machinery. doi:10.1145/3623264.3624443
  • BENKEDADRA, M., Mancas, M., & Mahmoudi, S. (2023). Feedback Driven Multi Stereo Vision System for Real-Time Event Analysis. In "IMX '23: Proceedings of the 2023 ACM International Conference on Interactive Media Experiences". ACM. doi:10.1145/3573381.3597220
  • Rahmani, T. A., Belalem, G., & Mahmoudi, S. (2023). RTLB_Sched: Real Time Load Balancing Scheduler for CPU-GPU Heterogeneous Systems. In "International Conference on Smart Computing and Application, ICSCA 2023". Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. doi:10.1109/ICSCA57840.2023.10087604
  • Petrashin, P., Lancioni, W., Laprovitta, A., Dualibe, F., & Castagnola, J. (2023). Effect of Vth shifting in CMOS Transistors under radiation conditions when applying OBT: A case study. In "2023 IEEE 24th Latin American Test Symposium, LATS 2023" (pp. 1-4). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. doi:10.1109/LATS58125.2023.10154481
    Effect of Vth shifting in CMOS Transistors (002).pdf
  • Manjah, D., Cacciarelli, D., Benkedadra, M., Standaert, B., De Hertaing, G. R., Macq, B., Galland, S., & De Vleeschouwer, C. (2023). Stream-Based Active Distillation for Scalable Model Deployment. In "Proceedings - 2023 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops, CVPRW 2023". IEEE Computer Society. doi:10.1109/CVPRW59228.2023.00528
  • Hammoudeh, A. T. A., Ghannam, I., Mubarak, H., Jean, E., Vandenbulcke, V., & Dupont, S. (2023). A Neuro-Symbolic Approach for Marine Vessels Power Prediction Under Distribution Shifts. In "2023 IEEE Jordan International Joint Conference on Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, JEEIT 2023". Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. doi:10.1109/JEEIT58638.2023.10185803
  • Tits, N. (2023). MUST&P-SRL: Multi-lingual and Unified Syllabification in Text and Phonetic Domains for Speech Representation Learning. In "Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing: Industry Track" (pp. 74-82). Association for Computational Linguistics.

Scientific congresses and symposiums/Paper published in a journal

Scientific congresses and symposiums/Paper published on a website

  • Maiorca, A., Ravet, T., & Dutoit, T. (23 November 2023). "Self-Avatar’s Animation in VR: Extending Sparse Motion Features with Cartesian Coordinates in Transformer-based Model" [Paper presentation]. CVG Workshop, BMVC Conference.
  • Zayed, A., Ben Khalifa, K., Belhadj, N., Bedoui, M. H., & Valderrama, C. A. (04 November 2023). "Discrete Wavelet Transform Coefficients for Drowsiness Detection from EEG Signals" [Paper presentation]. IEEE International Conference on Design, Test and Technology of Integrated Systems DTTIS 2023, Gammarth, Tunisia. doi:10.1109/DTTIS59576.2023
  • Zayed, A., Ben Khalifa, K., Belhadj, N., Bedoui, M. H., & Valderrama, C. A. (01 November 2023). "Discrete Wavelet Transform Coefficients for Drowsiness Detection from EEG Signals" [Paper presentation]. 2023 IEEE International Conference on Design, Test and Technology of Integrated Systems (DTTIS), Gammarth, Tunisia. doi:10.1109/dttis59576.2023.10348377
  • Loconte, L., Stefan Mengel, Gillis, N., & Vergari, A. (04 August 2023). "Negative Mixture Models via Squaring" [Paper presentation]. 6th UAI Workshop on Tractable Probabilistic Modeling, Pittsburgh, United States.
    36 Negative Mixture Models via Squaring.pdf
  • Chelkha, M., Ahaitouf, A., & Valderrama, C. A. (30 March 2023). "FPGA-Accelerated Convolutional Neural Network" [Paper presentation]. XI Southern Programmable Logic Conference SPL 2023, San Luis, Argentina. doi:10.1155/2011/714761
  • Tits, N., & Broisson, Z. (2023). "Flowchase: a Mobile Application for Pronunciation Training" [Paper presentation]. 9th Workshop on Speech and Language Technology in Education, Dublin, Ireland.

Reports/Internal report

  • Housiau, A.-C., Collard, A.-S., Barrier, T., Damouche, H., François, C., Hernalesteen, A., Skilbecq, P., & Vermeulen, V. (2023). "Consortium 5 : Formation manuelle, technique, technologique et numérique - Rapport Intermédiaire n°1 - Année 7". (1).
    Rapport intermédiaire 1 C5 année7.docx.pdf

Reports/External report

  • Damouche, H., Housiau, A.-C., Barrier, T., François, C., Hernalesteen, A., Skilbecq, P., & Vermeulen, V. (2023). "Consortium 5 : Formation manuelle, technique, technologique et numérique - Rapport final - Année 7".
    RFinal C5 année 7.pdf
  • Housiau, A.-C., Barrier, T., Damouche, H., Collard, A.-S., Skilbecq, P., Vermeulen, V., François, C., Hernalesteen, A., & Gilbert, F. (2023). "Consortium 5 : Formation manuelle, technique, technologique et numérique - Rapport intermédiaire n°2 - Année 7". (2).
    Rapport intermédiaire 2 C5 année 7.pdf
  • De Lièvre, B., Collard, A.-S., Descamps, S., Marchal, P., Deruwe, O., Hauet, L., De Grove, K., Deghorain, L., Dethise Martinez, S., Dupont, J.-P., & Hernalesteen, A. (2023). "Consortium 8 : Éducation par le numérique - Rapport Intermédiaire n°1 - Année 7". (1).
    Rapport intermédiaire janvier 2023.pdf

E-prints, Working papers and Research blog/Eprint already available on another site

  • Seddati, O., Hubens, N., Dupont, S., & Dutoit, T. (2023). "A Recipe for Efficient SBIR Models: Combining Relative Triplet Loss with Batch Normalization and Knowledge Distillation". ORBi UMONS-University of Mons.
  • Hammoudeh, A. T. A., & Dupont, S. (2023). "Deep learning in medical image registration: introduction and survey". ORBi UMONS-University of Mons.

Diverse speeches and writings/Conference given outside the academic context

  • Simoens, P. (2023). "IA et architecture" [Paper presentation]. Conseil francophone de l'ordre des architectes, Bruxelles, Belgium.
    231013 IA_OA.pdf
  • Simoens, P., & Gallas, M.-A. (2023). "Architecture des données pour une IA créative en architecture" [Paper presentation]. Data Mineurs, Charleroi, Belgium.
    230926 architecture des données pour une IA créative en architecture.pdf
  • Mokhtari, M. E. A., Mancas, M., Vandenbulcke, V., Ennadifi, E., Laraba, S., Tazir, M., & Gosselin, B. (2023). "Efficient Action Recognition for Drones: A Comparative Study of Lightweight and Traditional Models" [Paper presentation]. European Test and Telemetry Conference, Toulouse, France.
  • Benkedadra, M., & Mahmoudi, S. (2023). "InfraSecure : a Danger Detection Solution for Construction Sites" [Paper presentation]. Hannover Messe 2023, Hannover, Germany.

Diverse speeches and writings/Speech/Talk

  • Benkedadra, M., Mahmoudi, S., & Mancas, M. (2023). "MLOps for Edge deployment of a Real Time Danger Detection AI" [Paper presentation]. INFORTECH Day 2023, Mons, Belgium.

Diverse speeches and writings/Communication in media

  • Simoens, P., Gallas, M.-A., Lens, J., & Dumenil, M. (2023). "ChatGPT et architecture". Mons, Belgium: MUMONS.
  • Simoens, P. (2023). "What Makes a building smart". Zaventem, Belgium: Buildwise.

Scientific conferences in universities or research centers/Scientific conference in universities or research centers

  • Finet, A., & El Haddad, K. (10 October 2023). "Trading en intraday : une analyse comportementale" [Paper presentation]. Midi de la Recherche.
  • Mahmoudi, S. (23 June 2023). "Review of DNN optimization and compression methods for Edge AI systems" [Paper presentation]. Trail Seminars, Belgium.
  • Stassin, S., Amel, O., Siebert, X., & Mahmoudi, S. (24 May 2023). "Best Approaches for Customs Fraud Detection" [Paper presentation]. Infortech Day.
  • Andrianandrianina johanesa, T. V., Equeter, L., & Mahmoudi, S. (24 May 2023). "Product Quality Optimization through Production Line Analysis using AI in Industry" [Paper presentation]. Infortech Day, Mons, Belgium.
  • Mahmoudi, S. (18 May 2023). "Edge AI for smart agriculture" [Paper presentation]. Transition digitale : opportunités et défis pour la sécurité alimentaire.
  • Mahmoudi, S. (06 May 2023). "AI and Deep Learning challenges XAI and Edge AI" [Paper presentation]. INDABA x Algeria.
    IndabaxAlgeria_Presentation_Sidi_2023 (1).pdf


Parts of books/Contribution to collective works

  • De Lièvre, B., Temperman, G., & Decamps, S. (2022). A Model for the Integration of Podcasts (Audio or Video) in an E-learning System. In L. Pokrzycka & B. De Lièvre, "Innovating Teaching Methods : e-learning in Poland and Belgium" (pp. 123-139). Lublin, Unknown/unspecified: Maria Curie-Skłodowska University Press.
  • De Lièvre, B., & Pokrzycka, L. (2022). Introduction : e-learning in Poland and in Belgium. In L. Pokrzycka & B. De Lièvre, "Innovating Teaching Methods : e-learning in Poland and Belgium" (pp. 7-10). Lublin, Unknown/unspecified: Maria Curie-Skłodowska University Press.
  • Reboursière, L. (2022). Traitement sonore polyphonique et contrôle gestuel instrumental : retour sur une mise en oeuvre pratique de la guitare hexaphonique. In B. Navarret, M. Battier, P. Bruguière, ... P. Gonin (Eds.), "Quand la guitare [s']électrise!" (pp. 141-178). Paris, Unknown/unspecified: Sorbonne Université Presses.

Scientific journals/Article

  • Laidi, A., Ammar, M., Daho, M. E. H., & Mahmoudi, S. (21 December 2022). Deep Learning Models for Coronary Atherosclerosis Detection in Coronary CT Angiography. "Current Medical Imaging Reviews, 19". doi:10.2174/1573405619666221221092933
    Paper Coronary atherosclerosis.pdf
  • Ohib, R., Gillis, N., Dalmasso, N., Shah, S., Potluru, V. K., & Plis, S. (2022). Explicit Group Sparse Projection with Applications to Deep Learning and NMF. "Transactions on Machine Learning Research".
    75 Explicit Group Sparse Projection with Applications to Deep Learning and NMF.pdf
  • Rahmani, T. A., Daham, F., Belalem, G., & Mahmoudi, S. (2022). HBalancer: A machine learning based load balancer in real time CPU-GPU heterogeneous systems. "2022 International Conference on Innovation and Intelligence for Informatics, Computing, and Technologies (3ICT)". doi:10.1109/3ict56508.2022.9990623
  • Hubens, N., Mancas, M., Gosselin, B., Preda, M., & Zaharia, T. (November 2022). FasterAI: A Lightweight Library for Neural Networks Compression. "Electronics, 11" (22), 3789. doi:10.3390/electronics11223789
  • Hubens, N., Mancas, M., Gosselin, B., Preda, M., & Zaharia, T. (2022). One-Cycle Pruning: Pruning Convnets With Tight Training Budget. "2022 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP)". doi:10.1109/icip46576.2022.9897980
  • Nadisic, N., Cohen, J. E., Vandaele, A., & Gillis, N. (10 October 2022). Matrix-wise ℓ0-constrained Sparse Nonnegative Least Squares. "Machine Learning, 111", 4453-4495. doi:10.1007/s10994-022-06260-2
    72 Matrix-wise L0-constrained Sparse Nonnegative Least Squares.pdf
  • Mokhtari, M. E. A., Vandenbulcke, V., Laraba, S., Mancas, M., Ennadifi, E., Tazir, M., & Gosselin, B. (2022). Semi-synthetic Data for Automatic Drone Shadow Detection. "ESANN".
  • Abdolali, M., & Gillis, N. (2022). Revisiting data augmentation for subspace clustering. "Knowledge-Based Systems", 109974. doi:10.1016/j.knosys.2022.109974
    73 Revisiting data augmentation for subspace clustering.pdf
  • DEBAUCHE, O.* , Nkamla Penka, J. B.* , Mahmoudi, S., Lessave, X., HANI, M., Manneback, P., Kanku Lufuluabu, U., Bert, N., Messaoudi, D., & Guttadauria, A. (07 September 2022). RAMi: A New Real-Time Internet of Medical Things Architecture for Elderly Patient Monitoring. "Information, 13" (9), 423. doi:10.3390/info13090423
  • Abdellatif, A., Mubarak, H., Ahmad, S., Ahmed, T., Shafiullah, M., Hammoudeh, A. T. A., Abdellatef, H., Rahman, M., & Gheni, H. (September 2022). Forecasting Photovoltaic Power Generation with a Stacking Ensemble Model. "Sustainability, 14" (17), 11083. doi:10.3390/su141711083
  • Berrani, S., Yachir, A., Djamaa, B., Mahmoudi, S., & Aissani, M. (September 2022). Towards a new semantic middleware for service description, discovery, selection, and composition in the Internet of Things. "Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies, 33" (9). doi:10.1002/ett.4544
  • Brousmiche, M., Rouat, J., & Dupont, S. (September 2022). Multimodal Attentive Fusion Network for audio-visual event recognition. "Information Fusion, 85", 52 - 59. doi:10.1016/j.inffus.2022.03.001
  • Gillis, N., Le, T. K. H., Leplat, V., & Tan, V. Y. F. (01 August 2022). Distributionally Robust and Multi-Objective Nonnegative Matrix Factorization. "IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 8", 4052-4064. doi:10.1109/TPAMI.2021.3058693
  • Ammar, M., & Mahmoudi, S. (August 2022). A NEW STRATEGY FOR AUTOMATIC BREAST CANCER SEGMENTATION IN MRI IMAGES. "Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology, 22" (6). doi:10.1142/S0219519422500555
  • Hien, L. T. K., Phan, D. N., & GILLIS, N. (19 July 2022). Inertial alternating direction method of multipliers for non-convex non-smooth optimization. "Computational Optimization and Applications, 83", 247-285. doi:10.1007/s10589-022-00394-8
    71 Inertial Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers for Non-Convex Non-Smooth Optimization.pdf
  • Dandrifosse, S.* , Ennadifi, E.* , Carlier, A., Gosselin, B., Dumont, B., & Mercatoris, B. (2022). Deep Learning for Wheat Ear Segmentation and Ear Density Measurement: From Heading to Maturity. "Computers and Electronics in Agriculture".
    Deep learning for wheat ear segmentation and ear density measurement_ From heading to maturity.pdf
  • Lessage, X., Benzaouia, H., Murgo, S., Mahmoudi, S., Mahmoudi, S., & Guessoum, Z. (2022). Deep Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) for lesions localization of in mammograms. "International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery".
    Deep Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) for lesions localization of in mammograms - XavierLessage.pdf
  • Belarbi, M. A., Mahmoudi, S., Belalem, G., Mahmoudi, S., & Cools, A. (June 2022). A New Comparative Study of Dimensionality Reduction Methods in Large-Scale Image Retrieval. "Big Data and Cognitive Computing, 6" (2), 54. doi:10.3390/bdcc6020054
  • Belgacem, A., Mahmoudi, S., & Kihl, M. (June 2022). Intelligent multi-agent reinforcement learning model for resources allocation in cloud computing. "Journal of King Saud University - Computer and Information Sciences, 34" (6), 2391 - 2404. doi:10.1016/j.jksuci.2022.03.016
    Intelligent multi-agent reinforcement learning model for resources allocation in cloud computing.pdf
  • Kong, P., Mancas, M., Gosselin, B., & Po, K. (June 2022). DeepRare: Generic Unsupervised Visual Attention Models. "Electronics, 11" (11), 1696. doi:10.3390/electronics11111696
  • Delvigne, V., Wannous, H., Dutoit, T., Ris, L., & Vandeborre, J.-P. (22 May 2022). PhyDAA: Physiological Dataset Assessing Attention. "IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 32".
  • Lerat, J.-S., Mahmoudi, S., & Mahmoudi, S. (2022). Distributed Deep Learning: From Single-Node to Multi-Node Architecture. "Electronics". doi:10.3390/electronics11101525
  • Messadi, M., Mahmoudi, S., & Bessaid, A. (May 2022). ANALYSIS OF SPECIFIC PARAMETERS FOR SKIN TUMOR CLASSIFICATION. "Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology, 22" (4). doi:10.1142/S0219519422500178
  • Abidi, A., Ben Khalifa, K., Ben Cheikh, R., Valderrama, C. A., & Hedi Bedoui, M. (2022). Automatic detection of drowsiness in EEG records based on machine learning approaches. "Neural Processing Letters".
  • Simoens, P. (2022). Lorsque la Covid révèle un nouveau potentiel habité, durable et numérique. "Les Echos du logements".
  • Tadrist, N., Mahmoudi, S., Debauche, O., & Guttadauria, A. (2022). Towards Low-Cost IoT and LPWAN-Based Flood Forecast and Monitoring System. "International Journal of Ubiquitous Systems and Pervasive Networks". doi:10.5383/JUSPN.17.01.006
  • Baghel, M. K., Gillis, N., & Sharma, P. (07 April 2022). On the non-symmetric semidefinite Procrustes problem. "Linear Algebra and its Applications, 648", 133-159. doi:10.1016/j.laa.2022.04.001
  • Raneri, S., Lecron, F., Hermans, J., & Fouss, F. (2022). Predictions through Lean startup? Harnessing AI-based predictions under uncertainty. "International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research".
  • Nkamla Penka, J. B., Mahmoudi, S., & Debauche, O. (2022). An Optimized Kappa Architecture for IoT Data Management in Smart Farming. "International Journal of Ubiquitous Systems and Pervasive Networks". doi:10.5383/JUSPN.17.02.002
  • Leplat, V., Gillis, N., & Févotte, C. (01 April 2022). Multi-Resolution Beta-Divergence NMF for Blind Spectral Unmixing. "Signal Processing, 193".
  • Delvigne, V., Tits, N., La Fisca, L., Hubens, N., Maiorca, A., Wannous, H., Dutoit, T., & Vandeborre, J.-P. (March 2022). Where Is My Mind (Looking at)? A Study of the EEG–Visual Attention Relationship. "Informatics, 9" (1), 26. doi:10.3390/informatics9010026
  • Ramos Gomes Da Silva, V., Braulio, A., Valderrama, C., Manneback, P., & De Souza, S. X. (23 February 2022). A Minimally Intrusive Approach for Automatic Assessment of Parallel Performance Scalability of Shared-Memory HPC Applications. "Electronics, 11" (5).
  • Ramos Gomes Da Silva, V., Valderrama, C., Manneback, P., & De Souza, S. X. (2022). Analytical Energy Model Parametrized by Workload, Clock Frequency and Number of Active Cores for Share-Memory High-Performance Computing Applications. "Energies".
  • Le, T. K. H., Phan, D. N., Gillis, N., Ahookhosh, M., & Patrinos, P. (13 January 2022). Block Alternating Bregman Majorization Minimization with Extrapolation. "SIAM Journal on Mathematics of Data Science, 4" (1), 1-25.
  • Hammoudeh, A. T. A., Vanderplaetse, B., & Dupont, S. (2022). Soccer captioning: dataset, transformer-based model, and triple-level evaluation. "Procedia Computer Science, 210" (C), 104-111. doi:10.1016/j.procs.2022.10.125
  • Berrani, S., Yachir, A., Mahmoudi, S., Badis, D., & Aissani, M. (01 January 2022). Towards a New Semantic Model for Service-Based IoT Applications. "Journal of Information Science and Engineering, 38" (1), 83-100.
  • Mubarak, H., Hammoudeh, A. T. A., Ahmad, S., Abdellatif, A., Mekhilef, S., Mokhlis, H., & Dupont, S. (2022). A hybrid machine learning method with explicit time encoding for improved Malaysian photovoltaic power prediction. "Journal of Cleaner Production", 134979. doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2022.134979
    A hybrid machine learning method with explicit time encoding for improved Malaysian photovoltaic power prediction _ Elsevier Enhanced Reader.pdf
  • Hammoudeh, A. T. A., & Dupont, S. (2022). The prediction of residential building consumption using profiling and time encoding. "Procedia Computer Science, 210" (C), 7-11. doi:10.1016/j.procs.2022.10.113
  • El Amine Lazouni, M., Messadi, M., Feroui, A., & Mahmoudi, S. (2022). EARLY KERATOCONUS DISEASE DETECTION USING ORBSCAN II CORNEAL TOPOGRAPHY. "Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology, 23" (1). doi:10.1142/S021951942350001X
    Early Keratoconus Disease Detection Using Orbscan II Corneal Topography.pdf
  • Nedjar, I., Chikh, M. A., & Mahmoudi, S. (2022). A topological approach for mammographic density classification using a modified synthetic minority over-sampling technique algorithm. "International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Technology, 38" (2), 193. doi:10.1504/ijbet.2022.10045038
  • Mahmoudi, S., & Belarbi, M. A. (2022). Large Scale Multimedia Management: Recent Challenges. "Information, 13" (1), 28. doi:10.3390/info13010028
    information-13-00028 - Said Mahmoudi.pdf
  • Chakraborty, C., Diván, M. J., & Mahmoudi, S. (2022). Multimedia medical data-driven decision making. "Multimedia Tools and Applications, 81" (29), 41781 - 41783. doi:10.1007/s11042-022-14201-3
    Springer - MTAP - Said Mahmoudi.pdf

Books/Collective work published as editor or director

  • Chinmay Chakraborty, Mario José Diván, & Mahmoudi, S. (Eds.). (2022). "Special Issue - Journal : Multimedia Tools and Applications - Multimedia medical data-driven decision making". Springer.

Scientific congresses and symposiums/Unpublished conference/Abstract

  • De Lièvre, B., Housni, S., Boumazguida, K., Temperman, G., & Kumps, A. (16 December 2022). "Comment rendre actif l'apprenant à distance ?" [Paper presentation]. Colloque International, Oujda, Morocco.
  • Khoury, L.* , & Simoens, P. (25 November 2022). "Le croisement du numérique avec la gouvernance, vers une résilience urbaine ou amplification de vulnérabilités d'une ville (intelligente) ?" [Paper presentation]. Résilience et territoires, journée des doctorants, Poitiers, France.
  • Simoens, P., & Rey, L. (18 November 2022). "Analyse des processus d'acceptation de divulgation des données, un cas à Bruxelles TIVOLI" [Paper presentation]. UTLaConf : L'interdisciplinarité au service des environnements intelligents, Montpellier, France.
    220929_analyse_des_processus_d'acceptation_de_divulgation_des_données_un cas_a_bxl_TIVOLI.pdf
  • De Lièvre, B., Housni, S., Boumazguida, K., Kumps, A., & Temperman, G. (09 November 2022). "Formation à distance et pédagogie active" [Paper presentation]. 14ème rencontres de la e-formation, Aix-en-Provence, France.
  • De Lièvre, B., & Temperman, G. (08 November 2022). "Tout numérique : et l’humain dans tout ça ? Quelles sont les limites de la formation pour adultes?" [Paper presentation]. Colloque EPALE, Bruxelles, Belgium.
    Capture d’écran 2023-01-13 à 13.04.32.png
  • Mahmoudi, S. (19 October 2022). "Explainable Artificial Intelligence “XAI”" [Paper presentation]. Industry meets Universities BIR&D, BRUXELLES, Belgium.
  • Mahmoudi, S. (19 October 2022). "CLEO : Computer-aided Low-dose Estimation of Osteoarticular Diseases" [Paper presentation]. Industry meets Universities BIR&D, Bruxelles, Belgium.
  • De Lièvre, B., Temperman, G., Boumazguida, K., Kumps, A., Housni, S., & Dragone, L. (04 October 2022). "L'innovation à l'ère du numérique" [Paper presentation]. Colloque International, Mons, Belgium.
  • Amel, O., Mahmoudi, S., & Siebert, X. (28 July 2022). "Multimodal learning for customs fraud detection and action recognition" [Paper presentation]. Deeplearn summer school 2022.
  • Mahmoudi, S. (June 2022). "Webinaire sur les opportunités de coopération en intelligence artificielle : Formations IA à l'UMONS" [Paper presentation]. Webinaire sur les opportunités de coopération en intelligence artificielle, Berne, Switzerland.
  • Gallas, M.-A., Saura lorente, G., & Godimus, E. (25 May 2022). "A Data Workflow Approach for Pedagogical Sensitization to the BIM Concept" [Paper presentation]. Formal Methods in Architecture, A Coruña, Spain.
    Présentation 6FMA.pdf
  • Delvigne, V. (12 May 2022). "Towards the use of self-supervised learning for EEG analysis" [Paper presentation]. Signal and Image Processing in Neuroscience Meeting, Paris, France.
  • Mahmoudi, S. (02 February 2022). "Edge AI & Deep Learning" [Paper presentation]. Kick-off TRAIL/WP4, Mons, Belgium.

Scientific congresses and symposiums/Paper published in a book

  • Bohy, H., El Haddad, K., & Dutoit, T. (2022). A New Perspective on Smiling and Laughter Detection: Intensity Levels Matter. In "2022 10th International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction, ACII 2022". Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. doi:10.1109/ACII55700.2022.9953896
  • Simoens, P. (2022). The use of social Networks as a tool for architectural and urban design. In I. Cabrera i Fausto, E. Fenollosa Forner, A. Mas Tomas, L. Bosch Roig, C. F. Ribera, S. I. Abad, A. L. Ponce, M. T. P. Figueres, A. P. Mananos, ... J. Lluch, "3rd Vibrach : Changing Priorities" (pp. 198-194). Valencia, Spain: Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. doi:10.4995/VIBRArch2022.2022.16860
    abstract_PS_VIBRACH_the use of social networks as a tool for architectural and urban design.pdf
  • Seddati, O., Dupont, S., Mahmoudi, S., & Dutoit, T. (2022). Towards Human Performance on Sketch-Based Image Retrieval. In "Proceedings of 19th International Conference on Content-based Multimedia Indexing, CBMI 2022". Association for Computing Machinery. doi:10.1145/3549555.3549582
    cbmi2022-18 (1).pdf
  • Doukha, R., Mahmoudi, S., Mostapha Zbakh, & Manneback, P. (2022). A comparative analysis of Convolution Neural Network models on Amazon Cloud Service. In Yu-Dong Zhang, "AIIPCC 2022". VDE VERLAG.
    A comparative analysis of Convolution Neural Network models on Amazon Cloud Service.pdf
  • Hubens, N., Mancas, M., Gosselin, B., Preda, M., & Zaharia, T. (2022). Improve Convolutional Neural Network Pruning by Maximizing Filter Variety. In S. Sclaroff (Ed.), "Image Analysis and Processing – ICIAP 2022 - 21st International Conference, 2022, Proceedings". Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-06427-2_32
  • Siv, R., Mancas, M., Gosselin, B., Valy, D., & Sreng, S. (2022). People Tracking and Re-Identifying in Distributed Contexts: Extension Study of PoseTReID. In M. Facta (Ed.), "Proceedings - 9th International Conference on Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Informatics, EECSI 2022". Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. doi:10.23919/EECSI56542.2022.9946587

Scientific congresses and symposiums/Paper published in a journal

  • Lessage, X., Michal, N., Mahmoudi, S., Lilian, M., Debauche, O., & Mahmoudi, S. (2022). A new coronary artery stenosis detection method with a Hybrid LSTM-CNN model. "Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems".
  • Andre, E.* , Boulekbache, H., & Gallas, M.-A. (12 October 2022). Durabilité sociale des processus BIM pour les concepteurs : focus sur les méthodes d’apprentissage dans les écoles d’architecture. "SHS Web of Conferences, 147", 08002. doi:10.1051/shsconf/202214708002
  • Ennadifi, E., Dandrifosse, S., Mokhtari, M. E. A., Carlier, A., Laraba, S., Mercatoris, B., & Gosselin, B. (2022). Local Unsupervised Wheat Head Segmentation. "ICCP 2022".
    ICCP 2022.pdf
  • Dandrifosse, S., Ennadifi, E., Carlier, A., Gosselin, B., Dumont, B., & Mercatoris, B. (2022). Effect of the sun on the measurement of wheat ear density by deep learning. "The 15th International Conference on Precision Agriculture".
  • Bohy, H., Hammoudeh, A. T. A., Maiorca, A., Dupont, S., & Dutoit, T. (2022). Analysis of Co-Laughter Gesture Relationship on RGB videos in Dyadic Conversation Context. "Proceedings of LREC".
  • Abdolali, M., & Gillis, N. (2022). Subspace Clustering Using Unsupervised Data Augmentation. "IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing. Proceedings". doi:10.1109/ICASSP43922.2022.9746944
  • Vu Thanh, O., Gillis, N., & Lecron, F. (2022). Bounded Simplex-Structured Matrix Factorization. "IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing. Proceedings". doi:10.1109/ICASSP43922.2022.9747124
  • Maiorca, A., Hubens, N., Laraba, S., & Dutoit, T. (2022). Towards Lightweight Neural Animation : Exploration of Neural Network Pruning in Mixture of Experts-based Animation Models. "Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP)". doi:10.5220/0010908700003124
  • Hammoudeh, A. T. A., Maiorca, A., Dupont, S., & Dutoit, T. (2022). Are there any Body-movement Differences between Women and Men when they Laugh? "Proceedings of LREC".

Scientific congresses and symposiums/Poster

  • Rocca, F. (September 2022). "ARC-Sim’Pro : analyse et modélisation des comportements lors de formations : Présentations des outils utilisés dans le projet" [Poster presentation]. Mardi des chercheurs 2022, Mons, Belgium.
  • Amel, O., Mahmoudi, S., Siebert, X., & Hadjila fethallah. (24 August 2022). "Multimodal learning for action recognition and customs fraud detection" [Poster presentation]. deep learning indaba 2022, Tunis, Tunisia.
  • Petrashin, P., Dualibe, F., Lancioni, W., Laprovita, A., & Castagnola, J. L. (18 August 2022). "A simple Low Voltage, Temperature Compensated MOSFET Dosimeter for Embedded Applications" [Poster presentation]. Congreso Argentino de Sistemas Embebidos, CASE 2022, Córdoba, Argentina.
  • Maiorca, A., Yoon, Y., & Dutoit, T. (25 July 2022). "Evaluating the Quality of a Synthesized Motion with the Fréchet Motion Distance" [Poster presentation]. ACM SIGGRAPH 2022 Posters, Vancouver, Can. doi:10.1145/3532719.3543228
  • Hammoudeh, A. T. A., Vanderplaetse, B., & Dupont, S. (30 March 2022). "Deep soccer captioning with transformer" [Poster presentation]. Infortech' Day, Mons, Belgium.
  • Benkedadra, M., Mahmoudi, S., & Mancas, M. (30 March 2022). "Real time, Explainable, and Edge Deployable AI for Securing Public Environments and Construction Sites" [Poster presentation]. INFORTECH Day, Mons, Belgium.

Scientific congresses and symposiums/Paper published on a website

  • Vu thanh, O., Nadisic, N., & Gillis, N. (05 September 2022). "Randomized Successive Projection Algorithm" [Paper presentation]. Colloque GRETSI.
    28 Randomized Successive Projection Algorithm.pdf
  • Hammoudeh, A. T. A., & Dupont, S. (19 June 2022). "How does explicit orientation encoding affect image classification of ConvNets?" [Paper presentation]. CVPR 2022 workshop: Neurovision.
  • Reboursière, L., Tiffon, V., & Dutoit, T. (07 June 2022). "Guitar Improvisations with Hexaphonic Multieffect (Gihme) Dataset and Practice Analysis" [Paper presentation]. Sound and Music Computing Conference 2022. doi:10.5281/zenodo.6573697
  • Zayed, A., Belhadj, N., Ben Khalifa, K., Bedoui, M. H., & Valderrama, C. A. (2022). "Compatibility of video compression standards with Driver Drowsiness Detection acquisition systems: HEVC and VVC comparative study" [Paper presentation]. Applications Médicales de l'Informatique:Nouvelles Approches AMINA 2022, Monastir, Tunisia.

Reports/Internal report

  • DENIS, P., Facchin, F., MEURISSE, E., & Dualibe, F. (2022). "Analog Electronics 2022 Project : Battery Charger".
  • Collard, A.-S., Housiau, A.-C., Barrier, T., Damouche, H., Decamps, S., François, C., Gérard, P., Hernalesteen, A., Legrain, E., Orange, C., Skilbecq, P., Van Reijsen, A., & Vermeulen, V. (2022). "Consortium 5 : Formation manuelle, technique, technologique et numérique - Rapport final - Année 6". (3).
    C5 - RFinal Aout 2022.docx.pdf
  • De Lièvre, B., Collard, A.-S., Descamps, S., Marchal, P., Vandenplas, G., De Grove, K., Deghorain, L., Delforge, C., Dupont Jean-Philippe, & Hernalesteen, A. (2022). "Consortium 8 : Éducation par le numérique - Rapport Intermédiaire n°2 - Année 6". (2).
    Rapport intermédiaire - C8 - 15 Juin 2022 (1)[32491].pdf
  • Collard, A.-S., Housiau, A.-C., Barrier, T., Damouche, H., Decamps, S., François, C., Gérard, P., Hernalesteen, A., Legrain, E., Orange, C., Skilbecq, P., Van Reijsen, A., & Vermeulen, V. (2022). "Consortium 5 : Formation manuelle, technique, technologique et numérique - Rapport intermédiaire n°1 - Année 6". (1).
    RI-1 C5 année6.pdf
  • Collard, A.-S., Housiau, A.-C., Barrier, T., Damouche, H., Decamps, S., François, C., Gérard, P., Hernalesteen, A., Legrain, E., Orange, C., Skilbecq, P., Van Reijsen, A., & Vermeulen, V. (2022). "Consortium 5 : Formation manuelle, technique, technologique et numérique - Rapport Intermédiaire n°2 - Année 6". (2).
    RI-2 C5 année6.docx.pdf
  • Denis, P., DELPIRE, B., F ACCHIN, F., P OTTIEZ, G., & Dualibe, F. (2022). "Projet de Dispositifs et technologies électroniques : Analyse d'n amplificateur CMOS basé sur le CD4007".
  • Denis, P., LIEGEOIS, L., Quenon, A., Daubie, E., & Dualibe, F. (2022). "Développement d’un dosimètre à MOS- FET pour applications de radiothérapie à partir du circuit intégré commercial CD4007".

Reports/External report

  • De Lièvre, B., Collard, A.-S., Descamps, S., Marchal, P., Vandenplas, G., De Grove, K., Deghorain, L., Delforge, C., Dupont, J.-P., & Hernalesteen, A. (2022). "Consortium 8 : Éducation par le numérique - Rapport final - Année 6".
    Rapport final- C8 - 31 Août 2022 (2).pdf

Dissertations and theses/Doctoral thesis

  • Debauche, O. (2022). "Architecture cloud distribuée orientée services, dédiée à l’Internet des objets" [Doctoral thesis, UMONS - Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons.
    Thèse Olivier DEBAUCHE Finale.pdf

Computer developments/Textual, factual or bibliographical database

  • Dandrifosse, S., Ennadifi, E., Carlier, A., Gosselin, B., Dumont, B., & Mercatoris, B. (2022). "Contrasted-Fertilization Wheat Ear Dataset 2020". doi:10.5281/zenodo.5709821

E-prints, Working papers and Research blog/Eprint first made available on ORBi

  • Seddati, O., Dupont, S., Mahmoudi, S., & Dutoit, T. (2022). "Transformers and CNNs both Beat Humans on SBIR". ORBi UMONS-University of Mons. doi:10.48550/arXiv.2209.06629

Diverse speeches and writings/Conference given outside the academic context

  • Simoens, P. (2022). "DE LIEBNITZ A STEVE JOBS : HISTOIRE COMPAREE DE L'INFORMATIQUE AVEC LA VILLE" [Paper presentation]. les conférences de la bibliothèque Alfred Langlois, Charleroi, Belgium.
  • Simoens, P. (2022). "Smart Cities et low tech : Est-ce vraiment compatible?" [Paper presentation]. Débat bar (Printemps), Bruxelles, Belgium.
  • Colin, I., Kinet, J., Seiller, L., Devigne, L., Dridelli, A., Descamps, S.* , Siquet, E., & Kaison, P. (2022). "Le Moulin, un outil méthodologique pour aborder le complotisme" [Paper presentation]. CYCLE DE WEBINAIRES – Un vent neuf souffle sur la Recherche en didactique, Liège, Belgium.
    Webinaire moulin 10.05.2022.pdf
  • Simoens, P. (2022). "La ville intelligente aujourd'hui : du top-down au Bottom-up" [Paper presentation]. Mois de l'archietcture, Fleurus, Belgium.

Diverse speeches and writings/Speech/Talk

  • Dupont, N. (2022). "Les scientifiques UMONS face au changement climatique" [Paper presentation]. Séance solennelle de Rentrée Académique de l’Université de Mons, Mons, Belgium.

Diverse speeches and writings/Communication in media

  • Simoens, P., & Pététin Claire. (2022). "Prisme(s) : Métaverse, nouvel eldorado pour l’architecture ?" Paris, France: Reed Expositions France.

Diverse speeches and writings/Other

Scientific conferences in universities or research centers/Scientific conference in universities or research centers

  • Cools, A., & Mahmoudi, S. (30 March 2022). "Reduction of dimension applied to convolutional neural networks applied for content-based image retrieval engines" [Paper presentation]. Infortech Day, Mons, Belgium.
  • Simoens, P. (18 March 2022). "Smart Cities? Do it Yourself !" [Paper presentation]. Hackathon Citizen of wallonia, Charleroi, Belgium.
    CitOfWall2022 - PS smart cities.pdf


Scientific journals/Book review

Parts of books/Contribution to collective works

  • Mahmoudi, S., Stassin, S., Daho, M. E. H., Lessage, X., & Mahmoudi, S. (2021). Explainable Deep Learning for Covid-19 Detection Using Chest X-ray and CT-Scan Images. In "Intelligent Healthcare Informatics for Fighting the COVID-19 and Other Pandemics and Epidemics" (pp. 323-338). Springer.
  • Debauche, O., Mahmoudi, S., Mahmoudi, S., & Manneback, P. (2021). A new Collaborative Platform for Covid-19, Benchmark Datasets. In "Intelligent Healthcare Informatics for Fighting the COVID-19 and Other Pandemics and Epidemics". Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-72752-9_12
  • Lessage, X., Mahmoudi, S., Mahmoudi, S., Laraba, S., Debauche, O., & Belarbi, M. A. (2021). Chest X-ray images analysis with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) for COVID-19 detection. In "Intelligent Healthcare Informatics for Fighting the COVID-19 and Other Pandemics and Epidemics" (pp. 405-425). Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-72752-9_21

Scientific journals/Article

Books/Book published as author, translator, etc.

Scientific congresses and symposiums/Unpublished conference/Abstract

  • Seddiki, C. (01 December 2021). "Postcolonial industrial heritage in north Africa: The case of the city of Casablanca, Morocco" [Paper presentation]. Structural Studies and Repairs of Modern and Historical Constructions, London, United Kingdom.
  • Hubens, N., Mancas, M., Gosselin, B., Preda, M., & Zaharia, T. (25 November 2021). "Introduction to Compression Techniques for Lighter Neural Networks" [Paper presentation]. Workshop Energy4Climate, Paris, France.
  • Delfosse, C. (01 October 2021). "TRAIL doctoral school: thesis presentation" [Paper presentation]. TRAIL doctoral school, Brussels, Belgium.
  • Simoens, P. (09 June 2021). "De la cartographie à la maquette numérique de territoire : Un outil d’aide à la décision à travers le temps et enjeux" [Paper presentation]. Séminaire Smart Gouvernance, Mons, Belgium.
  • Seddiki, C. (28 May 2021). "Postcolonial industrial heritage in north Africa : Investigations and insights into the city of Casablanca, Morocco" [Paper presentation]. 17th International Conference on Studies, Repairs and Maintenance of Heritage Architecture, Online, Unknown/unspecified.
  • Seddiki, C., & BOULEKBACHE, H. (26 May 2021). "La MEDIATECTURE, UN OUTIL EXPERIENTIEL POUR LA RESILIENCE PATRIMONIALE" [Paper presentation]. Forum International Al Mi'mar 6, Marrakech, Morocco.
  • Delcroix, V., Sihag, G., Grislin-Le Strugeon, E., Siebert, X., Piechowiak, S., & Puisieux, F. (25 May 2021). "Prédiction des facteurs de risque de chute chez les personnes âgées à partir d'observations partielles à l'aide d'un réseau bayésien" [Paper presentation]. Colloque francophone chute de la personne âgée, Valenciennes, France.
  • Seddiki, C. (11 May 2021). "EXPERIENCE DU CLIL CAS D'ETUDE: CARE-LAB" (Seddiki, C., Trans.) [Paper presentation]. UMONS WORKSHOP ON CLIL & IINTERNATIONALISATION, USJ, Beyrouth, Lebanon.
  • Coppens, A. (22 March 2021). "Architecture et Réalité Virtuelle" [Paper presentation]. Les doctorants prennent le pouvoir, Mons, Belgium.
  • Seddiki, C. (05 March 2021). "Internationalisation durable : Interdisciplinarité et transdisciplinarité. Étude de cas : CARE-LAB" (Seddiki, C., Trans.) [Paper presentation]. 3rd UFCSPA Symposium of Internationalization, Porto Alegre, Brazil.

Scientific congresses and symposiums/Paper published in a book

  • Coppens, A., Mens, T., & Gallas, M.-A. (2021). Integrating Virtual Reality During the Architectural Design Process: a Survey to Identify Practitioner Needs. In "Proc. of the Conference CIB W78 2021, 11-15 October 2021, Luxembourg". Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST).
  • Le vaillant, G., Dutoit, T., & Dekeyser, S. (2021). Improving Synthesizer Programming From Variational Autoencoders Latent Space. In "Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Digital Audio Effects, DAFx 2021". Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. doi:10.23919/DAFx51585.2021.9768218
  • Belabed, T., Quenon, A., Ramos Gomes Da Silva, V., Valderrama, C., & SOUANI, C. (2021). Full Python Interface Control: Auto Generation And Adaptation of Deep Neural Networks For Edge Computing and IoT Applications FPGA-Based Acceleration. In "Proceedings of 2021 International Conference on INnovations in Intelligent SysTems and Applications (INISTA)". IEEE. doi:10.1109/INISTA52262.2021.9548521

Scientific congresses and symposiums/Paper published in a journal

  • Sihag, G., Delcroix, V., Grislin-Le Strugeon, E., Siebert, X., & Piechowiak, S. (2021). "Temporal Data Simulation based on a real data set for fall prevention" [Paper presentation]. 10èmes Journées Francophones sur les Réseaux Bayésiens et les Modèles Graphiques Probabilistes, Porquerolles, France.
  • Belgacem, A., Beghdad-Bey, K., & Mahmoudi, S. (2021). "New virtual machine placement approach based on the micro genetic algorithm in cloud computing" [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Future Internet of Things and Cloud, Rome, Italy.
  • Hubens, N., Mancas, M., Gosselin, B., Preda, M., & Zaharia, T. (2021). "One-Cycle Pruning: Pruning ConvNets Under a Tight Training Budget" [Paper presentation]. Sparsity in Neural Networks: Advancing Understanding and Practice, Remote, NULL.
  • Gobert, M., Gmys, J., Melab, N., & Tuyttens, D. (2021). "Space Partitioning with multiple models for Parallel Bayesian Optimization" [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Optimization and Learning Algorithm, Sicilia (virtual), Italy.
  • Nadisic, N., Vandaele, A., Gillis, N., & Cohen, J. E. (2021). Exact biobjective k-sparse nonnegative least squares. "European Signal Processing Conference". doi:10.23919/EUSIPCO54536.2021.9616202
  • De Handschutter, P., & Gillis, N. (2021). Deep orthogonal matrix factorization as a hierarchical clustering technique. "European Signal Processing Conference". doi:10.23919/EUSIPCO54536.2021.9615998
  • Vu Thanh, O., Ang, M. S., Gillis, N., & Le, T. K. H. (2021). Inertial Majorization-Minimization Algorithm for Minimum-Volume NMF. "European Signal Processing Conference". doi:10.23919/EUSIPCO54536.2021.9616152
  • Ang, M. S., Leplat, V., & Gillis, N. (2021). Fast algorithm for complex-NMF with application to source separation. "European Signal Processing Conference". doi:10.23919/EUSIPCO54536.2021.9616335
  • Ohib, R., Gillis, N., Shah, S., Potluru, V., & Plis, S. (2021). Grouped Sparse Projection for Deep Learning. "International Conference on Learning Representations".
  • Ang, M. S., Gillis, N., Vandaele, A., & De Sterck, H. (2021). Nonnegative Unimodal Matrix Factorization. "IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing. Proceedings". doi:10.1109/ICASSP39728.2021.9414631

Scientific congresses and symposiums/Poster

  • Stragier, V., Vanabelle, P., & El Tahry, R. (04 December 2021). "Epileptic Seizure Detection on TUSZ: Statistics and Channel-wise Approach" [Poster presentation]. The 2021 IEEE Signal Processing in Medicine and Biology Symposium, Online, United States.
  • Andre, E., Gallas, M.-A., & BOULEKBACHE, H. (30 March 2021). "Stratégie d'acteurs autour du BIM et du Développement durable" [Poster presentation]. Mardi des Chercheurs, Mons, Belgium.
  • Rocca, F. (30 March 2021). "Codobot : le robot ludique qui aide les enfants à l'apprentissage des concepts de base en programmation" [Poster presentation]. Mardi des Chercheurs 2021, Valenciennes, France.

Scientific congresses and symposiums/Paper published on a website

  • Quenon, A., & Ramos Gomes Da Silva, V. (15 April 2021). "Towards Higher-Level Synthesis and Co-design with Python" [Paper presentation]. Workshop on Languages, Tools, and Techniques for Accelerator Design.

Dissertations and theses/Doctoral thesis

  • Reboursière, L. (2021). "Organologie, généalogie et pratique de la guitare hexaphonique : du traitement individuel des cordes aucontrôle gestuel instrumental" [Doctoral thesis, UMONS - Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons.

Diverse speeches and writings/Communication in media

  • Simoens, P. (2021). "Ghost in the Shell, Podcast sciences, Arts et curiosités, saison 2, episode 26". Mons, Belgium: MuMons.

Diverse speeches and writings/Other

  • Rocca, F., Nihoul, B., Blanckaert, A., Ceccotti, L., Dibattista, L., Ponsard, C., & Feron, T. (2021). "Être un facilitateur efficace : Qu'est-ce qu'un bon facilitateur ? Son rôle a-t-il évolué suite à la pandémie de 2019 ? La distance et le travail de co-innovation en ligne ont-ils eu un impact sur sa façon de travailler ?"


Parts of books/Contribution to collective works

  • Tits, N., El Haddad, K., & Dutoit, T. (2020). The Theory behind Controllable Expressive Speech Synthesis: a Cross-disciplinary Approach. In "Human 4.0 - From Biology to Cybernetic". IntechOpen. doi:10.5772/intechopen.89849
  • Beebe, J., & Hammoudeh, A. T. A. (2020). Standard Elevator Information Schema: Its Origins, Features and Example Applications. In "Smart Cities - Their Framework and Applications". IntechOpen.

Scientific journals/Article

  • Mahmoudi, S., Belarbi, M. A., Mahmoudi, S., Belalem, G., & Manneback, P. (21 December 2020). Multimedia processing using deep learning technologies, highperformance computing cloud resources, and Big Data volumes. "Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 32" (17).
  • Nolack Fote, F., Roukh, A., Mahmoudi, S., Mahmoudi, S., & Debauche, O. (2020). Toward a Big Data Knowledge-Base Management System for Precision Livestock Farming. "Procedia Computer Science".
  • Debauche, O., Mahmoudi, S., De Cock, N., Mahmoudi, S., Manneback, P., & Lebeau, F. (15 November 2020). Cloud Architecture For Plant Phenotyping Research. "Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 32" (17). doi:10.1002/cpe.5661
  • El Moulat, M., Debauche, O., Mahmoudi, S., Mahmoudi, S., Manneback, P., & Lebeau, F. (12 November 2020). Edge Computing and Artificial Intelligence for Landslides Monitoring. "Procedia Computer Science, 177", 480-487. doi:10.1016/j.procs.2020.10.066
  • Roukh, A., Nolack Fote, F., Mahmoudi, S., & Mahmoudi, S. (2020). Big Data Processing Architecture for Smart Farming. "Procedia Computer Science". doi:10.1016/j.procs.2020.10.014
  • Debauche, O., Mahmoudi, S., Mahmoudi, S., & Manneback, P. (02 November 2020). A new Collaborative Platform for Research in Smart Farming. "Procedia Computer Science, 177", 450-455. doi:10.1016/j.procs.2020.10.061
  • Ghazli, K., Gillis, N., & Moulaï, M. (2020). Optimizing over the properly efficient set of convex multi-objective optimization problems. "Annals of Operations Research". doi:10.1007/s10479-020-03820-4
  • Fu, X., Vervliet, N., De Lathauwer, L., Huang, K., & Gillis, N. (10 September 2020). Nonconvex Optimization Tools for Large-Scale Matrix and Tensor Decomposition with Structured Factors. "IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, 37" (5), 78-94.
  • Khouani, A., Daho, M. E. H., Mahmoudi, S., Chikh, M. A., & Benzineb, B. (2020). Automated recognition of white blood cells using deep learning. "Biomedical Engineering Letters".
  • Debauche, O., Mahmoudi, S., Mahmoudi, S., Manneback, P., & Lebeau, F. (12 August 2020). Edge AI-IoT (AIoT) Architecture. "Procedia Computer Science, 175", 10-19. doi:10.1016/j.procs.2020.07.006
  • Debauche, O., Mahmoudi, S., Mahmoudi, S., Manneback, P., Bindelle, J., & Lebeau, F. (12 August 2020). Edge Computing and Artificial Intelligence for Real-time Poultry Monitoring. "Procedia Computer Science, 175", 534-541. doi:10.1016/j.procs.2020.07.076
  • Debauche, O., Mahmoudi, S., Mahmoudi, S., Manneback, P., & Lebeau, F. (12 August 2020). Edge Computing and Artificial Intelligence Semantically Driven. Application to a Climatic Enclosure. "Procedia Computer Science, 175", 542-547. doi:10.1016/j.procs.2020.07.077
  • Debauche, O., Mahmoudi, S., Mahmoudi, S., El Moulat, M., Manneback, P., & Lebeau, F. (02 July 2020). Edge AI-IoT Pivot Irrigation, Plant Diseases and Pests Identification. "Procedia Computer Science, 177". doi:10.1016/j.procs.2020.10.009
  • Lessage, X., Nedoszytko, M., Piussi, C., Mahmoudi, S., & Mahmoudi, S. (2020). Deep Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) for classification of coronary arteries. "International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery".
  • Giudice, F., WEBER, T., Lessage, X., Mahmoudi, S., Mahmoudi, S., & Siebert, X. (2020). Deep Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) for mammographic abnormalities detection and segmentation. "International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery".
  • Castagnola, J. L., Dualibe, F., Laprovitta, A., & GARCIA-VAZQUEZ, H. (2020). A Novel Design and Optimization Approach for Low Noise Amplifiers (LNA) Based on MOST Scattering Parameters and the gm/ID Ratio. "Electronics".
  • Nasser, S., Naoui, M., Belalem, G., & Mahmoudi, S. (01 May 2020). Automated Segmentation of Brain Medical Images. "International Journal of Signal Processing, Image Processing and Pattern Recognition, Vol. 13" (No. 1), 17-28. doi:10.33832/ijsip.2020.13.1.02
  • Leplat, V., Gillis, N., & Ang, M. S. (29 April 2020). Blind Audio Source Separation with Minimum-Volume Beta-Divergence NMF. "IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 68", 3400-3410.
  • Silva, S. N., Lopes, F. F., Valderrama, C., & Fernandes, M. A. C. (14 April 2020). Proposal of Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy-PI Controller Hardware. "Sensors, 20" (7). doi:10.3390/sxx010005
  • Degleris, A., & Gillis, N. (26 March 2020). A Provably Correct and Robust Algorithm for Convolutive Nonnegative Matrix Factorization. "IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 68" (1), 2499-2512.
  • De Handschutter, P., Gillis, N., Vandaele, A., & Siebert, X. (01 March 2020). Near-Convex Archetypal Analysis. "IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 27" (1), 81-85.
  • Yvanoff-Frenchin, C., Ramos Gomes Da Silva, V., Belabed, T., & Valderrama, C. (29 February 2020). Edge Computing Robot Interface for Automatic Elderly Mental Health Care Based on Voice. "MDPI, 9" (3), 419. doi:10.3390/electronics9030419
  • Choudhary, N., Gillis, N., & Sharma, P. (28 February 2020). On approximating the nearest Ω-stable matrix. "Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications, 27" (3).
  • Gillis, N., Karow, M., & Sharma, P. (01 February 2020). A note on approximating the nearest stable discrete-time descriptor system with fixed rank. "Applied Numerical Mathematics, 148", 131-139.

Books/Book published as author, translator, etc.

  • Gillis, N. (2020). "Nonnegative Matrix Factorization". SIAM Publishing.

Books/Collective work published as editor or director

  • Valderrama, C., & Valderrama, C. (Ed.). (2020). "Electronics (ISSN 2079-9292) Special issue: Energy Aware HPC Revisited: AI Concerns, Architectures and Optimization Strategies". MDPI.

Scientific congresses and symposiums/Unpublished conference/Abstract

  • Coppens, A. (07 December 2020). "GHXR: tabletop tangible interaction for collaborative architectural modelling within immersive (both AR and VR) environments" [Paper presentation]. Séminaires inforTech/Numédiart, Mons, Belgium.
  • Gallas, M.-A. (20 November 2020). "Recherches scientifiques en Conception & Numérique : Quelles recherches? pourquoi? Vers quoi?" [Paper presentation]. SCAN20 « Culture numérique et conception architecturale ... Retour vers le Futur », Bruxelles , Belgium.
  • Simoens, P., & Gallas, M.-A. (16 November 2020). "Synergies/dichotomies de la formation au projet aux outils numériques: Comparaison des besoins en bureaux d'études et la formation universitaire dans le domaine architectural" [Paper presentation]. SCAN20 « Culture numérique et conception architecturale ... Retour vers le Futur », Bruxelles , Belgium.
  • Belabed, T., Maria Gracielly, F. C., Fernandes, M. A. C., Valderrama, C., & SOUANI, C. (20 October 2020). "Low Cost and Low Power Stacked Sparse Autoencoder Hardware Acceleration for Deep Learning Edge Computing Applications" [Paper presentation]. 6th International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Signal and Image Processing (ATSIP), Sousse, Tunisia.
  • Seddiki, C. (15 October 2020). "Cultures de l'enseignement et de l'apprentissage: Exploiter la diversité des étudiants et du personnel" (Seddiki, C., Trans.) [Paper presentation]. ICHLE Symposium 2020 - TRANSDISCIPLINARY COLLABORATION IN ICLHE AND EMI, Mons, Belgium.
  • De Smet, I. (10 March 2020). "Conception d'ilots compacts de logements, une réponse aux enjeux de la densification" [Paper presentation]. L'Atlas des Possibles, Namur, Belgium.
  • Delvigne, V., Dutoit, T., Ris, L., Wannous, H., & Vandeborre, J.-P. (21 January 2020). "An innovative Neurofeedback for children with ADHD using Virtual Reality" [Paper presentation]. 4th HBP Student Conference on Interdisciplinary Brain Research, Pisa, Italy.
  • La Fisca, L., Dutoit, T., Lefebvre, L., Simoes Loureiro, I., Ris, L., & Gosselin, B. (21 January 2020). "Deep Learning based Neurofeedback Targeting Semantic Memory in Alzheimer's Disease" [Paper presentation]. 4th HBP Student Conference on Interdisciplinary Brain Research, Pisa, Italy.

Scientific congresses and symposiums/Paper published in a book

  • Abidi, A., BEN KHALIFA, K., Valderrama, C., & BEDOUI, M. H. (2020). Drowsiness detection system based on EEG and ECG signal. In "10ième Édition du Workshop AMINA Le 17, 18 & 19 Décembre 2020 À l'Hôtel Regency & Spa Monastir - Tunisie". 10ième Édition du Workshop AMINA Le 17, 18 & 19 Décembre 2020 À l'Hôtel Regency & Spa Monastir - Tunisie.
  • Delbrouck, J.-B., Tits, N., & Dupont, S. (2020). Modulated Fusion using Transformer for Linguistic-Acoustic Emotion Recognition. In "NLP Beyond Text (NLPBT) - EMNLP 2020 (2020)". -.
  • Brousmiche, M., Dupont, S., & Rouat, J. (2020). Intra and Inter-Modality Interactions for Audio-Visual Event Detection. In "ACM International Conference on Multimedia". -.
  • Delbrouck, J.-B., Tits, N., Brousmiche, M., & Dupont, S. (2020). A Transformer-based joint-encoding for Emotion Recognition and Sentiment Analysis. In "Second Grand Challenge and Workshop on Multimodal Language - ACL 2020 (2020)". -. doi:10.18653/v1/2020.challengehml-1.1

Scientific congresses and symposiums/Paper published in a journal

  • Delvigne, V., Wannous, H., Vandeborre, J.-P., Ris, L., & Dutoit, T. (2020). "Attention Estimation in Virtual Reality with EEG based Image Regression" [Paper presentation]. IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Virtual Reality (AIVR), Utrecht (Online), Netherlands.
  • Simoens, P. (2020). "Analyse des rapports d'influences des acteurs par l'usage de la plateforme socionumérique Facebook dans le cadre de la sauvegarde du pont des trous à Tournai" [Paper presentation]. La Fabrique de la participation Culturelle. Plateformes numériqus et enjeux démocratiques, Paris, France.
  • Doukha, R., Mahmoudi, S., Mostapha, Z., & Manneback, P. (2020). "Deployment of Containerized Deep Learning Applications in the cloud" [Paper presentation]. 5th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Artificial Intelligence: Technologies and Applications, Marrakech, Morocco.
  • Hammou, D. R., Mahmoudi, S., Adjoudj, R., & Mechab, B. (2020). "A Model Of A Biometric Recognition System Based On The Hough Transform Of Libor Masek and 1-D Log-Gabor Filter" [Paper presentation]. 5th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Artificial Intelligence: Technologies and Applications, Marrakech, Morocco.
  • Nolack Fote, F., Mahmoudi, S., Mahmoudi, S., & Roukh, A. (2020). "Big Data Storage and Analysis for Smart Farming" [Paper presentation]. 5th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Artificial Intelligence: Technologies and Applications, Marrakech, Morocco.
  • Andre, E., BOULEKBACHE, H., & Gallas, M.-A. (2020). Le BIM peut-il être un agent facilitant les démarches de développement durable dans la construction ? "SHS Web of Conferences". doi:10.1051/shsconf/20208202005
  • Coppens, A., Mens, T., & Gallas, M.-A. (2020). "Modélisation Paramétrique en Réalité Virtuelle" [Paper presentation]. SCAN20 « Culture numérique et conception architecturale ... Retour vers le Futur », Bruxelles , Belgium. doi:10.1051/shsconf/20208203005
  • Bornia, J., Frihida, A., Debauche, O., Mahmoudi, S., & Manneback, P. (2020). "Deep Learning and Tensorflow for Tracking People's Movements in a Video" [Paper presentation]. 5th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Artificial Intelligence: Technologies and Applications, Marrakech, Morocco.
  • Tits, N., El Haddad, K., & Dutoit, T. (2020). "Laughter Synthesis: Combining Seq2seq modeling with Transfer Learning" [Paper presentation]. Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, Shanghai, China.
  • Tits, N., El Haddad, K., & Dutoit, T. (2020). "ICE-Talk: an Interface for a Controllable Expressive Talking Machine" [Paper presentation]. Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, Shanghai, China.
  • El Haddad, K., & Dutoit, T. (2020). "Cross-Corpora Study of Smiles and Laughter Mimicry in Dyadic Interactions" [Paper presentation]. Interdisciplinary Workshop on laughter and other non-verbal vocalisations, Bielefeld, Germany. doi:10.4119/lw2020-926
  • Ait Abelouahid, R., Debauche, O., Mahmoudi, S., Marzak, A., Manneback, P., & Lebeau, F. (2020). "Smart Nest Box: IoT based Nest monitoring in artificial cavities" [Paper presentation]. The 3rd International Conference on Advanced Communication Technologies and Networking (CommNet 2020), Marrakech, Morocco. doi:10.1109/CommNet49926.2020.9199624
  • Debauche, O., Ait Abelouahid, R., Mahmoudi, S., Moussaoui, Y., Marzak, A., & Manneback, P. (2020). "RevoCampus: a distributed open source and low-cost smart campus" [Paper presentation]. The 3rd International Conference on Advanced Communication Technologies and Networking (CommNet 2020), Marrakech, Morocco. doi:10.1109/CommNet49926.2020.9199640
  • Delvigne, V., Ris, L., Dutoit, T., Wannous, H., & Vandeborre, J.-P. (2020). "VERA: Virtual Environments Recording Attention" [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Serious Games and Applications for Health, Vancouver (Online), Canada.
  • Siv, R., Mancas, M., Seng, S., Chhun, S., & Gosselin, B. (2020). "People Tracking and Re-Identifying in Distributed Contexts: PoseTREID Framework and Dataset" [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Information Technology and Electrical Engineering, Yogyarkarta, Indonesia.
  • Roukh, A., Nolack Fote, F., Mahmoudi, S., & Mahmoudi, S. (2020). "WALLeSMART: Cloud Platform for Smart Farming" [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Statistical and Scientific Database Management, 2020, Austria.
  • Vanderplaetse, B., & Dupont, S. (2020). Improved Soccer Action Spotting Using Both Audio and Video Streams. "Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops".
  • Ennadifi, E., Laraba, S., Vincke, D., Mercatoris, B., & Gosselin, B. (2020). Wheat Diseases Classification and Localization Using Convolutional Neural Networks and GradCAM Visualization. "IEEE ISCV2020".
  • Nadisic, N., Vandaele, A., Cohen, J. E., & Gillis, N. (2020). Sparse Separable Nonnegative Matrix Factorization. "European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases". doi:10.1007/978-3-030-67658-2_20
  • Le, T. K. H., Gillis, N., & Patrinos, P. (2020). Inertial Block Proximal Methods for Non-Convex Non-Smooth Optimization. "International Conference on Machine Learning".
  • Marrinan, T., & Gillis, N. (2020). Hyperspectral Unmixing with Rare Endmembers via Minimax Nonnegative Matrix Factorization. "European Signal Processing Conference". doi:10.23919/Eusipco47968.2020.9287456
  • Kervazo, C., Gillis, N., & Dobigeon, N. (2020). Successive Nonnegative Projection Algorithm for Linear Quadratic Mixtures. "European Signal Processing Conference". doi:10.23919/Eusipco47968.2020.9287788
  • Ait Abelouahid, R., Debauche, O., Mahmoudi, S., Marzak, A., Manneback, P., & Lebeau, F. (2020). "Open Phytotron: A New Device for Home Controlled-Environment Agriculture" [Paper presentation]. 5th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Artificial Intelligence: Technologies and Applications, Marrakech, Morocco.
  • Debauche, O., Mahmoudi, S., & Moussaoui, Y. (2020). "Internet of Things learning: a practical case for smart building automation" [Paper presentation]. 5th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Artificial Intelligence: Technologies and Applications, Marrakech, Morocco.
  • Moreau, A., Mancas, M., & Dutoit, T. (2020). "Unsupervised depth prediction from monocular sequences:Improving performances through instance segmentation" [Paper presentation]. Canadian Conference on Computer and Robot Vision, Ottawa, Canada.
  • Brousmiche, M., Rouat, J., & Dupont, S. (2020). SECL-UMONS DATABASE FOR SOUND EVENT CLASSIFICATION AND LOCALIZATION. "IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing. Proceedings". doi:10.1109/ICASSP40776.2020.9053298
  • Mancas, M., Kong, P., Gosselin, B., & Seng, S. (2020). "Visual Attention: Deep Rare Features" [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Imaging, Vision & Pattern Recognition (ICVPR), Fukuoka, Japan.
  • Debauche, O., Mahmoudi, S., Mahmoudi, S., Manneback, P., Bindelle, J., & Lebeau, F. (2020). "Edge Computing for Cattle Behavior Analysis" [Paper presentation]. Second international conference on Embedded & Distributed Systems, EDiS'2020, Oran, Algeria. doi:10.1109/EDiS49545.2020.9296471
  • Tits, N., El Haddad, K., & Dutoit, T. (2020). "Neural Speech Synthesis with Style Intensity Interpolation: A Perceptual Analysis" [Paper presentation]. IEEE/ACM International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction, Cambridge, United Kingdom. doi:10.1145/3371382.3378297
  • Nadisic, N., Vandaele, A., Gillis, N., & Cohen, J. E. (2020). Exact Sparse Nonnegative Least Squares. "IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing. Proceedings".
  • Ang, M. S., Cohen, J. E., Le, T. K. H., & Gillis, N. (2020). Extrapolated Alternating Algorithms for Approximate Canonical Polyadic Decomposition. "IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing. Proceedings".
  • El Haddad, K., Tits, N., Velner, E., & Bohy, H. (2020). "Cozmo4Resto: A Practical AI Application for Human-Robot Interaction" [Paper presentation]. eNTERFACE Summer Workshop on Multimodal Interfaces, Ankara, Turkey.
  • Hubens, N., Mancas, M., Gosselin, B., Decombas, M., Preda, M., Zaharia, T., & Dutoit, T. (2020). "An Experimental Study of the Impact of Pre-Training on the Pruning of a Convolutional Neural Network" [Paper presentation]. APPIS 2020: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Applications of Intelligent Systems, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain.

Scientific congresses and symposiums/Poster

  • Saura Lorente, G., & Gallas, M.-A. (19 November 2020). "Exploitation des données d'une maquette numérique : Automatisation de l'estimation de la valeur foncière" [Poster presentation]. SCAN20 « Culture numérique et conception architecturale ... Retour vers le Futur », Bruxelles , Belgium.
  • Debauche, O., Ait Abelouahid, R., & Moussaoui, Y. (19 June 2020). "An open source and low-cost Smart Auditorium" [Poster presentation]. The 2nd international workshop on innovative smart city technologies, wisct'2020, Casablanca, Morocco.

Dissertations and theses/Master’s dissertation

  • MEDNOUN, A., Bueno Martinez, A., Dualibe, F., Debliquy, M., Lahem, D., & Caucheteur, C. (2020). "Contrôle de température à boucle fermée d'un capteur de gaz à semiconducteur" [Master’s dissertation, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons.
  • SIMO, J., Ramos Gomes Da Silva, V., & Valderrama, C. (2020). "Identification of horse's paces: Co-superviseur dans les travaux de Jean SIMO" [Master’s dissertation, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons.

Dissertations and theses/Doctoral thesis

  • Tits, N. (2020). "Controlling the Emotional Expressiveness of Synthetic Speech - a Deep Learning Approach" [Doctoral thesis, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons.
  • Laraba, S. (2020). "Deep Learning for Skeleton-Based Human Action Recognition" [Doctoral thesis, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons.

Learning materials/Other

Computer developments/Software

  • Ramos Gomes Da Silva, V., & Valderrama, C. (2020). "Performance Counters Profiler: Performance Counters api for python".

Computer developments/Other

  • Ramos Gomes Da Silva, V. (2020). "Energy model vizualiation:".

Diverse speeches and writings/Other

  • Seddiki, C. (2020). "CARE LAB - L'EMOTION EN ARCHITECTURE" (Seddiki, C., Trans.).
  • Seddiki, C., & Walaszczyk, J. (2020). "FACE AU COVID: CARE LAB" (Seddiki, C., ... Walaszczyk, J., Trans.).
  • Seddiki, C. (2020). "Un voyage de découverte de l'ICLHE : Mission (im)possible pour les enseignants de contenu ?" (Seddiki, C., Trans.).
  • Andre, E. (2020). "Le développement durable dans la construction".
  • Reboursière, L. (2020). "Hexaphonic multi-effets - Improvisations with controller 1/3".
  • Reboursière, L. (2020). "Hexaphonic multi-effects - Improvisation with controller (2/3)".
  • Reboursière, L. (2020). "Hexaphonic multi-effects - Improvisation with controller (3/3)".
  • Reboursière, L. (2020). "Hexaphonic multi-effects - strings with effects and strings without".


Scientific journals/Book review

  • BLAIECH, A. G., BEN KHALIFA, K., Valderrama, C., FERNANDES, M. A. C., & BEDOUI, M. H. (2019). Taxonomy of FPGA-Based Topologies for Future Deep Learning Architectures. "Journal of Systems Architecture". doi:10.1016/j.sysarc.2019.01.007
    Ahmed Ghazi BLAIECH_accepted_paper.pdf

Parts of books/Contribution to collective works

  • Tits, N., El Haddad, K., & Dutoit, T. (2019). Exploring Transfer Learning for Low Resource Emotional TTS. In "Intelligent Systems and Applications" (pp. 52-60). Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-29516-5_5
  • Tits, N., El Haddad, K., & Dutoit, T. (2019). Emotional Speech Datasets for English Speech Synthesis Purpose: A Review. In "Intelligent Systems and Applications" (pp. 61-66). Springer.
  • Simoens, P. (2019). Faudra-t-il encore croire en Dieu demain pour devenir immortel. In "Les chaines de Prométhée : éthiques des progrès". mémogrames.
  • Dutoit, T., & Stylianou, Y. (2019). The Oxford Handbook of Computational Linguistics 2nd edition: Text-to-Speech Synthesis. In "The Oxford Handbook of Computational Linguistics 2nd edition" (pp. 323-338). Oxford University Press.
    TTS synthesis chapter.pdf
  • Raluca, M. A., Suciu, G., Balaceanu, C., Beceanu, C., Petrache, A., Nadrag, C., Sever, P., & Valderrama, C. (2019). Body Area Network Challenges and Solutions. In M. A. Raluca, G. Suciu, C. Balaceanu, C. Beceanu, A. Petrache, C. Nadrag, P. Sever, C. Valderrama, R. Maheswar (Ed.), R. G. Kanagachidambaresan (Ed.), R. Jayaparavathy (Ed.), ... S. M. Thampi (Ed.), "Body Area Network Challenges and Solutions" (pp. 21). Springer International Publishing.

Scientific journals/Article

Scientific congresses and symposiums/Unpublished conference/Abstract

  • Simoens, P. (12 December 2019). "Séminaire Transfo : Projeter l'espace et les données : Data Psychogéographie : décrire l'espace avec les données pour construire la ville" [Paper presentation]. séminaire Transfo, Dulbéa, Charleroi, Unknown/unspecified.
  • Valderrama, C. (02 December 2019). "6th Reconfigurable Market Workshop" [Paper presentation]. MUSICS-FNRS doctoral school 6th Reconfigurable Market Workshop, Mons, Belgium.
  • Coppens, A. (22 November 2019). "Graph-Based Architectural Modelling in Virtual Reality" [Paper presentation]. Grascomp Doctoral Day (GDD'19), UNamur, Belgium.
  • Amkrane, Y., El Adoui, M., & Benjelloun, M. (22 November 2019). "Analysing Breast cancer reaction to chemotherapy using Radiomics" [Paper presentation]. Grascomp Doctoral Day (GDD'19), UNamur, Belgium.
  • Reboursière, L. (25 October 2019). "Généalogie, développement du contexte technique et pratique de la guitare hexaphonique" [Paper presentation]. Journée des doctorants en Art et Sciences de l'Art, Mons, Belgium.
  • Hubens, N. (20 September 2019). "Towards smaller and faster DNNs" [Paper presentation]. Machine Learning Workshop, Paris, France.
  • Valderrama, C. (16 July 2019). "UFRN PPGEEC/CT Winter School: Artificial Intelligence platforms and tools" [Paper presentation]. UFRN PPGEEC/CT Winter School : Artificial Intelligence platforms and tools, UFRN Natal, Brazil.
  • Mahmoudi, S. (13 June 2019). "L'apprentissage profond (Deep Learning) au service de la vision par ordinateur et vidéo surveillance" [Paper presentation]. Journée des doctorants, Université de Tlemcen, Algeria.
  • Mahmoudi, S. (07 June 2019). "Embedded System for Computer Vision and Video surveillance using Deep Learning Technologies" [Paper presentation]. ID2Move Belgian Academic Seminar Autonomous Systems, Nivelles, Belgium.
  • Simoens, P. (17 May 2019). "Introduction au concept des villes intelligentes / Smart Cities" [Paper presentation]. COLLOQUE NATIONAL DES GEOMETRES-EXPERTS - UGEC, Cerfontaine, Belgium.
  • Dualibe, F. (17 April 2019). "Public disertation : An Ultra-Low Power and Ultra-Low Voltage RF-Powered CMOS Front-End for Low-Rate Autonomous Sensors for WSN nodes" [Paper presentation]. IEEE student branch Workshop, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, South Africa.
  • Coppens, A., Mens, T., & Gallas, M.-A. (05 March 2019). "Modélisation architecturale et réalité virtuelle" [Paper presentation]. Mardi des Chercheurs 2019 (MdC2019), Mons, Belgium.
  • Ramos Gomes Da Silva, V., & Valderrama, C. (07 January 2019). "Energy-Optimal Configurations for Single-Node HPC Applications" [Paper presentation]. Séminaires inforTech/Numédiart, Mons, Belgium.

Scientific congresses and symposiums/Paper published in a book

  • Delbrouck, J.-B., Maiorca, A., Hubens, N., & Dupont, S. (2019). Modulated Self-attention Convolutional Network for VQA. In "NeurIPS 2019 Workshop on Visually-Grounded Interaction and Language (ViGIL) (2019)". -.
  • ZREIK, K., Becue, V., & Gallas, M.-A. (2019). "Concevoir à l'ère Post- Numérique" [Paper presentation]. 01 DESIGN 11 MONS, Mons, Belgium.
  • Abidi, A.* , Nouira, I., Bedoui, M. H., & Valderrama, C. A. (2019). Parallel Implementation on GPU for EEG Artifact Rejection by Combining FastICA and TQWT. In "2018 IEEE/ACS 15th International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications (AICCSA)". IEEE. doi:10.1109/AICCSA.2018.8612838
    AICCSA.2018.8612838 (1).pdf

Scientific congresses and symposiums/Paper published in a journal

  • Gillis, N. (2019). Successive Projection Algorithm Robust to Outliers. "IEEE International Workshop on Computational Advances in Multi-Sensor Adaptive Processing".
  • El Haddad, K., Zajega, F., & Dutoit, T. (2019). "An Open-Source Avatar for Real-Time Human-Agent Interaction Applications" [Paper presentation]. Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction, .
  • Daho, M. E. H., Ammar, M., & Mahmoudi, S. (2019). "Prostate segmentation in magnetic resonance images using Multi-resolution Active Appearance Models" [Paper presentation]. 1st International Conference on Networking Telecommunications, Biomedical Engineering and Applications (ICNTBA'19), Boumerdes, Algeria.
  • Chenine, A., M'hamed Amine, H., MERATI, M., Mahmoudi, S., & BENSABER, D. A. (2019). "Colour Spaces Impact On Convolutional Neural Networks Performance" [Paper presentation]. 1st International Conference on Networking Telecommunications, Biomedical Engineering and Applications (ICNTBA'19), Boumerdes, Algeria.
  • MERATI, M., Mahmoudi, S., Chenine, A., & Chikh, M. A. (2019). "Classifying lesions in mammograms using artificial neural network" [Paper presentation]. 1st International Conference on Networking Telecommunications, Biomedical Engineering and Applications (ICNTBA'19), Boumerdes, Algeria.
  • Yvanoff-Frenchin, C., Ramos Gomes Da Silva, V., Belabed, T., & Valderrama, C. (2019). "An Edge Computing Robot Experience for Automatic Elderly Mental Health Care Based on Voice" [Paper presentation]. ICT Innovations, Ohrid, North Macedonia.
  • Rafael-Patino, J., Yu, T., Delvigne, V., Barakovic, M., Pizzolato, M., Girard, G., K. Jones, D., Canales-Rodríguez, E. J., & Thiran, J.-P. (2019). DWI simulation-assisted Machine Learning models for microstructure estimation. "Mathematics and Visualization".
  • Ranieri, M. (2019). "The participation through JR's artwork.: Critical approach of the ' Inside Out Project'" [Paper presentation]. Framing Street Art, Nice, France.
  • El Haddad, K., Nallan Chakravarthula, S., & Kennedy, J. (2019). "Smile and Laugh Dynamics in Naturalistic Dyadic Interactions: Intensity Levels, Sequences and Roles" [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Multimodal Interaction, Suzhou, China.
  • Brousmiche, M., Dupont, S., & Rouat, J. (2019). Audio-Visual Fusion And Conditioning With Neural Networks For Event Recognition. "International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing".
  • Tits, N. (2019). "A Methodology for Controlling the Emotional Expressiveness in Synthetic Speech - a Deep Learning approach" [Paper presentation]. Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction, Cambridge, United Kingdom. doi:10.1109/ACIIW.2019.8925241
  • Brahimi, M., Mahmoudi, S., Boukhalfa, K., & Moussaoui, A. (2019). "Deep interpretable architecture for plant diseases classification" [Paper presentation]. 2019 Signal Processing: Algorithms, Architectures, Arrangements, and Applications (SPA), POZNAN, Unknown/unspecified.
  • Tits, N., Wang, F., El Haddad, K., Pagel, V., & Dutoit, T. (2019). "Visualization and Interpretation of Latent Spaces for Controlling Expressive Speech Synthesis through Audio Analysis" [Paper presentation]. Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, Graz, Austria. doi:10.21437/Interspeech.2019-1426
  • Patel, M., YADAV, A., & Valderrama, C. (2019). "YOLO-based Method for Indian Car License Plate Detection" [Paper presentation]. ISER ICABMIS International Conference on Advances in Business Management and Information Science, Sydney, Australia.
  • Coppens, A., Bicer, B., Yilmaz, N., & Aras, S. (2019). "Exploration of Interaction Techniques for Graph-based Modelling in Virtual Reality" [Paper presentation]. Proceedings of the 15th International Summer Workshop on Multimodal Interfaces - eNTERFACE'19, Ankara, Turkey.
  • Ndjia Njike, B. E., & Siebert, X. (2019). "Nonparametric Active learning under local smoothness assumption" [Paper presentation]. Conférence francophone sur l'apprentissage automatique, Toulouse, France.
  • Ramos Gomes Da Silva, V., Furtunato, A., Georgiou, K., Kerstin, E., Valderrama, C., & De Souza, S. X. (2019). "Energy-Optimal Configurations for Single-Node HPC Applications" [Paper presentation]. International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation, Dublin, Ireland.
  • Plum, J., De Cock, N., Dubois, J.-P., Dufrasne, I., Soyeurt, H., Quoitin, B., Mahmoudi, S., & Bindelle, J. (2019). "Evaluation of Intel Realsense Depth cameras for open source remote monitoring of heifers on pastures" [Paper presentation]. European conference dedicated to the future use of ICT in the agri-food sector, bioresource and biomass sector (EFITA 2019)), Rhodes, Greece.
  • Milisavljevic, A., Le Bras, T., Mancas, M., Petermann, C., Gosselin, B., & Doré-Mazars, K. (2019). "Towards a better description of visual exploration through temporal dynamic of ambient and focal modes" [Paper presentation]. ACM Symposium on Eye Tracking Research & Applications, Denver, United States - Colorado.
  • Debauche, O., Mahmoudi, S., & Mahmoudi, S. (2019). "Internet of Things: learning and practices. Application to Smart City" [Paper presentation]. The 4th IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing Technologies and Applications, Brussels, Belgium. doi:10.1109/CloudTech.2018.8713337
  • Ramos Gomes Da Silva, V., Valderrama, C., De Souza, S. X., & Manneback, P. (2019). "An Accurate Tool for Modeling, Fingerprinting, Comparison, and Clustering of Parallel Applications Based on Performance Counters" [Paper presentation]. IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
    Novel_HPC_Clustering_and_Accurate_Application_Analysis_Tool_Based_on_Performance_Counters (1).pdf
  • Stander, T., Petrashin, P., Toledo, L., Lancioni, W., Vazquez, C., & Dualibe, F. (2019). "Influence of Oscillator Topology on Fault Sensitivity in Oscillation Based Testing (OBT) of OTAs" [Paper presentation]. Argentine Conference on Electronics, CAE, Mar del Plata, Argentina.
  • De Lima, J., & Dualibe, F. (2019). "A 13-nW Voltage Reference with Orthogonal Trimming of Absolute Value and Temperature Coefficient" [Paper presentation]. IEEE LASCAS Latin American Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Armenia, Colombia.
  • Gillis, N. (2019). Separable Simplex-Structured Matrix Factorization: Robustness of Combinatorial Approaches. "IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing. Proceedings".
    10 Separable Simplex-Structured Matrix Factorization Robustness of Combinatorial Approaches - ICASSP 19.pdf
  • Leplat, V., Ang, M. S., & Gillis, N. (2019). Minimum-Volume Rank-Deficient Nonnegative Matrix Factorizations. "IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing. Proceedings".
    11 Minimum-Volume Rank-Deficient Nonnegative Matrix Factorizations - ICASSP 2019.pdf
  • Cohen, J. E., & Gillis, N. (2019). Nonnegative Low-Rank Sparse Component Analysis. "IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing. Proceedings".
    12 Nonnegative Low-Rank Sparse Component Analysis - ICASSP 2019.pdf
  • Lancioni, W., Petrashin, P., Toledo, L., Castagnola, J., & Dualibe, F. (2019). "OBT applied to a 2nd order continuous time feedforward sigma delta modulator" [Paper presentation]. IEEE Latin american Test Symposium, LATS, Santiago, Chile.

Scientific congresses and symposiums/Poster

  • Belabed, T., & Valderrama, C. (02 December 2019). "Autoencoder hardware topologies for Edge Computing" [Poster presentation]. MUSICS-FNRS doctoral school 6th Reconfigurable Market Workshop, Mons, Belgium.
  • Ramos Gomes Da Silva, V., & Valderrama, C. (02 December 2019). "Energy aware models for HPC systems" [Poster presentation]. MUSICS-FNRS doctoral school 6th Reconfigurable Market Workshop, Mons, Belgium.
  • Mahmoudi, S. (28 August 2019). "IA and Deep Learning for computer vision and multimedia retrieval" [Poster presentation]. Deep Learning Academy, Université de Louvain La Neuve, Belgium.
  • Nolack Fote, F., Roukh, A., Mahmoudi, S., & Mahmoudi, S. (20 May 2019). "IoT Data Analysis for Smart Farming : The Wallesmart Project" [Poster presentation]. Infortech Day, Mons, Belgium.
  • Nedjar, I., Mahmoudi, S., & Chikh, M. A. (15 March 2019). "A comparative study of different deep learning architectures for breast cancer histology images classification" [Poster presentation]. Mardi des Chercheurs, Mons, Belgium.

Dissertations and theses/Master’s dissertation

  • Ranieri, M. (2019). "Encadrement du TFE de Ludovic Masullo" [Master’s dissertation, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons.

Dissertations and theses/Doctoral thesis

  • Florentin, J. (2019). "Automated Recognition of Natural Sounds - Application to Woodpeckers (Aves)" [Doctoral thesis, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons.

Learning materials/Course notes

  • Ranieri, M. (2019). "Intervention dans le cadre de la journée d'étude liée au cours 'Internet et sciences humaines: théories, usages, créations' à l'ULiège".

E-prints, Working papers and Research blog/Eprint already available on another site

  • Delbrouck, J.-B., & Dupont, S. (2019). "Adversarial reconstruction for Multi-modal Machine Translation". ORBi UMONS-University of Mons.

Diverse speeches and writings/Article for a general audience

Diverse speeches and writings/Other

  • Ranieri, M. (2019). "Introduction à la journée d'étude ' Art et commissariat participatif au musée: une autoritée partagée'".
  • Ranieri, M. (2019). "Organisation de la journée d'étude ' Art et commissariat participatif au musée: une autoritée partagée' du groupe de contacts FNRS ' Musées et art contemporain'".


Scientific journals/Book review

  • Delbrouck, J.-B., & Dupont, S. (2018). Bringing back simplicity and lightliness into neural image captioning. "ArXiv e-prints".
  • LIMA, A. D. L., Barros, C., De Souza, S. X., SILVEIRA, L. F. Q., & Valderrama, C. (2018). Erratum: Parallel Cyclostationarity-Exploiting Algorithm for Energy-Efficient Spectrum Sensing. "IEICE Transactions on Communications". doi:10.1587/transcom.2018EBe0001

Parts of books/Contribution to collective works

  • Aileni, R. M., Suciu, G., Balaceanu, C., & Valderrama, C. (2018). Body Area Network (BAN) for Healthcare by Wireless Mesh Network (WMN). In "Body Area Network Challenges and Solutions - EAISICC EAI/Springer Innovations in Communication and Computing book series" (pp. 1-17). Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-00865-9
  • Brahimi, M., Arsenovic, M., Laraba, S., Sladojevic, S., Boukhalfa, K., & Moussaoui, A. (2018). Deep Learning for Plant Diseases: Detection and Saliency Map Visualisation. In "Human and Machine Learning. Human-Computer Interaction Series" (pp. 93-117). Springer International Publishing.
  • Belarbi, M. A., Mahmoudi, S., Mahmoudi, S., & Belalem, G. (2018). CBIR in cloud with large scale images. In "3rd NESUS Winter School and PhD Symposium on Data Science and Heterogeneous Computing". COST IC 1305.
    Mohammed Amin BELARBI Nesus Winter School Phd Symposium.pdf
  • Mahmoudi, S., & Belarbi, M. A. (2018). Towards a Smart Selection of Cloud Resources for Multimedia Big Data Computing. In "3rd NESUS Winter School and PhD Symposium on Data Science and Heterogeneous Computing". COST IC 1305.
    Abstract Sidi Ahmed Mahmoudi NESUS PHD Sympsium 2018.pdf
  • Ammar, M., Mahmoudi, S., & Drisis, S. (2018). A Set of Texture-Based Methods for Breast Cancer Response Prediction in Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy Treatment. In "Soft Computing Based Medical Image Analysis". 𝗘𝗹𝘀𝗲𝘃𝗶𝗲𝗿 𝗦&𝗧 𝗕𝗼𝗼𝗸𝘀.

Scientific journals/Article

  • El Haddad, K., Rizk, Y., Heron, L., Hajj, N., Zhao, Y., Kim, J., Ngo Trong, T., Lee, M., Doumit, M., Lin, P., Kim, Y., & Cakmak, H. (2018). End-to-End Listening Agent for Audiovisual Emotional and Naturalistic Interactions. "Journal of Science and Technology of the Arts".
  • Debauche, O., Mahmoudi, S., Mahmoudi, S., & Manneback, P. (05 November 2018). Cloud Platform using Big Data and HPC Technologies for Distributed and Parallels Treatments. "Procedia Computer Science, 141", 112-118. doi:10.1016/j.procs.2018.10.156
  • El Moulat, M., Debauche, O., & Ait Brahim, L. (30 August 2018). Monitoring System Using Internet Of Things For Potential Landslides. "Procedia Computer Science, 132", 26-34. doi:10.1016/j.procs.2018.07.140
  • Grammatikopoulou, A., Laraba, S., Sahbenderoglu, O., Dimitropoulos, K., & Grammalidis, N. (29 August 2018). An adaptive framework for the creation of exergames for intangible cultural heritage (ICH) education. "Journal of Computers in Education, 5", 1-34.
  • Benmouna, Y., Benazzouz, M., Chikh, M. A., & Mahmoudi, S. (2018). New Method for Bayesian Network Learning. "International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence".
  • Tits, M., Laraba, S., Caulier, E., Tilmanne, J., & Dutoit, T. (01 August 2018). UMONS-TAICHI: A multimodal motion capture dataset of expertise in Taijiquan gestures. "Data in Brief, 19", 1214-1221.
  • Lima, Z., Garcia Vazquez, H., Rodriguez, R., Khemchandani, S. L., Dualibe, F., & del Pino, J. (2018). System for Controlling and Monitoring IoT Applications. "Applied System Innovation".
  • Mahmoudi, S., Belarbi, M. A., El Adoui, M., Larhmam, M., & Lecron, F. (2018). Real Time Web-based Toolbox for Computer Vision. "Journal of Science and Technology of the Arts".
  • Lessage, X., Larhmam, M., Mahmoudi, S., & Nedjar, I. (2018). Assessing Breast Cancer Screening using recent Deep Convolutional Neural Networks. "International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery".
  • Gillis, N., & Vavasis, S. (13 June 2018). On the Complexity of Robust PCA and ℓ1-Norm Low-Rank Matrix Approximation. "Mathematics of Operations Research, 43" (4), 1072-1084.
    27 On the Complexity of Robust PCA and l1-norm low-rank matrix approximation.pdf
  • Debauche, O., El Moulat, M., Mahmoudi, S., Boukraa, S., Manneback, P., & Lebeau, F. (24 April 2018). Web Monitoring of Bee Health for Researchers and Beekeepers Based on the Internet of Things. "Procedia Computer Science, 130", 991-998. doi:10.1016/j.procs.2018.04.103
  • Gillis, N., & Sharma, P. (17 April 2018). Finding the nearest positive-real system. "SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, 56" (2), 1022-1047.
    34 Finding the nearest positive-real system.pdf
  • CAKMAK, H., & Dutoit, T. (01 April 2018). HMM-based generation of laughter facial expression. "Speech Communication, 98" (April 2018), 28-41. doi:10.1016/j.specom.2017.12.006
  • Gillis, N. (01 April 2018). Multiplicative Updates for Polynomial Root Finding. "Information Processing Letters, 132", 14-18.
    30 Multiplicative Updates for Polynomial Root Finding.pdf
  • Cohen, J., & Gillis, N. (01 April 2018). Dictionary-based Tensor Canonical Polyadic Decomposition. "IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 66" (7), 1876-1889.
    29 Dictionary-based Tensor Canonical Polyadic Decomposition.pdf
  • Vandaele, A., Glineur, F., & Gillis, N. (21 March 2018). Algorithms for positive semidefinite factorization. "Computational Optimization and Applications, 71" (1), 193-219.
    35 Algorithms for positive semidefinite factorization.pdf
  • Gillis, N., & Sharma, P. (01 March 2018). A semi-analytical approach for the positive semidefinite Procrustes problem. "Linear Algebra and its Applications, 540", 112-137.
    31 A semi-analytical approach for the positive semidefinite Procrustes problem.pdf
  • Benjelloun, M., Dadi, E. W., & Daoudi, E. M. (16 February 2018). GPU-based Acceleration of Methods based on Clock Matching Metric for Large Scale 3D Shape Retrieval. "Scalable Computing: Practice and Experience, 19" (1), 31-38. doi:10.12694/scpe.v19i1.1391
  • Debailleux, L., & Duroisin, N. (2018). Exploring Cultural Heritage Using Virtual Reality. "Lecture Notes in Computer Science".
  • Cohen, J., & Gillis, N. (01 February 2018). Spectral Unmixing with Multiple Dictionaries. "IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 15" (2), 187-191.
    32 Spectral Unmixing with Multiple Dictionaries.pdf
  • Gillis, N., Mehrmann, V., & Sharma, P. (18 January 2018). Computing nearest stable matrix pairs. "Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications, 25" (5).
    33 Computing nearest stable matrix pairs.pdf
  • Dimitropoulos, K., Manitsaris, S., Tsalakanidou, F., Denby, B., Buchman, L., Dupont, S., Nikolopoulos, S., Kompatsiaris, I., Charisis, V., Hadjileontiadis, L., Pozzi, F., Cotescu, M., Ciftci, S., Katos, A., Manitsaris, A., & Grammalidis, N. (2018). A Multimodal Approach for the Safeguarding and Transmission of Intangible Cultural Heritage: The Case of i-Treasures. "IEEE Intelligent Systems".
  • Gillis, N., & Luce, R. (01 January 2018). A Fast Gradient Method for Nonnegative Sparse Regression with Self Dictionary. "IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 27" (1), 24-37.
    28 A Fast Gradient Method for Nonnegative Sparse Regression with Self Dictionary.pdf

Scientific congresses and symposiums/Unpublished conference/Abstract

  • Vankerkem, M. (13 December 2018). "A la recherche de mon opposé" [Paper presentation]. APM ROUEN IMPRESSIONNISTES, Rouen, France.
  • Simoens, P. (28 November 2018). "Sciences café : les Smartcities" [Paper presentation]. smartcities bootcamp, Mons, Belgium.
  • Vankerkem, M. (15 November 2018). "A la recherche de mon opposé" [Paper presentation]. APM CAEN, Ouistreham, France.
  • Simoens, P. (09 November 2018). "Le numérique à l'épreuve de l'apprentissage" [Paper presentation]. ARIB : festival de la vidéo d'architecture, Bruxelles, Unknown/unspecified.
  • Gallas, M.-A., & Simoens, P. (06 November 2018). "Le numérique à l'épreuve de l'apprentissage" [Paper presentation]. ARIB : festival de la vidéo d'architecture, Bruxelles, Unknown/unspecified.
  • Adaeze, A., Tits, N., El Haddad, K., Sarah, O., & Dutoit, T. (15 October 2018). "The Emotional Voices Database: Towards Controlling the Emotion Dimension in Voice Generation Systems" [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Statistical Language and Speech Processing, Mons, Belgium.
  • Valderrama, C. (02 October 2018). "5th Reconfigurable Market Seminar" [Paper presentation]. MUSICS-FNRS Reconfigurable Market Seminar, Mons, Belgium.
  • Vankerkem, M. (18 September 2018). "A la recherche de mon opposé" [Paper presentation]. APM BRUXELLES OXYGENE, Wavre, Belgium.
  • Vankerkem, M. (14 September 2018). "A la recherche de mon opposé" [Paper presentation]. APM LOIRE OCEAN, La Plaine-sur-Mer, France.
  • Ranieri, M. (22 August 2018). "JR au Louvre. Effacer la pyramide pour une (dé)historicisation de l'architecture" [Paper presentation]. S'approprier le Louvre, Ecole du Louvre à Paris, France.
  • Florentin, J., & Verlinden, O. (26 June 2018). "Recognition of woodpecker calls using a convolutional deep neural network" [Paper presentation]. Ecoacoustics Congress 2018, Brisbane, Australia.
  • Luong, P., Christoffersen, C., Rossi, C., & Dualibe, F. (27 May 2018). "Nanopower,Sub-1V,CMOS Voltage References With Digitally-TrimmableTemperature Coefficients" [Paper presentation]. 2018 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), Florence, Italy.
  • Vankerkem, M. (17 May 2018). "A la recherche de mon opposé" [Paper presentation]. APM LILLE REBELLES, Lille, France.
  • Vankerkem, M. (14 May 2018). "A la recherche de mon opposé" [Paper presentation]. APM PARIS GRANDE ARCHE, Paris, France.
  • Ranieri, M. (27 April 2018). "Au -delà de la réappropriation forcée. Le cas Inside Out Project de JR" [Paper presentation]. Quand l'oeuvre d'art public se transforme. Restauration- Réactivation- (Ré)appropriation, ULiège , Unknown/unspecified.
  • Dualibe, F. (13 April 2018). "Sizing CMOS Amplifiers by means of the gm/Id Methodology" [Paper presentation]. 2018 Microelectronics Workshop of the Carl and Emily Fuchs Instittute of Microelectronics, Univesity of Pretoria, Pretoria, South Africa.
  • Florentin, J., & Verlinden, O. (21 March 2018). "Recognition of woodpecker calls using a convolutional deep neural network" [Paper presentation]. 4th ABAV Acoustics Research Day, Bruxelles, Belgium.
  • Vankerkem, M. (15 March 2018). "Equipe innovante" [Paper presentation]. CENTRE DES JEUNES DIRIGEANTS, Royan, France.
  • Vankerkem, M. (13 March 2018). "A la recherche de mon opposé" [Paper presentation]. LES CERCLES DE PROGRES, Toulouse, France.
  • Simoens, P. (06 March 2018). "Is Google God?" [Paper presentation]. KICKS Festival, Charleroi, Belgium.
  • Mahmoudi, S., & Belarbi, M. A. (01 March 2018). "Multimedia Indexation using Deep Learning in Big Data (MIDL)" [Paper presentation]. eNTERFACE'18: eNTERFACE Summer Workshops, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.
    Multimedia Indexation using Deep Learning in Big Data.pdf
  • Simoens, P. (17 February 2018). "Is Google God?" [Paper presentation]. World interfaith Hamony Week, Bruxelles, Belgium.
  • Bellahdid, N., Siebert, X., & Abbas, M. (01 February 2018). "Comparison of active learning classification strategies" [Paper presentation]. 32nd Annual Conference of the Belgian Operational Research Society (ORBEL 32), Liège, Belgium.
  • Vankerkem, M. (19 January 2018). "A la recherche de mon opposé" [Paper presentation]. APM ANGERS RALLIEMENT, Angers, France.

Scientific congresses and symposiums/Paper published in a book

  • Delbrouck, J.-B., & Dupont, S. (2018). Object-oriented Targets for Visual Navigation using Rich Semantic Representations. In "NIPS 2018 Workshop on Visually-Grounded Interaction and Language (ViGIL)". -.
  • Dutoit, T., VIDE, C.-M., & Pironkov, G. (2018). "Statistical Language and Speech Processing: 6th inernational conference SLSP2018, Mons, Oct 15-16, 2018 - Proceedings" [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Statistical Language and Speech Processing, Mons, Belgium.
  • Mancas, M., & Frisson, C. (2018). "Proceedings of eNTERFACE 2015 Workshop on Intelligent Interfaces" [Paper presentation]. Proceedings of the 10th International Summer Workshop on Multimodal Interfaces - eNTERFACE'15, Mons, Belgium.

Scientific congresses and symposiums/Paper published in a journal

  • Jerraya, A. A., Romdhani, M., Le Marrec, P., Hessel, F., Coste, P., Valderrama, C., Daveau, M., & Zergainoh, N.-E. (2018). "Built-In Oscillation-Based Self-Testing of a 2.4 GHz LNA in 0.35μm CMOS" [Paper presentation]. IEEE International Conference on Electronics Circuits and Systmems, Bordeaux, France.
  • Kong, P., Mancas, M., Nimol, T., Gosselin, B., & seng, K. (2018). "DO DEEP-LEARNING SALIENCY MODELS REALLY MODEL SALIENCY?" [Paper presentation]. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Athens, Greece.
  • Coppens, A., & Mens, T. (2018). "Towards Collaborative Immersive Environments for Parametric Modelling" [Paper presentation]. Cooperative Design, Visualization, and Engineering, Hangzhou, China. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-00560-3_44
  • Mancas, M., Laraba, S., Bandrabur, A., De Deken, P.-H., Hagihara, K., Leblanc, N., Yengec Tasdemir, S. B., Macq, B., & Dutoit, T. (2018). "PEOPLE GROUPS ANALYSIS FOR AR APPLICATIONS" [Paper presentation]. International Conference on 3D Imaging, Bruxelles, Belgium.
    People Groups Analysis for AR Applications IC3D.pdf
  • Pironkov, G., Wood, S. U. N., Dupont, S., & Dutoit, T. (2018). "Investigating a Hybrid Learning Approach for Robust Automatic Speech Recognition" [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Statistical Language and Speech Processing, Mons, Belgium.
  • El Haddad, K., Tits, N., & Dutoit, T. (2018). "Annotating Nonverbal Conversation Expressions in Interaction Datasets" [Paper presentation]. Interdisciplinary Workshop on laughter and other non-verbal vocalisations in speech, Paris, France.
  • El Haddad, K., Cakmak, H., & Dutoit, T. (2018). "On Laughter Intensity Level: Analysis and Estimation" [Paper presentation]. Interdisciplinary Workshop on laughter and other non-verbal vocalisations in speech, Paris, France.
  • Coppens, A., Mens, T., & Gallas, M.-A. (2018). "Parametric Modelling Within Immersive Environments: Building a Bridge Between Existing Tools and Virtual Reality Headsets" [Paper presentation]. 36th eCAADe (Education and research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe), Lodz, Poland.
  • Dutoit, T. (2018). "Inverstigating a hybrid learning approach for robust automatic speech recognition" [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Statistical Language and Speech Processing, Mons, Belgium.
  • Tits, N., El Haddad, K., & Dutoit, T. (2018). "ASR-based Features for Emotion Recognition: A Transfer Learning Approach" [Paper presentation]. Grand Challenge and Workshop on Human Multimodal Language, Melbourne, Australia.
  • Aileni, R. M., Pasca, S., Strungaru, R., & Valderrama, C. (2018). "Biomedical Signal Acquisition for Respiration Monitoring by Flexible Analog Wearable Sensors" [Paper presentation]. IEEE EHB E-Health and Bioengineering, Sinaia, Romania.
  • Simoens, P. (2018). "Décodage au travers de la littérature des auteurs Bachelard, Calvino et Perec, des images rêvées d'un subconscient fabriqué par les habitants et topo analyse de la ville de La Louvière à travers le temps du projet. : l'histoire imaginée d'une ville : La Louvière" [Paper presentation]. saisir le rapport affectif aux lieux, Cérisy, France.
  • Debauche, O., Mahmoudi, S., Belarbi, M. A., El Adoui, M., & Mahmoudi, S. (2018). "Internet of Things: learning and practices: Application to Smart Home" [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Advanced Communication Technologies and Networking (CommNet'18), Marrakech, Morocco. doi:10.1109/COMMNET.2018.8360247
  • Devillers, L., Rosset, S., Dubuisson Duplessis, G., Bechade, L., Yemez, Y., Turker, B. B., Sezgin, M., El Haddad, K., Dupont, S., Deléglise, P., Estève, Y., Lailler, C., Gilmartin, E., & Campbell, N. (2018). "Multifaceted Engagement in Social Interaction with a Machine: the JOKER Project" [Paper presentation]. Workshop on Large-scale Emotion Recognition and Analysis, Xi'an, China.
  • El Haddad, K., Heron, L., Kim, J., Lee, M., Dupont, S., Dutoit, T., & Truong, K. (2018). "A Dyadic Conversation Dataset On Moral Emotions" [Paper presentation]. Workshop on Large-scale Emotion Recognition and Analysis, Xi'an, China.
  • Debauche, O., El Moulat, M., Mahmoudi, S., Manneback, P., & Lebeau, F. (2018). "Irrigation pivot-center connected at low cost for the reduction of crop water requirements" [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Advanced Communication Technologies and Networking (CommNet'18), Marrakech, Morocco. doi:10.1109/COMMNET.2018.8360259
  • Petrashin, P., Toledo, L., Vázquez, C., Stander, T., & Dualibe, F. (2018). "Influence of Passive Oscillator Component Variation on OBT Sensitivity in OTAs" [Paper presentation]. 19th IEEE Latin American Test Symposium 2018, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
  • Lancioni, W., Dualibe, F., Petrashin, P., Toledo, L., & Vazquez, C. (2018). "Continuous Time Full-Feedforward MASH 2-2 Architecture for Sigma-Delta Modulators" [Paper presentation]. IEEE Latin Americn Syposium on Circuits and Systems, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.
  • Castagnola, J. L., Garcia Vazquez, H., & Dualibe, F. (2018). "Design and optimisation of a cascode low noise amplifier (LNA) using MOST scattering parameters and gm/ID ratio" [Paper presentation]. IEEE Latin American Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.
  • Milisavljevic, A., Hammard, A., Petermann, C., Gosselin, B., Doré-Mazars, K., & Mancas, M. (2018). "Eye and Mouse coordination during task: from behaviour to prediction" [Paper presentation]. Conference on Human Computer Interaction Theory and Application, Madeira, Portugal.
  • Kong, P., Mancas, M., Gosselin, B., & seng, K. (2018). "Generic and Effective Visual Attention" [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, Montreal, Canada.
  • Cakmak, H., El Haddad, K., Riche, N., Leroy, J., Marighetto, P., Turker, B. B., Khaki, H., Pulisci, R., Gilmartin, E., Haider, F., Cengiz, K., Sulir, M., Torre, I., Marzban, S., Yazici, R., Bagci, F. B., Gazi Kili, V., Sezer, H., & Yenge, S. B. (2018). "EASA : Environment Aware Social Agent" [Paper presentation]. Proceedings of the 10th International Summer Workshop on Multimodal Interfaces - eNTERFACE'15, Mons, Belgium.
  • Rocca, F., De Deken, P.-H., Bandrabur, A., & Mancas, M. (2018). "Enter the ROBiGAME: Serious game for stroke patients with upper limbs rehabilitation" [Paper presentation]. Proceedings of the 10th International Summer Workshop on Multimodal Interfaces - eNTERFACE'15, Mons, Belgium.

Scientific congresses and symposiums/Poster

  • Nedjar, I., Mahmoudi, S., & Chikh, M. A. (08 December 2018). "Topological methods for mammographic images classification: The Digital Mammography DREAM Challenge 2017" [Poster presentation]. RSGDREAM 2018 conference, NYU Langone Health, in New York City, New York, United States - New York.
  • Bellahdid, N., Siebert, X., & Abbas, M. (21 May 2018). "Active learning classification strategies" [Poster presentation]. 4th Algerian Congress of Mathematicians, Bourmedes, Algeria.

Scientific congresses and symposiums/Paper published on a website

  • Delbrouck, J.-B., & Dupont, S. (30 October 2018). "UMONS Submission for WMT18 Multimodal Translation Task" [Paper presentation]. Third Conference on Machine Translation, Brussels, Belgium.

Dissertations and theses/Doctoral thesis

  • Seddati, O. (2018). "Reconnaissance et Recherche de Données Multimédia par les Réseaux de Neurones Profonds" [Doctoral thesis, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons.

Learning materials/Course notes

  • Ranieri, M. (2018). "Intervention ' La participation selon JR: approche critique du dispositif ' Inside Out' ' dans le cadre cours 'Internet et sciences humaines: théories, usages, créations' à l'ULiège".

Diverse speeches and writings/Article for a general audience

  • Dupont, S., Dutoit, T., & Curcio, G. (2018). Intelligence Artificielle (IA) et Apprentissage Profond (Deep Learning). "LUMONS élément - Magazine de l'Université de Mons".

Diverse speeches and writings/Other

  • Ranieri, M. (2018). "Participation à l'Ecole d'été ' Politiques des ambiances urbaines ' du 3 au 7 septembre 2018 à Lyon".
  • Ranieri, M. (2018). "Organisation de la journée d'étude ' Quand l'oeuvre d'art public se transforme. Restauration - Réactivation - (Ré)Appropriation' : Groupe FNRS ' Musées et art contemporain'".


Scientific journals/Book review

  • Aileni, R. M., Pasca, S., Strungaru, R., & Valderrama, C. (2017). Biomedical signal acquisition for respiration monitoring by flexible analog wearable sensors. "E-Health and Bioengineering". doi:10.1109/EHB.2017.7995366
  • Delbrouck, J.-B., & Dupont, S. (2017). Multimodal Compact Bilinear Pooling for Multimodal Neural Machine Translation. "ArXiv e-prints".
  • Gillis, N. (01 March 2017). Introduction to Nonnegative Matrix Factorization. "SIAG/OPT Views and News, 25" (1), 7-16.
    SIAG-OPT - Introduction to NMF.7-16.pdf

Parts of books/Contribution to collective works

  • Aileni, R. M., Suciu, G., Valderrama, C., Pasca, S., Strungaru, R., & Martian, A. (2017). IoT Perspective by Data Anonymization for Wearable Medical Devices. In O. Fratu, N. Militaru, ... S. Halunga (Eds.), "Future Access Enablers for Ubiquitous and Intelligent Infrastructures" (pp. 5). Springer LNICST.
  • Geurts, H., Haelewyck, M.-C., & Valderrama, C. (2017). Chapter 4: Ethics in information and communication technologies: training the elderly in making gerontechnology accessible. In "IET HEALTHCARE TECHNOLOGIES SERIES 10" (pp. 81-99). IET The Institution of Engineering and Technology.
  • Aileni, R. M., Pasca, S., Valderrama, C., & Strungaru, R. (2017). Chapter 13 Wearable health care: technology evolution, algorithms and needs. In "IET HEALTHCARE TECHNOLOGIES SERIES 10" (pp. 315-342). IET The Institution of Engineering and Technology.
  • Alivizatou, M., Kitsikidis, A., Tsalakanidou, F., Dimitropoulos, K., Chantas, G., Nikolopoulos, S., Al Kork, S., Denby, B., Buchman, L., Adda-Decker, M., Pillot-Loiseau, C., Tilmanne, J., Dupont, S., Picart, B., Pozzi, F., Ott, M., Yilmaz, E., Charisis, V., Hadjidimitriou, S., ... Grammalidis, N. (2017). Intangible Cultural Heritage and New Technologies: Challenges and Opportunities for Cultural Preservation and Development. In "Mixed Reality and Gamification for Cultural Heritage". Springer International Publishing.

Scientific journals/Article

  • Ranieri, M. (29 December 2017). Inside Out Project. Une arme numérique citoyenne ? "Art & Fact, 36".
    RANIERI PDF .pdf
  • Gillis, N., & Sharma, P. (01 November 2017). On computing the distance to stability for matrices using linear dissipative Hamiltonian systems. "Automatica, 85", 113-121.
    26 On computing the distance to stability for matrices using linear dissipative Hamiltonian systems.pdf
  • Mahmoudi, S., Meziane, A., & Chikh, M. A. (2017). Brain Structures Segmentation by using Statistical Models. "Medical Technologies Journal".
  • Garcia Vazquez, H., Dualibe, F., & Popov, G. (2017). A 0.5V Fully Differential Transimpedance Amplifier in 65-nm CMOS Technology. "IEEE International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems".
  • El Haddad, K., Cakmak, H., Dupont, S., & Dutoit, T. (2017). Amused speech components analysis and classification: Towards an amusement arousal level assessment system. "Computers and Electrical Engineering".
  • Bandrabur, A., Florea, L., Florea, C., & Mancas, M. (30 July 2017). Late fusion of facial dynamics for automatic expression recognition. "Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, 25" (4), 2696-2707.
  • Seddati, O., Dupont, S., & Mahmoudi, S. (2017). Triplet Networks Feature Masking for Sketch-Based Image Retrieval. "Lecture Notes in Computer Science".
  • Debauche, O., Mahmoudi, S., Andriamandroso, A. L. H., Manneback, P., Bindelle, J., & Lebeau, F. (27 June 2017). Web-based cattle behavior service for researchers based on the smartphone inertial central. "Procedia Computer Science, 110", 110-116. doi:10.1016/j.procs.2017.06.127
  • Mahmoudi, S., Lecron, F., Wilmet, V., & Mahmoudi, S. (2017). Fusion based computer-aided biopsy for early diagnosis of liver cancer. "International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery".
  • Seddati, O., Dupont, S., & Mahmoudi, S. (2017). Quadruplet Networks for Sketch-Based Image Retrieval. "ACM on International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval".
    quadruplet-networks-sketch %281%29 (1).pdf
  • Seddati, O., Dupont, S., & Mahmoudi, S. (2017). DeepSketch 3: Analyzing deep neural networks features for better sketch recognition and sketch-based image retrieval. "Multimedia Tools and Applications", 1-27. doi:10.1007/s11042-017-4799-2, 2017
  • Laraba, S., Tilmanne, J., Brahimi, M., & Dutoit, T. (21 May 2017). 3D Skeleton-Based Action Recognition by Representing Motion Capture Sequences as 2D-RGB. "Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds, 28" (3-4). doi:10.1002/cav.1782
  • Vandaele, A., Gillis, N., & Glineur, F. (15 May 2017). On the Linear Extension Complexity of Regular n-gons. "Linear Algebra and its Applications, 521", 217-239.
    24 On the Linear Extension Complexity of Regular n-gons.pdf
  • Carvalho, N. B., Georgiadis, A., Costanzo, A., Stevens, N., Kracek, J., Pessoa, L., Roselli, L., Dualibe, F., Schreurs, D., Mutlu, S., Rogier, H., Visser, H., Takacs, A., Rocca, P., Dimitriou, A., Michalski, J., Raida, Z., Tedjini, S., Joseph, W., ... Russer, J. (05 May 2017). Europe and the Future for WPT: European Contributions to Wireless Power Transfer Technology. "IEEE Microwave Magazine, 18" (4), 56-87. doi:10.1109/MMM.2017.2680078
  • Escobar, F. A., Kolar, A., Harb, N., Vinci dos Santos, F., & Valderrama, C. (14 April 2017). Scalable shared-memory architecture to solve the Knapsack 0/1 problem. "Microprocessors and Microsystems, 50" (2017), 189-201. doi:10.1016/j.micpro.2017.04.001
  • Belachew, M. T., & Gillis, N. (01 April 2017). Solving the Maximum Clique Problem with Symmetric Rank-One Non-negative Matrix Approximation. "Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 173" (1), 279-296.
    23 Solving the Maximum Clique Problem with Symmetric Rank-One Non-negative Matrix Approximation.pdf
  • Wood, S. U. N., Rouat, J., Dupont, S., & Pironkov, G. (2017). Blind Speech Separation and Enhancement With GCC-NMF. "IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing".
  • Luong, P., Christoffersen, C., Rossi, C., & Dualibe, F. (01 April 2017). Nanopower, Sub-1 V, CMOS Voltage References With Digitally-Trimmable Temperature Coefficients. "IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, Volume: 64" (Issue: 4 (April)), 787 - 798. doi:10.1109/TCSI.2016.2632072
  • Casalino, G., & Gillis, N. (04 March 2017). Sequential Dimensionality Reduction for Extracting Localized Features. "Pattern Recognition, 63", 15-29.
    22 Sequential Dimensionality Reduction for Extracting Localized Features.pdf
  • M. Avelino, Á., O. Roda, V., Valderrama, C., Alves De Albuquerque, G. L., & DA CUNHA POSSA, P. (02 January 2017). Partial Reconfiguration Exploration Over P2IP Architecture. "Przeglad Elektrotechniczny, 2017" (1), 258-262. doi:10.15199/48.2017.01.63

Books/Book published as author, translator, etc.

  • Goleva, R. I., Ganchev, I., Dobre, C., Garcia, N., & Valderrama, C. (2017). "IET HEALTHCARE TECHNOLOGIES SERIES 10, Enhanced Living Environments: From models to technologies". IET The Institution of Engineering and Technology.

Scientific congresses and symposiums/Unpublished conference/Abstract

  • Ranieri, M. (21 December 2017). "Chroniques de Clichy-Montfermeil. Processus et Processions" [Paper presentation]. Agir dans la ville. Art et politique dans l'espace urbain 3. Du quotidien, Mons, Unknown/unspecified.
  • Darcis, D. (18 December 2017). "La fabrique du quotidien : pouvoir et résistance" [Paper presentation]. Agir dans la ville. Art et politique dans l'espace urbain 3. Du quotidien, Université de Mons , Belgium.
  • Vankerkem, M. (13 December 2017). "A la recherche de mon opposé" [Paper presentation]. APM ANNONAY, Annonay, France.
  • Simoens, P. (17 November 2017). "Comprendre des données numériques et leurs enjeux entre l'espace urbain et l'espace social" [Paper presentation]. semaine belge architecture et urbanisme, casablanca, Morocco.
  • Vankerkem, M. (15 November 2017). "A la recherche de mon opposé" [Paper presentation]. APM ANGERS4, Angers, France.
  • Pirlot, M. (10 November 2017). "The simplest decision model with criteria interactions" [Paper presentation]. Ordered Structures in Games and Decision (OSGAD), Université Paris I, Maison des Science Economiques, France.
  • Dupont, S. (26 October 2017). "L'IA pour le multimedia et au-delà: Recherches de pointe et perspectives de collaborations" [Paper presentation]. Business & Technology Club - IA/IoT - (Infopôle & Cluster TWIST), Mons, Belgium.
  • Verspeelt, F., & Petit, P. (20 October 2017). "Regards sur les projets de reconversion de la Tour St-Albert : Présentation des travaux d'étudiants" [Paper presentation]. Tour Saint-Albert : Patrimoine Industriel ?, Bois du Cazier, Charleroi, Belgium.
  • Vankerkem, M. (17 October 2017). "A la recherche de mon opposé" [Paper presentation]. APM REGIO-RHIN, Mulhouse, France.
  • Dualibe, F. (28 July 2017). "Wireless power transmission for sustainable electronics (WIPE): main contributions from the European Coperation in Sciences and Technologies (COST) action IC1301" [Paper presentation]. Escuela Argentina de microelectronica, tecnologia y aplicaciones, EAMTA/CAMTA, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
  • Ranieri, M. (08 June 2017). "Approche critique du dispositif participatif dans l'oeuvre de JR. : Le cas Inside Out Project" [Paper presentation]. Framing Street Art, Nice, France.
  • Valderrama, C. (31 May 2017). "4th Reconfigurable Market Seminar" [Paper presentation]. MUSICS-FNRS Reconfigurable Market Seminar, Mons, Unknown/unspecified.
  • Vankerkem, M. (28 April 2017). "A la recherche de mon opposé" [Paper presentation]. APM MARSEILLE EUROMEDITERRANEE, Marseille, France.
  • Vankerkem, M. (08 March 2017). "A la recherche de mon opposé" [Paper presentation]. APM CHAMPAGNE, Rilly-la-Montagne, France.
  • Vankerkem, M. (01 March 2017). "A la recherche de mon opposé" [Paper presentation]. APM PARIS-HAPPY-M92, Rueil-Malmaison, France.
  • Vankerkem, M. (21 February 2017). "A la recherche de mon opposé" [Paper presentation]. APM PARIS-CHEVREUSE, Janvry, France.
  • Vankerkem, M. (07 February 2017). "A la recherche de mon opposé" [Paper presentation]. APM LILLE EN NORD, Lille, France.
  • Belarbi, M. A., Mahmoudi, S., Mahmoudi, S., & Belalem, G. (01 February 2017). "Dimensionality Reduction in Large Scale Image" [Paper presentation]. Second NESUS Winter School & PhD Symposium 2017, .
  • Bellahdid, N., Siebert, X., & Abbas, M. (21 January 2017). "Active learning classification strategies" [Paper presentation]. Journées Doctorales de Recherche Opérationnelle et Management, USTBH, Algeria.

Scientific congresses and symposiums/Paper published in a book

  • Salvi, G., & Dupont, S. (2017). "Proceedings of the GLU 2017 International Workshop on Grounding Language Understanding" [Paper presentation]. GLU 2017 International Workshop on Grounding Language Understanding, Stockholm, Sweden.

Scientific congresses and symposiums/Paper published in a journal

  • Pironkov, G., Dupont, S., & Dutoit, T. (2017). "Investigating the Impact of the Training Data Volume for Robust Speech Recognition Using Multi-Task Learning" [Paper presentation]. IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology, Bilbao, Spain.
  • Aileni, R. M., Suciu, G., Valderrama, C., Pasca, S., Strungaru, R., & Martian, A. (2017). "IoT Perspective by Data Anonymization for Wearable Medical Devices" [Paper presentation]. Future Access Enablers for Ubiquitous and Intelligent Infrastructures, Bucharest, Romania.
  • Delbrouck, J.-B., & Dupont, S. (2017). "Modulating and attending the source image during encoding improves Multimodal Translation" [Paper presentation]. NIPS 2017 Workshop on Visually-Grounded Interaction and Language (ViGIL), Long Beach, United States - California.
  • Oertel, C., Jonell, P., El Haddad, K., Szekely, E., & Gustafson, J. (2017). "Using crowd-sourcing for the design of listening agents: challenges and opportunities" [Paper presentation]. 1st ACM SIGCHI International Workshop on Investigating Social Interactions with Artificial Agents, Glasgow, United Kingdom.
  • Bechade, L., El Haddad, K., Bourquin, J., Dupont, S., & Devillers, L. (2017). "A Corpus for Experimental Study of Affect Bursts in Human-robot Interaction" [Paper presentation]. 1st ACM SIGCHI International Workshop on Investigating Social Interactions with Artificial Agents, Glasgow, United Kingdom.
  • Debauche, O., Mahmoudi, S., Manneback, P., Tadrist, N., Bindelle, J., & Lebeau, F. (2017). "Improvement of battery life of iPhones Inertial Measurement Unit by using edge computing: Application to cattle behavior" [Paper presentation]. International Symposium on Computer Sciences and Applications, Errachidia, Morocco.
  • Debauche, O., Mahmoudi, S., Manneback, P., Massinon, M., Tadrist, N., Lebeau, F., & Mahmoudi, S. (2017). "Cloud architecture for digital phenotyping and automation" [Paper presentation]. CloudTech 2017 : The 3rd International Conference on Cloud Computing Technologies and Applications, Rabat, Morocco. doi:10.1109/CloudTech.2017.8284718
  • Belarbi, M. A., Mahmoudi, S., Belalem, G., & Mahmoudi, S. (2017). "Web-based Multimedia Research and Indexation for Big Data Databases" [Paper presentation]. CloudTech 2017 : The 3rd International Conference on Cloud Computing Technologies and Applications, Rabat, Morocco.
  • El Haddad, K. (2017). "Nonverbal conversation expressions processing for human-agent interactions" [Paper presentation]. Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction, San Antonio, United States - Texas.
  • Pironkov, G., Dupont, S., Wood, S. U. N., & Dutoit, T. (2017). "Noise and Speech Estimation As Auxiliary Tasks for Robust Speech Recognition" [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Statistical Language and Speech Processing, Le Mans, France.
  • El Haddad, K., Torre, I., Gilmartin, E., Cakmak, H., Dupont, S., Dutoit, T., & Campbell, N. (2017). "Introducing AmuS: The Amused Speech Database" [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Statistical Language and Speech Processing, Le Mans, France.
  • Seddati, O., Dupont, S., Mahmoudi, S., & Amiri Parian, M. (2017). "Towards Good Practices for Image Retrieval Based on CNN Features" [Paper presentation]. IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision, Venice, Italy.
  • Ammar, M., Baiche, K., Mahmoudi, S., & Benazzouz, M. (2017). "Shape irregularity based area measurement: Application on cell nucleus recognition" [Paper presentation]. 5th International Conference on Electrical Engineering - Boumerdes (ICEE-B), Boumerdes, Algeria.
  • Marighetto, P., Coutrot, A., Riche, N., Guyader, N., Mancas, M., Gosselin, B., & Laganière, R. (2017). "Audio-Visual Attention: Eye-Tracking Dataset and Analysis Toolbox" [Paper presentation]. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Beijing, China.
  • Seddati, O., Ben-Lhachemi, N., Dupont, S., & Mahmoudi, S. (2017). "UMONS @ MediaEval 2017: Diverse Social Images Retrieval" [Paper presentation]. MediaEval Benchmarking Initiative for Multimedia Evaluation, Dublin, Ireland.
  • Delbrouck, J.-B., & Dupont, S. (2017). "An empirical study on the effectiveness of images in Multimodal Neural Machine Translation" [Paper presentation]. Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, Copenhagen, Denmark.
  • Grammatikopoulou, A., Laraba, S., Sahbenderoglu, O., Dimitropoulos, K., & Grammalidis, N. (2017). "An Adaptive Framework for the Creation of Body-Motion-Based Games" [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Games and Virtual Worlds for Serious Applications, Athens, Greece.
  • Moreau, A., Mancas, M., & Dutoit, T. (2017). "A Robust Quality Measure for Quality-Guided 2D Phase Unwrapping Algorithms Based on Histogram Processing" [Paper presentation]. Irish Machine Vision and Image Processing Conference, Maynooth, Ireland.
  • Cohen, J., & Gillis, N. (2017). A New Approach to Dictionary-Based Nonnegative Matrix Factorization. "European Signal Processing Conference".
    A New Approach to Dictionary-Based NMF.pdf
  • Milisavljevic, A., Doré-Mazars, K., Gosselin, B., Mancas, M., & Petermann, C. (2017). "What scroll can teach us about web users?" [Paper presentation]. European Conference on Visual Perception, Berlin, Germany.
  • Delbrouck, J.-B., Dupont, S., & Seddati, O. (2017). "Visually Grounded Word Embeddings and Richer Visual Features for Improving Multimodal Neural Machine Translation" [Paper presentation]. GLU 2017 International Workshop on Grounding Language Understanding, Stockholm, Sweden.
  • Patel, M., Parmar, Y., & Valderrama, C. (2017). "Evaluating synthesis tools for hardware implementation on ZYBO Board" [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Computing Methodologies and Communication ICCMC, Erode, India.
  • El Haddad, K., Cakmak, H., Doumit, M., Pironkov, G., & Ayvaz, U. (2017). "Social Communicative Events in Human Computer Interactions" [Paper presentation]. Proceedings of the 11th International Summer Workshop on Multimodal Interfaces - eNTERFACE'16, Twente, Netherlands.
  • Tits, M., Tilmanne, J., & Dutoit, T. (2017). "Morphology Independent Feature Engineering in Motion Capture Database for Gesture Evaluation" [Paper presentation]. 4th International Conference on Movement Computing, London, United Kingdom.
  • Nedjar, I., Mahmoudi, S., & Chikh, M. A. (2017). "Content-based medical image retrieval for Liver CT Annotation" [Paper presentation]. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON AFFECTIVE COMPUTING, MACHINE LEARNING AND INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS, Tetuan, Morocco.
  • Benjelloun, M., Dadi, E. W., & Daoudi, E. M. (2017). "3D shape retrieval basing on representatives of classes" [Paper presentation]. 6th. International Symposium ISKO-Maghreb on 'Knowledge Organization in the perspective of Digital Humanities, Al hociema, Morocco.
  • Avelino, A., Obac, V., Harb, N., Valderrama, C., Alves De Albuquerque, G. L., & Possa, P. (2017). "LP-P2IP: a low-power version of P2IP architecture using Partail Reconfiguration" [Paper presentation]. International Workshop on Applied Reconfigurable Computing, Delft, Netherlands.
  • Cohen, J., Comon, P., & Gillis, N. (2017). Some theory on Non-negative Tucker Decomposition. "LVA/ICA: Latent Variable Analysis and Signal Separation".
  • Aileni, R. M., Strungaru, R., Pasca, S., & Valderrama, C. (2017). "Big data analytics for sensors signal processing in healthcare" [Paper presentation]. Second NESUS Winter School & PhD Symposium, Vibo Valentia, Italy.
  • Heins, S., Dehem, S., Montedoro, V., Rocca, F., De Deken, P.-H., Edwards, M., Dehez, B., Mancas, M., Stoquart, G., & Lejeune, T. (2017). "Robotic-assisted serious game for motor and cognitive post-stroke rehabilitation" [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Serious Games and Applications for Health, Perth, Australia.
    Robotic-assisted serious game for motor and cognitive post-stroke rehabilitation.pdf
  • Rossetto, L., Giangreco, I., Tanase, C., Schuldt, H., Dupont, S., & Seddati, O. (2017). "Enhanced Retrieval and Browsing in the IMOTION System" [Paper presentation]. Conference on Multimedia Modeling, Reykjavik, Iceland.

Scientific congresses and symposiums/Poster

  • Rouat, J., Brousmiche, M., Brodeur, S., & Dupont, S. (21 June 2017). "Scene Interpretation for Objects Recognition and Manipulation and Partnerships" [Poster presentation]. CHIST-ERA Conference 2017, Krakow, Poland.
  • Seddati, O., Delbrouck, J.-B., Dupont, S., & Mahmoudi, S. (25 April 2017). "Deep Features for Big Data" [Poster presentation]. Journée scientifique du Pôle hainuyer 'Les données au coeur de notre devenir: les enjeux des big data, Tournai, e-campus, Belgium.
  • Debauche, O., Mahmoudi, S., Manneback, P., & Lebeau, F. (07 March 2017). "Web-based animal behavior study service for researchers based on the smartphone inertial central" [Poster presentation]. Huitième édition montoise du MdC : le Mardi des Chercheurs 2017, UMons, Belgium.
    Poster MdC2017-SM.pdf
  • El Adoui, M., & Benjelloun, M. (07 March 2017). "The prediction of breast tumor response to chemotherapy by 3D-MRI images analysis and interpretation" [Poster presentation]. Huitième édition montoise du MdC : le Mardi des Chercheurs 2017, UMons, Belgium.
    Poster MDC 2017 EL ADOUI Mohammed.pdf
  • Florentin, J., Kouroussis, G., Dutoit, T., Rasmont, P., & Verlinden, O. (07 March 2017). "Listening to the wild to detect the drumming of a rare woodpecker" [Poster presentation]. Huitième édition montoise du MdC : le Mardi des Chercheurs 2017, UMons, Belgium.

Reports/Internal report

  • Garcia Vazquez, H., & Dualibe, F. (2017). "Garcia Vazquez Hugo, Dualibe Fortunato, 'Ultra-low power RF front-end powered by energy harvesting (POHAR projet, Final report, Numéro de convention : 1410164)' , 2017-12-30 (2017)".

Dissertations and theses/Master’s dissertation

  • Coppens, A. (2017). "Merging real and virtual worlds: An analysis of the state of the art and practical evaluation of Microsoft Hololens" [Master’s dissertation, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons.

Learning materials/Course notes

  • Mahmoudi, S., & Manneback, P. (2017). "Chapitre de cours d'Informatique Parallèle et Distribuée (I-INFO-009) : Introduction au Cloud Computing: Chapitre 7: Introduction au Cloud Computing".
    Cours Sidi Ahmed Mahmoudi_ UMons_Cloud_Partie 1 New.pdf
  • Mahmoudi, S., & Benjelloun, M. (2017). "Chapitre de cours de bases de données (I-INFO-024) : Technologies du Big Data".
    Cours Sidi Ahmed Mahmoudi_ UMons_BigData_New.pdf
  • Mahmoudi, S., Manneback, P., Bagein, M., & Roland, F. (2017). "Notes de laboratoire. Informatique Parallèle et Distribuée".
    IPD Complement New.pdf
  • Mahmoudi, S., & Manneback, P. (2017). "Chapitre de cours d'Informatique Parallèle et Distribuée (I-INFO-009) : Programmation des processeurs graphiques: Chapitre 6 : Programmation des processeurs graphiques".
    Cours Sidi Ahmed Mahmoudi_ UMons_New.pdf
  • Mahmoudi, S., & Mahmoudi, S. (2017). "Chapitre de cours de Multimedia Rertrieval and Indexation (I-INFO-014) : Cloud and GPU for Multimedia Retrieval: Chapitre 7 : Cloud & GPU for Multimedia Retrieval".
    Cours Sidi Ahmed Mahmoudi_ UMons_Cloud_MIR.pdf

Diverse speeches and writings/Article for a general audience

  • Mahmoudi, S. (2017). Real Time Web-based Toolbox for High Performance Computer Vision. "Polytech News".
  • Debauche, O., & Bouazzati, I. (2017). L'unité de croissance végétale automatisée. "Polytech News".
  • Mancas, M., & Souris, S. (2017). Ces 10 machines vont changer votre vie. "L'Echo".
  • Mancas, M., & GAUDEFROY, A. G. (2017). BigBooster : 20 start-up s'envolent cette semaine pour Boston. "Les Echos Entrepreneurs".
  • Leblud, H., & Mancas, M. (2017). Les Montois d'Itteniton lisent dans vos yeaux. "L'Echo".

Diverse speeches and writings/Other

  • Ranieri, M. (2017). "Organisation du colloque ' Agir dans la ville. Art et politique dans l'espace urbain 3. Du quotidien'".
  • Mahmoudi, S. (2017). "Parallel and Distributed solutions using GPU and Cloud platforms (PDGC)".
  • Rollus, O., & Mancas, M. (2017). "On est pas couchés".
  • Ranieri, M. (2017). "Secrétaire du groupe de contact FNRS ' Musées et Art contemporain'".
  • Mahmoudi, S. (2017). "Cloud-based Toolbox for Medical Imaging & Computer Vision Applications".


Scientific journals/Book review

  • Aileni, R. M., Valderrama, C., Pasca, S., & Strungaru, R. (2016). Skin conductance analyzing in function of the bio-signals monitored by biomedical sensors. "Revue Roumaine de Sciences Techniques. Série Électrotechnique et Énergétique".

Parts of books/Contribution to collective works

  • Aileni, R. M., Valderrama, C., & Strungaru, R. (2016). Chapter 10: Wearable Electronics for Elderly Health Monitoring and Active Living. In "Ambient Assisted Living and Enhanced Living Environments 1st Edition: Principles, Technologies and Control". Elsevier.
  • Mancas, M. (2016). What Is Attention? In M. Mancas, V. Ferrera, N. Riche, J. G. Taylor, M. Mancas (Ed.), V. Ferrera (Ed.), N. Riche (Ed.), ... J. Taylor (Ed.), "From Human Attention to Computational Attention - A Multidisciplinary Approach" (pp. 9-20). Springer Series in Cognitive and Neural Systems.
  • Mancas, M. (2016). Modeling Attention in Engineering. In M. Mancas, V. Ferrera, N. Riche, J. G. Taylor, M. Mancas (Ed.), V. Ferrera (Ed.), N. Riche (Ed.), ... J. Taylor (Ed.), "From Human Attention to Computational Attention - A Multidisciplinary Approach" (pp. 105-121). Springer Series in Cognitive and Neural Systems.
    attention and engineering.pdf
  • Mancas, M., & Ferrera, V. (2016). How to Measure Attention? In M. Mancas, V. Ferrera, N. Riche, J. G. Taylor, M. Mancas (Ed.), V. Ferrera (Ed.), N. Riche (Ed.), ... J. Taylor (Ed.), "From Human Attention to Computational Attention - A Multidisciplinary Approach" (pp. 21-38). Springer Series in Cognitive and Neural Systems.
  • Mancas, M., Ferrera, V., & Riche, N. (2016). Why Do Computers Need Attention? In M. Mancas, V. Ferrera, N. Riche, J. G. Taylor, M. Mancas (Ed.), V. Ferrera (Ed.), N. Riche (Ed.), ... J. Taylor (Ed.), "From Human Attention to Computational Attention - A Multidisciplinary Approach" (pp. 1-6). Springer Series in Cognitive and Neural Systems.
  • Riche, N., & Mancas, M. (2016). Bottom-Up Saliency Models for Still Images: A Practical Review. In M. Mancas, V. Ferrera, N. Riche, J. G. Taylor, M. Mancas (Ed.), V. Ferrera (Ed.), N. Riche (Ed.), ... J. Taylor (Ed.), "From Human Attention to Computational Attention - A Multidisciplinary Approach". Springer Series in Cognitive and Neural Systems.
    Still images practical review.pdf
  • Riche, N., & Mancas, M. (2016). Bottom-Up Saliency Models for Videos: A Practical Review. In M. Mancas, V. Ferrera, N. Riche, J. G. Taylor, M. Mancas (Ed.), V. Ferrera (Ed.), N. Riche (Ed.), ... J. Taylor (Ed.), "From Human Attention to Computational Attention - A Multidisciplinary Approach". Springer Series in Cognitive and Neural Systems.
    video models practical review.pdf
  • Leroy, J., Riche, N., & Mancas, M. (2016). Toward 3D Visual Saliency Modeling. In M. Mancas, V. Ferrera, N. Riche, J. G. Taylor, M. Mancas (Ed.), V. Ferrera (Ed.), N. Riche (Ed.), ... J. Taylor (Ed.), "From Human Attention to Computational Attention - A Multidisciplinary Approach" (pp. 305-330). Springer Series in Cognitive and Neural Systems.
  • Mancas, M., & Le Meur, O. (2016). Applications of Saliency Models. In M. Mancas, V. Ferrera, N. Riche, J. G. Taylor, M. Mancas (Ed.), V. Ferrera (Ed.), N. Riche (Ed.), ... J. Taylor (Ed.), "From Human Attention to Computational Attention - A Multidisciplinary Approach" (pp. 331-377). Springer Series in Cognitive and Neural Systems.
    applications of saliency.pdf
  • Mancas, M., Riche, N., & Ferrera, V. (2016). The Future of Attention Models: Information Seeking and Self-awareness. In M. Mancas, V. Ferrera, N. Riche, J. G. Taylor, M. Mancas (Ed.), V. Ferrera (Ed.), N. Riche (Ed.), ... J. Taylor (Ed.), "From Human Attention to Computational Attention - A Multidisciplinary Approach". Springer Series in Cognitive and Neural Systems.
  • Dupont, S., Cakmak, H., Curran, W., Dutoit, T., Hofmann, J., McKeown, G., Pietquin, O., Platt, T., Ruch, W., & Urbain, J. (2016). Laughter Research: A Review of the ILHAIRE Project. In "Toward Robotic Socially Believable Behaving Systems". Springer International Publishing.
  • Mahmoudi, S., Ammar, M., Luque Joris, G., & Abbou, A. (2016). Real Time GPU-Based Segmentation and Tracking of the Left Ventricle on 2D Echocardiography. In "International work-conference on bioinformatics and bimedical engineering". Springer.
  • Mahmoudi, S., & Manneback, P. (2016). Towards a Smart Selection of Hybrid Platforms for Multimedia Processing. In "Proceedings of the First PhD Symposium on Sustainable Ultrascale Computing Systems".

Scientific journals/Article

  • Pop, F., Ganchev, I., Valderrama, C., Below, K., & Di Martino, B. (10 December 2016). Cloud Computing for Enhanced Living Environments. "IEEE Cloud Computing, 3" (6), 94.
  • Ammar, M., & Mahmoudi, S. (08 December 2016). New Circularity Index Using Radon Transform. "International Journal of Applied Pattern Recognition, 03" (04), 368-380.
  • Daoudi, A., & Mahmoudi, S. (2016). A fully automatic cardiac segmentation method using region growing technique. "MedPRAI-2016 Proceedings of the Mediterranean Conference on Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, ACM New York, NY, USA - 2016".
  • Ranieri, M. (2016). La menace comme source d'inspiration. Le cas de JR. "Revue Proteus".
  • Vandaele, A., Gillis, N., Lei, Q., Zhong, K., & Dhillon, I. (01 November 2016). Efficient and Non-Convex Coordinate Descent for Symmetric Nonnegative Matrix Factorization. "IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 64" (21), 5571-5584.
    21 Efficient and Non-Convex Coordinate Descent for Symmetric Nonnegative Matrix Factorization.pdf
  • Castagnola, J. L., Dualibe, F., & Garcia Vazquez, H. (2016). Using Scattering Parameters and the gm/ID MOST Ratio for Characterisation and Design of RF Circuits. "IEEE International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems".
  • Seddati, O., Dupont, S., & Mahmoudi, S. (2016). DeepSketch2Image: Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Partial Sketch Recognition and Image Retrieval. "ACM on Multimedia Conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2016", 739-741.
  • Tadrist, N., Debauche, O., Boualem, R., & Degré, A. (2016). Impact de l'érosion sur l'envasement des barrages, la recharge des nappes phréatiques côtières et les intrusions marines dans la zone semi-aride méditerranéenne : Cas du barrage de Boukurdane (Algérie). "Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement".
  • Ammar, M., Mahmoudi, S., & Stylianos, D. (16 September 2016). Breast Cancer Response Prediction in Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy Treatment Based on Texture Analysis. "Procedia Computer Science, 100", 812-817. doi:10.1016/j.procs.2016.09.229
  • Florentin, J., Dutoit, T., & Verlinden, O. (28 August 2016). Identification of European woodpecker species in audio recordings from their drumming rolls. "Ecological Informatics, 35", 61-70. doi:10.1016/j.ecoinf.2016.08.006
  • Slabchenko, O., Sydorenko, V., & Siebert, X. (15 August 2016). Development of models for imputation of data from social networks on the basis of an extended matrix of attributes. "EasternEuropean Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 4" (2), 82.
  • Oulad Ben Taib, N., & Manto, M. (08 August 2016). The in vivo reduction of afferent facilitation induced by low frequency electrical stimulation of the motor cortex is antagonized by cathodal direct current stimulation of the cerebellum. "Cerebellum and Ataxias, 3" (1), 15-19. doi:10.1186/s40673-016-0053-3
  • Benjelloun, M., Dadi, E. W., & Daoudi, E. M. (01 July 2016). 3D shape retrieval in distributed databases. "International Journal of Imaging and Robotics, 16" (3), 114-123.
  • Seddati, O., Dupont, S., & Mahmoudi, S. (2016). DeepSketch 2: Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Partial Sketch Recognition. "International Workshop on Content-based Multimedia Indexing, CBMI 2016, Bucharest, Romania, June 15-17, 2016".
  • Sobrie, O., Lazouni, M. A., Mahmoudi, S., Mousseau, V., & Pirlot, M. (2016). A new decision support model for preanesthetic evaluation. "Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine", (133), 183-193. doi:10.1016/j.cmpb.2016.05.021
    A new decision support model for preanesthetic evaluation - CMPB.pdf
  • Laraba, S., & Tilmanne, J. (2016). Dance performance evaluation using hidden Markov models. "Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds".
    Dance performance evaluation using hidden Markov models - SL.pdf
  • Naoui, M., Mahmoudi, S., & Belalem, G. (2016). Feasibility Study of a Distributed and Parallel Environment for Implementing the Standard Version of AAM Model. "Journal of Information Processing Systems".
  • Dall, R., Brognaux, S., Richmond, K., Valentini-Botinhao, C., Eje Henter, G., Hischberg, J., Junichi, Y., & King, S. (2016). Testing the consistency assumption: Pronunciation variant forced alignment in read and spontaneous speech synthesis. "IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing. Proceedings".
  • Mahmoudi, S., Ammar, M., Luque Joris, G., & Abbou, A. (2016). Real Time GPU-Based Segmentation and Tracking of the Left Ventricle on 2D Echocardiography. "Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering".
  • Naoui, M., Mahmoudi, S., & Belalem, G. (15 January 2016). Towards a Distributed and Parallel Schema for Active Appearance Model Implementation. "International Journal of Computational Vision and Robotics, Vol.6" (1/2), 19 - 40. doi:10.1504/IJCVR.2016.073756
  • Rossetto, L., Giangreco, I., Heller, S., Tanase, C., Schuldt, H., Dupont, S., Seddati, O., Sezgin, M., Altiok, O. C., & Sahillioglu, Y. (2016). IMOTION - Searching for Video Sequences Using Multi-Shot Sketch Queries. "Lecture Notes in Computer Science".
  • Rossetto, L., Giangreco, I., Tanase, C., Schuldt, H., Dupont, S., Seddati, O., Sezgin, M., & Sahillioglu, Y. (2016). iAutoMotion - an Autonomous Content-Based Video Retrieval Engine. "Lecture Notes in Computer Science".
  • Brognaux, S., & Drugman, T. (01 January 2016). HMM-based Speech Segmentation: Improvements of Fully Automatic Approaches. "IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing, 24" (1), 5-15.

Books/Collective work published as editor or director

  • Pop, F., Ganchev, I., Valderrama, C., Belov, K., Di Martino, B., Pop, F. (Ed.), Ganchev, I. (Ed.), Valderrama, C. (Ed.), Belov, K. (Ed.), & Di Martino, B. (Ed.). (2016). "IEEE Cloud Computing 3(6) Special Issue: Cloud Computing for Enhanced Living Environments (Guest Editors)". IEEE Computer Society Washington, DC, USA.
  • Mancas, M., Ferrera, V., Riche, N., Taylor, J. G., Mancas, M. (Ed.), Ferrera, V. (Ed.), Riche, N. (Ed.), & Taylor, J. (Ed.). (2016). "From Human Attention to Computational Attention: A Multidisciplinary Approach". Springer Series in Cognitive and Neural Systems.

Scientific congresses and symposiums/Unpublished conference/Abstract

  • Ranieri, M. (09 December 2016). "La Labilité du street art comme forme d'obsolescence programmée" [Paper presentation]. Planned Obsolescence : Text, Theory, Technology, ULg (Université de Liège), Unknown/unspecified.
  • Gallas, M.-A., & Hochscheid, E. (19 November 2016). "VR-3D printing" [Paper presentation]. VR Hackathon, Mons, Belgium.
  • Vankerkem, M. (17 October 2016). "Introduction au Management de l'Innovation" [Paper presentation]. WALLONIE DESIGN, Liège, Belgium.
  • Alves De Albuquerque, G. L. (14 October 2016). "Nanosatellites sensors in a reconfigurable low cost architecture: A GPS receiver" [Paper presentation]. Rencontres Skywin - UMONS, Mons, Belgium.
  • Belarbi, M. A., Mahmoudi, S., & Belalem, G. (07 October 2016). "Indexing videos by key frames" [Paper presentation]. Dutch-Belgian DataBase Day, Mons, Belgium.
  • Gallas, M.-A. (06 October 2016). "Architecture et Cultures Numériques" [Paper presentation]. Séminaire InforTech - Numediart, Mons, Belgium.
    Presentation Numediart_Dépôt.pdf
  • Ranieri, M. (23 September 2016). "JR au Louvre. Effacer la pyramide pour une (dé)historicisation de l'architecture" [Paper presentation]. Agir dans la ville. Art et politique dans l'espace urbain 2 Des Représentations, UMONS, Belgium.
  • Darcis, D., & Hagelstein, M. (21 September 2016). "Les représentations sociales en question. La critique ranciérienne des identités" [Paper presentation]. Agir dans la ville. Art et politique dans l'espace urbain 2 Des Représentations, UMONS, Belgium.
  • El Adoui, M., Stylianos, D., & Benjelloun, M. (09 September 2016). "Intra tumor heterogeneity as biomarker of response to treatment : prospective evaluation of parametric response mapping applied in MRI volumetric images of breast cancer" [Paper presentation]. EDT-Cancérologie Expérimentale: Annual Mini symposium 'Why and how to integrate the tumor microenvironment and the immune system in therapeutic strategies targeting cancer cells', Bruxelles, Belgium.
  • Reboursière, L., Bricout, R., & Tiffon, V. (23 June 2016). "La guitare hexaphonique : retours sur une première utilisation pratique" [Paper presentation]. Quand la guitare [s']électrise !, Paris, France.
  • Vankerkem, M. (08 June 2016). "Introduction au Management de l'Innovation" [Paper presentation]. IDCAMPUS, Liège, Belgium.
  • Florentin, J., Kouroussis, G., & Verlinden, O. (06 June 2016). "An autonomous recording station that searches for woodpecker drums" [Paper presentation]. Ecoacoustics Congress 2016, Michigan, United States - Michigan.
  • Vankerkem, M. (30 May 2016). "Introduction au Management de l'Innovation" [Paper presentation]. ACSYSTEME, Rennes, France.
  • Simoens, P. (06 May 2016). "Patrimoine et héritage social : la place du numérique" [Paper presentation]. HIS.3 Hyperheritage international seminar, Kerkennah, Tunisia.
  • Vankerkem, M. (28 April 2016). "Introduction au Management de l'Innovation" [Paper presentation]. LME, Mons, Belgium.
  • Vankerkem, M. (27 April 2016). "Introduction au Management de l'Innovation" [Paper presentation]. AIMs, Wavre, Belgium.
  • Alves De Albuquerque, G. L. (21 April 2016). "Space applications and sensors for nanosatellites: GNSS/GPS in space" [Paper presentation]. Journée INFORTECH, Mons, Belgium.
  • Vankerkem, M. (24 March 2016). "Introduction au Management de l'Innovation" [Paper presentation]. ESA, Sainte Beuve, France.
  • Vankerkem, M. (16 March 2016). "Introduction au Management de l'Innovation" [Paper presentation]. MAP Marketing Alternative Produits, Rennes, France.
  • Vankerkem, M. (11 March 2016). "Introduction au Management de l'Innovation" [Paper presentation]. DEVILLE, Charleville-Mézières, France.
  • Vankerkem, M. (04 March 2016). "Introduction au Management de l'Innovation" [Paper presentation]. EXQUANDO, Wavre, Belgium.
  • Vankerkem, M. (02 March 2016). "Introduction au Management de l'Innovation" [Paper presentation]. BERNICIA, Canejan, France.
  • Vankerkem, M. (17 February 2016). "Introduction au Management de l'Innovation" [Paper presentation]. BROCHARD, Bourges, France.
  • Gallas, M.-A., & Becue, V. (28 January 2016). "Architecture & Urbanisme / Energie : Complexité morphologique" [Paper presentation]. Sixième journée d'études thématiques de l'Institut de Recherche en Energie, Mons, Belgium.
  • Vankerkem, M. (27 January 2016). "Introduction au Management de l'Innovation" [Paper presentation]. FORMYFIT, Mons, Belgium.
  • Vankerkem, M. (25 January 2016). "Introduction au Management de l'Innovation" [Paper presentation]. EXQUANDO, Wavre, Belgium.
  • Florentin, J., & Verlinden, O. (25 January 2016). "Wildlife Monitoring through Acoustics: the Case of Woodpeckers" [Paper presentation]. 3rd ABAV PhD and young acousticians day, Gent, Belgium.
  • Florentin, J., & Verlinden, O. (25 January 2016). "Wildlife Monitoring through Acoustics: the Case of Woodpeckers" [Paper presentation]. 3rd ABAV PhD and young acousticians day, Ghent, Belgium.
    FLORENTIN_3rd PhD and young acousticians day - 25.01.2016.pdf
  • Vankerkem, M. (18 January 2016). "Introduction au Management de l'Innovation" [Paper presentation]. GEOCONSULTING, Mons, Belgium.

Scientific congresses and symposiums/Paper published in a journal

  • Pironkov, G., Dupont, S., & Dutoit, T. (2016). "I-Vector Estimation as Auxiliary Task for Multi-Task Learning based Acoustic Modeling for Automatic Speech Recognition" [Paper presentation]. Spoken Language Technology Workshop, San Diego, United States.
  • Pironkov, G., Dupont, S., & Dutoit, T. (2016). "Speaker-Aware Multi-Task Learning for Automatic Speech Recognition" [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Cancun, Mexico.
  • Viseur, R. (2016). "Vers une approche de la propriété intellectuelle adaptée aux activités co-créatives" [Paper presentation]. 2ème Séminaire de l'Observatoire des communautés de connaissance, Strasbourg, France.
  • El Haddad, K., Cakmak, H., Gilmartin, E., Dupont, S., & Dutoit, T. (2016). "Towards a Listening Agent: A System Generating Audiovisual Laughs and Smiles to Show Interest" [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces, Tokyo, Japan.
  • Aileni, R. M., Valderrama, C., Pasca, S., & Strungaru, R. (2016). "Sympathetic skin response analysis using exosomatic method, biomedical sensors and clustering technique" [Paper presentation]. RO-LCG Grid, Cloud, and High-Performance Computing in Science, Bucharest-Magurele, Romania.
    BoA RO-LCG2016.pdf
  • Tanase, C., Rossetto, L., Giangreco, I., Schuldt, H., Dupont, S., & Seddati, O. (2016). "The IMOTION System at TRECVID 2016: The Ad-Hoc Video Search Task" [Paper presentation]. TREC Video Retrieval Evaluation, .
  • Marighetto, P., Hadj Abdelkader, I., Duzelier, S., Decombas, M., Riche, N., Jakubowicz, J., Mancas, M., Gosselin, B., & Laganière, R. (2016). "FuNNRar: Hybrid Rarity/Learning Visual Saliency" [Paper presentation]. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Phoenix, United States - Arizona.
  • Halin, G., & Gallas, M.-A. (2016). "Une approche pédagogique par les modèles pour la sensibilisation au concept de BIM (Maquette Numérique)" [Paper presentation]. Séminaire de Conception Architecturale Numérique (SCAN'16), Toulouse, Unknown/unspecified.
  • Jancart, S., Stals, A., & Gallas, M.-A. (2016). "Mathématique et culture numérique: supports aux nouvelles formes d'expression architecturale" [Paper presentation]. Séminaire de Conception Architecturale Numérique (SCAN'16), Toulouse, Unknown/unspecified.
  • Pironkov, G., Dupont, S., & Dutoit, T. (2016). "Speaker-Aware Long Short-Term Memory Multi-Task Learning for Speech Recognition" [Paper presentation]. European Signal Processing Conference, Budapest, Hungary.
  • El Haddad, K., Cakmak, H., Sulir, M., Dupont, S., & Dutoit, T. (2016). "Audio Affect Burst Synthesis: A Multilevel Synthesis System for Emotional Expressions" [Paper presentation]. European Signal Processing Conference, Budapest, Hungary.
  • Viseur, R. (2016). "A Sector-Selection Methodology for Living Labs Implementation" [Paper presentation]. OpenLivingLab Days, Montréal, Canada.
  • Viseur, R. (2016). "A Sector-Selection Methodology for Living Labs Implementation" [Paper presentation]. International Symposium on Open Collaboration, Berlin, Germany.
  • Simoens, P. (2016). "Heritage buildings and digital storage" [Paper presentation]. 11th CTV Back to the sens of the City, Carcovie, Poland.
  • Tits, M., Tilmanne, J., & D'alessandro, N. (2016). "A Novel Tool for Motion Capture Database Factor Statistical Exploration" [Paper presentation]. IEEE Workshop on Movement and Computing, Thessaloniki, Greece.
  • Grammalidis, N., Dimitropoulos, K., Tsalakanidou, F., Kitsikidis, A., Roussel, P., Denby, B., Chawah, P., Buchman, L., Dupont, S., Laraba, S., Picart, B., Tits, M., Tilmanne, J., Hadjidimitriou, S., Hadjileontiadis, L., Charisis, V., Volioti, C., Stergiaki, A., Manitsaris, A., ... Manitsaris, S. (2016). "The i-Treasures Intangible Cultural Heritage dataset" [Paper presentation]. IEEE Workshop on Movement and Computing, Thessaloniki, Greece.
  • Cremer, S., Bagein, M., Mahmoudi, S., & Manneback, P. (2016). "Amélioration des performances d'un moteur de base de données relationnelle embarqué par l'utilisation de GPU" [Paper presentation]. Conférence COMPAS 2016, Université de Bretagne Sud, Lorient, France.
  • Aileni, R. M., Valderrama, C., Pasca, S., & Strungaru, R. (2016). "Skin conductance analyzing in function of the bio-signals monitored by biomedical sensors" [Paper presentation]. ISFEE Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering, International Symposium on, Bucharest, Romania. doi:10.1109/ISFEE.2016.7803243
  • Viseur, R. (2016). "Propriété intellectuelle : bases d'un cadre légal adapté aux activités co-créatives" [Paper presentation]. Colloque International GeCSO (Gestion des Connaissances dans la Société et les Organisations), Paris, France.
  • Viseur, R. (2016). "Communs informationnels et photographie : le cas de Wikimedia Commons et des concours 'Wiki Loves'" [Paper presentation]. Colloque International GeCSO (Gestion des Connaissances dans la Société et les Organisations), Paris, France.
  • Alves De Albuquerque, G. L., Valderrama, C., Costa Silva, F., & Xavier De Souza, S. (2016). "Time-effective GPS Time Domain Signal Acquisition Algorithm" [Paper presentation]. ICL-GNSS International Conference on Localization and GNSS, Barcelona, Spain. doi:10.1109/ICL-GNSS.2016.7533687
  • Hulshof, C., Siebert, X., & Mélot, H. (2016). "NeoMI: a New Environment for the Organization of Musical Instruments" [Paper presentation]. International Workshop on Folk Music Analysis, Dublin, Ireland.
    NeoMI_ a New Environment for the Organization of Musical Instrume.pdf
  • Cakmak, H., El Haddad, K., & Pulisci, R. (2016). "A real time OSC controlled agent for human machine interactions" [Paper presentation]. Workshop on Artificial Companion WACAI, Brest, France.
  • Mahmoudi, S. (2016). "Towards a Smart Selection of Resources for Low-energy Multimedia Processing" [Paper presentation]. The 2nd International Conference on Cloud Computing Technologies and Applications - CloudTech'16, Marrakech, Morocco.
  • El Haddad, K., Cakmak, H., Dupont, S., & Dutoit, T. (2016). "Laughter and Smile Processing for Human-Computer Interactions" [Paper presentation]. Workshop 'Just talking - casual talk among humans and machines' of LREC 2016, Portorož, Slovenia.
  • El Haddad, K., Cakmak, H., Dupont, S., & Dutoit, T. (2016). "AVAB-DBS: an Audio-Visual Affect Bursts Database for Synthesis" [Paper presentation]. Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2016), Portorož, Slovenia.
  • Viseur, R. (2016). "Problèmes pratiques de propriété intellectuelle dans les hotspots créatifs wallons : bases d'un cadre légal adapté aux activités co-créatives" [Paper presentation]. Colloque de l'AIM, Lille, France.
  • Seddati, O., Dupont, S., & Mahmoudi, S. (2016). "Réseaux de Neurones Convolutionnels Profonds pour la Reconnaissance d'Action dans les Vidéos" [Paper presentation]. CORESA 2016 - COmpression et REprésentation des Signaux Audiovisuels, Nancy, France.
  • Ravet, T., Tilmanne, J., D'alessandro, N., & Laraba, S. (2016). "Motion Data and Machine Learning: Prototyping and Evaluation" [Paper presentation]. CHI'16 Workshop on Human-Centred Machine Learning, San Jose, United States.
    Motion Data and Machine Learning Prototyping and Evaluation.pdf
  • Frisson, C., Malacria, S., Bailly, G., & Dutoit, T. (2016). "InspectorWidget: a System to Analyze Users Behaviors in Their Applications" [Paper presentation]. Proceedings of the 2016 CHI Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, San Jose, United States - California. doi:10.1145/2851581.2892388
  • Popov, G., Dualibe, F., Moeyaert, V., Ndungidi, P., Garcia Vazquez, H., & Valderrama, C. (2016). "A 65-nm CMOS battery-less temperature sensor node for RF-powered Wireless Sensor Networks" [Paper presentation]. IEEE MTT-S Wireless Power Transfer Conference (WPTC-2016), Aveiro, Portugal.
  • Pironkov, G., Dupont, S., & Dutoit, T. (2016). "Multi-Task Learning for Speech Recognition: An Overview" [Paper presentation]. The European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, Bruges, Belgium.
  • Tanase, C., Giangreco, I., Rossetto, L., Schuldt, H., Seddati, O., Dupont, S., Altiok, O. C., & Sezgin, M. (2016). "Semantic Sketch-Based Video Retrieval with Autocompletion" [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces, Sonoma, United States - California.
  • Cremer, S., Bagein, M., Mahmoudi, S., & Manneback, P. (2016). "CuDB: a Relational Database Engine Boosted by Graphics Processing Units" [Paper presentation]. Proceedings of the First PhD Symposium on Sustainable Ultrascale Computing Systems, Timisoara, Romania.
  • Aileni, R. M., Strungaru, R., & Valderrama, C. (2016). "Data mining for autonomous wearable sensors used for elderly healthcare monitoring" [Paper presentation]. NESUS Symposium on Sustainable Ultrascale Computing Systems, Timisoara, Romania.
  • Frisson, C., & Dumas, B. (2016). "InfoPhys: Direct Manipulation of Information Visualisation through a Force-Feedback Pointing Device" [Paper presentation]. Proceedings of the 10th ACM International Conference on Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction (TEI'16), Eindhoven, Netherlands. doi:10.1145/2839462.2856545

Scientific congresses and symposiums/Poster

  • Ranieri, M. (12 December 2016). "Agir dans l'espace public urbain et numérique : entre engagement et effacement. : Approche critique du dispositif participatif des projets artistiques de JR" [Poster presentation]. Séminaire doctoral David Mangin, Faculté d'Architecture La Cambre Horta, Unknown/unspecified.
  • Siebert, X., Mélot, H., & Hulshof, C. (12 September 2016). "Study of the robustness of descriptors for musical instruments classification" [Poster presentation]. Belgian-Dutch Conference on Machine Learning, BeneLearn, Courtrai, Belgium.
  • El Adoui, M., Drisis, S., & Benjelloun, M. (09 September 2016). "Prospective evaluation by Parametric Response Mapping (PRM) applied in MRI volumetric images of breast cancer" [Poster presentation]. EDT-Cancérologie Expérimentale: Annual Mini symposium 'Why and how to integrate the tumor microenvironment and the immune system in therapeutic strategies targeting cancer cells', Bruxelles, Belgium.
    Poster EL ADOUI.pdf
  • Garcia Vazquez, H., Dualibe, F., Ndungidi, P., Popov, G., & Ymeraj, A. (18 May 2016). "Low-power RF front-end powered by energy harvesting" [Poster presentation]. 9ème édition de la Matinée des Chercheurs 2016 (MdC2016), Valenciennes, France.
  • Ndungidi, P., Garcia Vazquez, H., Popov, G., Dualibe, F., & Valderrama, C. (18 May 2016). "Multi-abstraction models for accelerating the design of RF systems" [Poster presentation]. 9ème édition de la Matinée des Chercheurs 2016 (MdC2016), Valenciennes, France.
  • Ymeraj, A., Dualibe, F., Garcia Vazquez, H., & Sampietro, M. (18 May 2016). "Design and simulation of an ultra low-voltage low-power step-down DC/DC converter in CMOS-65nm" [Poster presentation]. 9ème édition de la Matinée des Chercheurs 2016 (MdC2016), Valenciennes, France.
  • Alves De Albuquerque, G. L., Costa Silva, F., De Souza, S. X., & Valderrama, C. (18 May 2016). "Space applications and sensors for nanosatellites: GNSS/GPS in space" [Poster presentation]. 9ème édition de la Matinée des Chercheurs 2016 (MdC2016), Valenciennes, France.
  • Ranieri, M. (25 April 2016). "Agir dans/sur la ville: entre engagement et effacement. Approchaine critique de l'installation urbaine de JR" [Poster presentation]. 9ème édition de la Matinée des Chercheurs 2016 (MdC2016), Valenciennes, France.
  • Garcia Vazquez, H., & Dualibe, F. (19 April 2016). "WSN node powered by energy harvesting" [Poster presentation]. Deuxième Journée scientifique du Pôle hainuyer, Université du Travail, Charleroi, Belgium.

Reports/Internal report

  • Garcia Vazquez, H., & Dualibe, F. (2016). "Ultra-low power RF front-end powered by energy harvesting (POHAR projet, 2nd Anual report, Numéro de convention : 1410164)".
  • Çiftçi, S., Grammalidis, N., Dimitropoulos, K., Kitsikidis, A., Tsalakanidou, F., Dagnino, F., Pozzi, F., Leboullenger, C., Chawah, P., Laraba, S., Dupont, S., Manitsaris, S., Volioti, C., Charisis, V., & Hadjileontiadis, L. (2016). "Final Version of 3D Visualization for Sensorimotor Learning - FP7 i-Treasures Deliverable 5.5".
  • Laraba, S., Tilmanne, J., Tits, M., Ververidis, D., Nikolopoulos, S., Nikolaidis, S., & Chalikias, A.-P. (2016). "Intangible Cultural Heritage Indexing by Stylistic Factors and Locality Variations - FP7 i-Treasures Deliverable 4.5".
  • Schuldt, H., Dupont, S., Giangreco, I., Rossetto, L., Sahillioglu, Y., Seddati, O., Sen, C., Sezgin, M., Tanase, C., & Yildirim, D. (2016). "IMOTION - Intelligent MultiModal Augmented Video Motion Retrieval System - Periodic Report 2".
  • Denby, B., Leboullenger, C., Hakoun, A., Roussel, P., Hadjidimitriou, S., Hadjileontiadis, L., Charisis, V., Grammalidis, N., Tsalakanidou, F., Dimitropoulos, K., Kitsikidis, A., Laraba, S., Tilmanne, J., Dupont, S., Manitsaris, S., Moutarde, F., bouzos, O., Chawah, P., Crevier-Buchman, L., ... Manitsaris, A. (2016). "Final Version of ICH Capture and Analysis Modules - FP7 i-Treasures Deliverable 3.4".
  • Seddati, O., Dupont, S., & Mahmoudi, S. (2016). "Video Motion Feature Extractors, 1st Prototype - IMOTION Deliverable 2.2".
  • El Haddad, K., Dupont, S., & Dutoit, T. (2016). "Speech Synthesis - v1 - JOKER Deliverable 5.2".
  • El Haddad, K., Dupont, S., & Dutoit, T. (2016). "Affect bursts generation - v1 - JOKER Deliverable 5.3".
  • Chantas, G., Nikolopoulos, S., Kompatsiaris, I., Karavarsamis, S., Ververidis, D., Chatzilari, E., Liaros, G., Chalikias, A.-P., Nikolaidis, S., & Dupont, S. (2016). "Final Version of Multimodal Analysis, Fusion and Semantic Media Interpretation - FP7 i-Treasures Deliverable 4.3".
  • Denby, B., Leboullenger, C., Roussel, P., Hadjidimitriou, S., Hadjileontiadis, L., Charisis, V., Grammalidis, N., Tsalakanidou, F., Dimitropoulos, K., Kitsikidis, A., Laraba, S., Tilmanne, J., Dupont, S., Manitsaris, S., Moutarde, F., bouzos, O., Chawah, P., Crevier-Buchman, L., Volioti, C., & Manitsaris, A. (2016). "Final Report on ICH Capture and Analysis - FP7 i-Treasures Deliverable 3.3".

Dissertations and theses/Doctoral thesis

  • Cakmak, H. (2016). "Audiovisual Laughter Synthesis - A Statistical Parametric Approach" [Doctoral thesis, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons.

Diverse speeches and writings/Article for a general audience

  • Roy, F., & Mancas, M. (2016). Adrexo se lance dans l'oculométrie prédictive. "CBNews".
  • Mancas, M. (2016). Adrexo propose d'améliorer (en amont) l'impact des imprimés publicitaires grâce à l'eye-tracking. "OffreMedia".
  • Gavard, E., & Mancas, M. (2016). «IL RESTE TOUT À FAIRE SUR LE PROSPECTUS». "".
  • Leroy, C. (2016). À L'AUBE DU SIXIÈME SENS. "Le Vif".
  • Leroy, C., & Mancas, M. (2016). À L'AUBE DU SIXIÈME SENS. "Le Vif".
  • Achour, A., Agha, Y., Auberger, N., Babu-Bobbilo, K., Barakat, T., Bianco, J., Bondar, L., Bruneel, D., Combe, E., Deleplanque, S., Derue, L., El-Baroudi, M., Fernandez Rodriguez, J. D., Garcia Vazquez, H., Fall, P. A., Grodski, M., Hamzaoui, M., Harb, N., Huang, J. P., ... Zhao, Z. (2016). Portraits de Chercheurs (BEWARE) Vol.1. "Servicie public de Wallonie".
  • Viseur, R. (2016). 'L'auteur d'une photo n'est pas forcément celui qui a appuyé sur le bouton' (interview) : Dossier : images automatisées, la disparition des auteurs. "Fisheye".

Diverse speeches and writings/Other

  • Ranieri, M. (2016). "Organisation du Colloque ' Agir dans la ville. Art et politique dans l'espace urbain 2 : des représentations' : du 21 au 23 septembre".


Scientific journals/Book review

  • Mahmoudi, S., Da Cunha Possa, P., Ravet, T., Drugman, T., Chessini Bose, R., Dutoit, T., & Valderrama, C. (01 October 2015). Sensor-based Framework for Automatic Cough Detection and Classification. "Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 7" (2015).
  • Costa Silva, F., Xavier-de-Souza, S., das Chagas Mota, F., Alves De Albuquerque, G. L., & Valderrama, C. (2015). Two-step Low Complexity GPS Signal Acquisition. "Navigation, Journal of the Institute of Navigation".
  • Larhmam, M., Mahmoudi, S., Benjelloun, M., & Gillis, N. (2015). La vision par ordinateur au service de l'oncologie. "Polytech News", (51), 13.
  • Pirlot, M., Lazouni, M. A., Mahmoudi, S., & Sobrie, O. (2015). Gestion hospitalière et aide à la décision. "Polytech News", (51), 16.

Parts of books/Contribution to collective works

  • Le Meur, O., & Mancas, M. (2015). Computational Models of Visual Attention and Applications. In "Biologically Inspired Computer Vision: Fundamentals and Applications" (pp. 21). WileyVCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA.
  • Bisdorff, R., Dias, L. C., Meyer, P., Mousseau, V., & Pirlot, M. (2015). Introduction. In R. Bisdorff, L. C. Dias, P. Meyer, V. Mousseau, M. Pirlot, L. C. Dias (Ed.), R. Bisdorff (Ed.), P. Meyer (Ed.), V. Mousseau (Ed.), ... M. Pirlot (Ed.), "Evaluation and decision models with multiple criteria. Case studies". Springer.
  • Pirlot, M., Teghem, J., Ulungu, B., Duvivier, L., Bulens, P., & Goffin, C. (2015). Choosing a cooling system for a power plant in Belgium. In R. Bisdorff, L. C. Dias, P. Meyer, V. Mousseau, M. Pirlot, L. C. Dias (Ed.), R. Bisdorff (Ed.), P. Meyer (Ed.), V. Mousseau (Ed.), ... M. Pirlot (Ed.), "Evaluation and decision models with multiple criteria. Case studies". Springer.
  • Mahmoudi, S. (2015). Multi-CPU/Multi-GPU Based Framework for Multimedia Processing. In "Computer Science and Its Applications". Springer.
  • Alves De Albuquerque, G. L., Carvalho, M. J. M., & Valderrama, C. (2015). Brazilian Nano-satellite with Reconfigurable SOC GNSS Receiver Tracking capability. In "FPGAs and Parallel Architectures for Aerospace Applications" (pp. 13). Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-14352-1
  • Darcis, D. (2015). Penser la contemporanéité de la gravure. In "Biennale internationale de gravure contemporaine 2015 (Catalogue)". Musée des Beaux-Arts de Liège.

Scientific journals/Article

  • El Haddad, K., Dupont, S., Cakmak, H., & Dutoit, T. (2015). Shaking and Speech-Smile Vowels Classification: An Attempt at Amusement Arousal Estimation from Speech Signals. "IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing".
  • Gillis, N., & Kumar, A. (15 October 2015). Exact and Heuristic Algorithms for Semi-Nonnegative Matrix Factorization. "SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, 36" (4), 1404-1424.
    20 Exact and Heuristic Algorithms for Semi-Nonnegative Matrix Factorization.pdf
  • Courboulay, V., & Mancas, M. (2015). CuriousMind photographer: distract the robot from its initial task. "EAI Endorsed Transactions on Creative Technologies".
  • Seddati, O., Emre, K., Pironkov, G., Dupont, S., Mahmoudi, S., & Dutoit, T. (2015). UMons at MediaEval 2015 Affective Impact of Movies Task including Violent Scenes Detection. "IEEE Multimedia".
  • Vatavu, R.-D., & Mancas, M. (25 August 2015). Evaluating visual attention for multi-screen television: measures, toolkit, and experimental findings. "Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 19", 781-801.
  • Garcia Vazquez, H., Khemchandani, S., & Pino, J. (16 August 2015). A RF front-end for DVB-SH based on current conveyors. "Microelectronics Journal, 46" (7), 581-587. doi:10.1016/j.mejo.2015.04.003
  • Ndungidi, P., Garcia Vazquez, H., Dualibe, F., Pino, J., & Valderrama, C. (29 July 2015). Optimal distribution of RF receiver multistandard specification based on multiobjective optimization. "Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 57" (10), 2262-2269. doi:10.1002/mop.29307
    Optimal distribution of RF receiver multistandard specification based on multiobjective optimization-2015-Microwave_and_Optical_Technology_Letters.pdf
  • Ben Madhkour, R., Mancas, M., & Dutoit, T. (2015). A taxonomy of camera calibration and video projection correction methods. "EAI Endorsed Transactions on Creative Technologies".
  • Brognaux, S., & Drugman, T. (14 July 2015). HMM-based Speech Segmentation: Improvements of Fully Automatic Approaches. "IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing, 24" (1), 5-15.
  • Garcia Vazquez, H., L. Khemchandani, S., & del Pino, J. (2015). A RF front-end for DVB-SH based on current conveyors. "Microelectronics Journal".
  • Mahmoudi, S., Lecron, F., & Benjelloun, M. (24 June 2015). Digital mammograms classification for breast cancer detection. "International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, S (2015) 10" (Suppl 1), 125-S126. doi:10.1007/s11548-015-1213-2
  • Da Cunha Possa, P., Harb, N., & Valderrama, C. (22 June 2015). P²IP: A novel low-latency Programmable Pipeline Image Processor. "Microprocessors and Microsystems, 39" (2015), 529-540. doi:10.1016/j.micpro.2015.06.010
    1-s2 0-S0141933115000897-main.pdf
  • Seddati, O., Dupont, S., & Mahmoudi, S. (2015). DeepSketch: Deep convolutional neural networks for sketch recognition and similarity search. "International Workshop on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing, CBMI 2015, Prague, Czech Republic, June 10-12, 2015".
    CBMI_2015_submission_30 (2).pdf
  • Barros, C.-A., SILVEIRA, L. F. Q., Valderrama, C., & Xavier-de-Souza, S. (22 May 2015). Optimal Processor Dynamic-Energy Reduction for Parallel Workloads on Heterogeneous Multi-core Architectures. "Microprocessors and Microsystems, Volume 39" (Issue 6, August 2015), 418-425. doi:10.1016/j.micpro.2015.05.009
  • Gillis, N., & Ma, W.-K. (21 May 2015). Enhancing Pure-Pixel Identification Performance via Preconditioning. "SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, 8" (2), 1161-1186.
    18 Enhancing Pure-Pixel Identification Performance via Preconditioning.pdf
  • Mahmoudi, S., & Manneback, P. (15 May 2015). Multi-CPU/Multi-GPU Based Framework for Multimedia Processing. "IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, 456" (2015), 54-65.
  • El Haddad, K., Dupont, S., Urbain, J., & Dutoit, T. (2015). Speech-Laughs: an HMM-based Approach for Amused Speech Synthesis. "IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing. Proceedings".
  • Picart, B., Brognaux, S., & Dupont, S. (2015). Analysis and Automatic Recognition of Human Beatbox Sounds: a Comparative Study. "IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing. Proceedings".
  • Cakmak, H., Urbain, J., & Dutoit, T. (2015). Synchronization rules for HMM-based Audio-Visual laughter synthesis. "IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing. Proceedings".
  • Gillis, N., Kuang, D., & Park, H. (01 April 2015). Hierarchical Clustering of Hyperspectral Images using Rank-Two Nonnegative Matrix Factorization. "IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 53" (4), 2066-2078.
    16 Hierarchical Clustering of Hyperspectral Imagesusing Rank-Two NMF.pdf
  • Nedjar, I., Daho, M. E. H., Settouti, N., Mahmoudi, S., & Chikh, M. A. (30 March 2015). Random forest based classification of medical x-ray images using a genetic algorithm for feature selection. "Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology, Vol. 15" (2), 8. doi:10.1142/S0219519415400254
  • Gillis, N., & Vavasis, S. A. (26 March 2015). Semidefinite Programming Based Preconditioning for More Robust Near-Separable Nonnegative Matrix Factorization. "SIAM Journal on Optimization, 25" (1), 677-698.
    17 Semidefinite Programming Based Preconditioning for More Robust Near-Separable Nonnegative Matrix Factorization.pdf
  • Mahmoudi, S. (27 February 2015). Multi-GPU based framework for real-time motion analysis and tracking in multi-user scenarios. "EAI Endorsed Transactions. Creative Technologies, 2" (2), 1-10.
  • Tobon-Gomez, C., Geers, A., Peters, J., Weese, J., Pinto, K., Rashed, K., Ammar, M., Daoudi, A., Margeta, J., Sandoval, Z., Stender, B., Zheng, Y., A. Zuluaga, M., Betancur, J., Ayache, N., Chikh, M. A., Dillenseger, J.-L., Kelm, B. M., Mahmoudi, S., ... S. Rhode, K. (2015). Benchmark for algorithms segmenting the left atrium from 3D CT and MRI datasets. "IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging". doi:10.1109/TMI.2015.2398818
  • Rocca, F., Mancas, M., Grisard, F., Leroy, J., Ravet, T., & Gosselin, B. (2015). Head pose estimation & TV Context: current technology. "EAI Endorsed Transactions on Creative Technologies".
  • Daoudi, A., Mahmoudi, S., & Chikh, M. A. (2015). Automatic Segmentation of the Right Ventricle by Active Shape Model and a Distance Transform. "Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics".
  • Rossetto, L., Giangreco, I., Schuldt, H., Dupont, S., Seddati, O., Sezgin, M., & Sahillioglu, Y. (01 January 2015). IMOTION - A Content-Based Video Retrieval Engine. "Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 8936", 255-260.
    imotion cb.pdf

Scientific congresses and symposiums/Unpublished conference/Abstract

  • Alves De Albuquerque, G. L., & Valderrama, C. (18 December 2015). "FPGAs in space, satellite FPGA aided systems" [Paper presentation]. Reconfigurable Market, Mons, Belgium.
  • Vankerkem, M. (27 November 2015). "Introduction au Management de l'Innovation" [Paper presentation]. GEOCONSULTING, Mons, Belgium.
  • Vankerkem, M. (13 November 2015). "Introduction au Management de l'Innovation" [Paper presentation]. FORMYFIT, Enghien, Belgium.
  • Mahmoudi, S. (11 October 2015). "Images analysis and annotation for computer aided diagnosis and multimedia management: Invited talk" [Paper presentation]. Journées Doctorales Apprentissage Automatique & Web Intelligence (JDIM 2015), Mostaganem, Algeria.
  • Vankerkem, M. (10 September 2015). "Introduction au Management de l'Innovation" [Paper presentation]. MARTIN SELLIER, Valenciennes, France.
  • Vankerkem, M. (08 July 2015). "Introduction au Management de l'Innovation" [Paper presentation]. ALLIAGE CARE, Bordeaux, France.
  • Vankerkem, M. (27 June 2015). "Introduction au Management de l'Innovation" [Paper presentation]. TOUT TECHNIQUE, La Seyne sur Mer, France.
  • Mahmoudi, S., & Manneback, P. (31 May 2015). "Traitement Temps Réel d'Images et de Vidéos de Haute Définition sur GPU Multiples" [Paper presentation]. Journée Calcul Intensif. Colloque sur l'Optimisation et les Systèmes d'Information COSI'2015, Oran, Algeria.
  • Vankerkem, M. (29 May 2015). "Introduction au Management de l'Innovation" [Paper presentation]. SYSTEME J, Delémont, Switzerland.
  • Vankerkem, M. (12 May 2015). "Introduction au Management de l'Innovation" [Paper presentation]. ARCAD, Luxembourg, Luxembourg.
  • Darcis, D. (02 February 2015). "Bernard Stiegler, une trajectoire philosophique" [Paper presentation]. Workshop Ville HighTech Agriculture Lowtech/Ville Lowtech Agriculture HighTech, Mons, Belgium.
  • Vankerkem, M. (28 January 2015). "Introduction au Management de l'Innovation" [Paper presentation]. SYNODIANCE, Nantes, France.
  • Vankerkem, M. (26 January 2015). "Introduction au Management de l'Innovation" [Paper presentation]. ONEY - Banque ACCORD, Lille, France.

Scientific congresses and symposiums/Paper published in a journal

  • Pironkov, G., Dupont, S., & Dutoit, T. (2015). "INVESTIGATING SPARSE DEEP NEURAL NETWORKS FOR SPEECH RECOGNITION" [Paper presentation]. Automatic Speech Recognition & Understanding, .
  • El Haddad, K., Cakmak, H., Dupont, S., & Dutoit, T. (2015). "Towards a Level Assessment System of Amusement in Speech Signals: Amused Speech Components Classification" [Paper presentation]. IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology, .
  • El Haddad, K., Cakmak, H., Moinet, A., Dupont, S., & Dutoit, T. (2015). "An HMM Approach for Synthesizing Amused Speech with a Controllable Intensity of Smile" [Paper presentation]. IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology, .
  • Diaz, D., Garcia Vazquez, H., Montesdeoca, M., Khemchandani, S., & Pino, J. (2015). "A Wide-band noise-cancelling CMOS LNA based on Current Conveyors" [Paper presentation]. XXX Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems Conference (DCIS), Estoril, Portugal.
  • Daoudi, A., Mahmoudi, S., & Chikh, M. A. (2015). "Endocardial Ultrasound Segmentation using Level Set method" [Paper presentation]. 3rd International Conference on Signal, Image, Vision and their Applications, Guelma, Algeria.
  • Kasmi, N., Mostapha, Z., Mahmoudi, S., & Manneback, P. (2015). "Taking Advantage of GPU/CPU Architectures for Sparse Conjugate Gradient Solver Computation" [Paper presentation]. Third World Conference on Complex Systems, Marrakech, Morocco.
  • Laraba, S., Tilmanne, J., & Dutoit, T. (2015). "Adaptation procedure for HMM-based sensor-dependent gesture recognition" [Paper presentation]. Motion in Games, Paris, France.
  • Aileni, R. M., Sever, P., & Valderrama, C. (2015). "Biomedical sensors data fusion algorithm for enhancing the efficiency of fault-tolerant systems in case of wearable electronics device" [Paper presentation]. RO-LCG Conference Grid, Cloud and High Performance Computing in Science, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
  • Aileni, R. M., Pasca, S., & Valderrama, C. (2015). "Cloud computing for big data from biomedical sensors monitoring, storage and analyze" [Paper presentation]. CFP15ROL-CDR 2015 RO-LCG Conference 8th Grid, Cloud and High Performance Computing in Science, Cluj-Napoca , Romania.
  • R. F. Silva, B., B. Nogueira, M., S. Santiago, G., D. Dantas, J. B., Alves De Albuquerque, G. L., J. Alsina, P., & Dantas de Medeiros, A. A. (2015). "SISTEMA DE VISÃO COMPUTACIONAL PARA DETECÇÃO DE EMBARCAÇÕES POR VEÍCULO AÉREO NÃO TRIPULADO" [Paper presentation]. SBAI 2015 - Simpósio Brasileiro de Automação Inteligente, Natal, Brazil.
  • Decombas, M., Marighetto, P., Mancas, M., Cassagne, I., Riche, N., Gosselin, B., Dutoit, T., & Laganière, R. (2015). "An Evaluation Criterion of Saliency Models for Video Seam Carving" [Paper presentation]. 7th IEEE International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing (MMSP2015), Xiamen, China.
  • Leroy, J., Riche, N., Mancas, M., & Gosselin, B. (2015). "3D Saliency Based on Supervoxels Rarity in Point Clouds" [Paper presentation]. Symposium on Attention in Cognitive Systems, Hamburg, Germany.
  • Tits, M., Tilmanne, J., D'alessandro, N., & Wanderley, M. (2015). "Feature Extraction and Expertise Analysis of Pianists' Motion-Captured Finger Gestures" [Paper presentation]. International Computer Music Conference (ICMC 2015), Denton, United States - Texas.
  • Bandrabur, A., Florea, L., Florea, C., & Mancas, M. (2015). "Emotion identification by facial landmarks dynamics analysis" [Paper presentation]. IEEE Intelligent Computer Communication and Processing (ICCP), Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
  • Awad, D., Mancas, M., Riche, N., Courboulay, V., & Revel, A. (2015). "A CBIR-based evaluation framework for visual attention models" [Paper presentation]. 23rd European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 2015), Nice, France.
  • Devillers, L., Rossetto, S., Dubuisson Duplessis, G., Sehili, M. A., Béchade, L., Delaborde, A., Gossart, C., Letard, V., Yang, F., Yemez, Y., T¨urker, B. B., Sezgin, M., El Haddad, K., Dupont, S., Luzzati, D., Estève, Y., Gilmartin, E., & Campbell, N. (2015). "Multimodal Data Collection of Human-Robot Humorous Interactions in the JOKER Project" [Paper presentation]. Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction, .
  • Cakmak, H., El Haddad, K., & Dutoit, T. (2015). "GMM-based Synchronization rules for HMM-based Audio-Visual laughter synthesis" [Paper presentation]. 6th International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII 2015), Xi'an, China.
  • Nedjar, I., Mahmoudi, S., Chikh, M. A., Abi-Yad, K., & Bouafia, Z. (2015). "Automatic Annotation of Liver CT Image: ImageCLEFmed 2015" [Paper presentation]. Working Notes of CLEF 2015 - Conference and Labs of the Evaluation forum, 2015. CEUR Workshop Proceedings 1391, 2015, Toulouse, France.
  • El Haddad, K., Cakmak, H., Dupont, S., & Dutoit, T. (2015). "Breath and Repeat: An Attempt at Enhancing Speech-Laugh Synthesis Quality" [Paper presentation]. European Signal Processing Conference, .
  • Cassagne, I., Riche, N., Decombas, M., Mancas, M., Gosselin, B., Dutoit, T., & Laganière, R. (2015). "Video saliency based on rarity prediction: HYPERAPTOR" [Paper presentation]. 23rd European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 2015), Nice, France.
  • Tilmanne, J., & D'alessandro, N. (2015). "MotionMachine: A New Framework For Motion Capture Signal Feature Prototyping" [Paper presentation]. 23rd European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 2015), Nice, France.
  • Tilmanne, J., D'alessandro, N., Barborka, P., Bayansar, F., Bernardo, F., Fiebrink, R., Héloir, A., Hemery, E., Laraba, S., Moinet, A., Nunnar, F., Ravet, T., Reboursière, L., Sarasúa, A., Tits, M., Tits, N., & Zajega, F. (2015). "Prototyping a New Audio-Visual Instrument Based on Extraction of High-Level Features on Full-Body Motion" [Paper presentation]. Proceedings of the 10th International Summer Workshop on Multimodal Interfaces - eNTERFACE'15, Mons, Belgium.
  • C. C. Santos, C., A. L. M. Costa, D., L. S. Júnior, V., R. F. Silva, B., L. Leite, D., E. B. S. Júnior, C., A. Liberato, B., B. Nogueira, M., D. Senna, M., S. Santiago, G., D. Dantas, J. B., J. Alsina, P., & Alves De Albuquerque, G. L. (2015). "SCANNING ROCKET IMPACT AREA WITH AN UAV: FIRST RESULTS" [Paper presentation]. 22nd ESA Symposium on European Rocket and BalloonProgrammes and Related Research, Tromso, Norway.
  • Garcia Vazquez, H., Khemchandani, S., Dualibe, F., & Pino, J. (2015). "A selectable bandwidth LNA based on current conveyors" [Paper presentation]. 9th Argentine Conference on Micro-Nanoelectronics Technology and Applications (CAMTA 2015), Villa María, Argentina.
  • Deshayes, R., & Mens, T. (2015). "GISMO: A Domain-Specific Modelling Language for Executable Prototyping of Gestural Interaction" [Paper presentation]. ACM SIGCHI Symposium on Engineering Interactive Computing System, Duisburg, Germany.
  • Florentin, J., Fauville, B., Gérard, M., Moiny, F., Rasmont, P., Kouroussis, G., & Verlinden, O. (2015). "Soundscape analysis and wildlife presence in the vicinity of a wind turbine" [Paper presentation]. Euronoise 2015 - the 10th European Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering, Maastricht, Netherlands.
    FLO2015 - EuroNoise2015.pdf
  • D'alessandro, N., Tilmanne, J., Moreau, A., & Puleo, A. (2015). "AirPiano: A Multi-Touch Keyboard with Hovering Control" [Paper presentation]. Proceedings of the 15th Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME'15), Baton Rouge, United States - Louisiana.
  • Ramos, D., Khemchandani, S., Garcia Vazquez, H., & Pino, J. (2015). "Different strategies to improve sensitivity and power of the wake-up receivers" [Paper presentation]. 1st URSI Atlantic Radio Science Conference (URSI AT-RASC), Gran Canaria, Spain.
  • Belarbi, M. A., Mahmoudi, S., & Belalem, G. (2015). "Research and automatic video indexing by content" [Paper presentation]. Conférence Internationale sur le Traitement de l'Information Multimédia (CITIM'2015), Mascara, Algeria.
  • Rocca, F., De Deken, P.-H., Grisard, F., Mancas, M., & Gosselin, B. (2015). Real-Time Marker-Less Implicit Behavior Tracking for User Profiling in a TV Context. "casa 2015 : 28th international conference on computer animation and social agents 2015 - Proceedings Short Papers (ISBN: 978-981-09-4946-4 )".
  • El Haddad, K., Dupont, S., D'alessandro, N., & Dutoit, T. (2015). "An HMM-based Speech-smile Synthesis System: An Approach for Amusement Synthesis" [Paper presentation]. 3rd Intl Workshop on Emotion Representation, Analysis and Synthesis in Continuous Time and Space (EmoSPACE'15), Ljubljana, Slovenia.
  • Cakmak, H., El Haddad, K., & Dutoit, T. (2015). "Audio-visual laughter synthesis system" [Paper presentation]. 4th Interdisciplinary Workshop on Laughter and Other Non-Verbal Vocalisations in Speech, Enschede, Netherlands.
  • El Haddad, K., Cakmak, H., Dupont, S., & Dutoit, T. (2015). "Towards a Speech Synthesis System with Controllable Amusement Levels" [Paper presentation]. 4th Interdisciplinary Workshop on Laughter and Other Non-Verbal Vocalisations in Speech, Enschede, Netherlands.
  • El Haddad, K., Moinet, A., Cakmak, H., Dupont, S., & Dutoit, T. (2015). "Using MAGE for Real Time Speech-Laugh Synthesis" [Paper presentation]. 4th Interdisciplinary Workshop on Laughter and Other Non-Verbal Vocalisations in Speech, Enschede, Netherlands.
  • Al Kork, S., Ugurca, D., Sahin, C., Chawah, P., Buchman, L., Adda-Decker, M., Xu, K., Denby, B., Roussel, P., Picart, B., Dupont, S., Tsalakanidou, F., Kitsikidis, A., Dagnino, F., Ott, M., Pozzi, F., Stone, M., & Yilmaz, E. (2015). "A Novel Human Interaction Game-Like application to Learn, Perform and Evaluate Modern Contemporary Singing: Human Beat Box" [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications, .
  • Yilmaz, E., Ugurca, D., Sahin, C., Dagnino, F., Ott, M., Pozzi, F., Dimitropoulos, K., Tsalakanidou, F., Kitsikidis, A., Al Kork, S., Xu, K., Denby, B., Roussel, P., Chawah, P., Buchman, L., Adda-Decker, M., Dupont, S., Picart, B., Tilmanne, J., ... Grammalidis, N. (2015). "Novel 3D Game-like Applications Driven by Body Interactions for Learning Specific Forms of Intangible Cultural Heritage" [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications, .
    Visapp2015_Games_final_after reviews_oa.pdf
  • Lourenço, S., Tits, M., Wanderley, M., & Castro, S. (2015). "European Piano Schools of Music Performance: Analysis towards a multimodal approach" [Paper presentation]. International Conference on New Music Concepts (ICNMC 2015), Treviso, Italy.

Scientific congresses and symposiums/Poster

  • Cakmak, H. (28 July 2015). "Audiovisual Laughter synthesis" [Poster presentation]. 2016 Speech Processing Courses in Crete - Speech Synthesis: Advancements in Modern Speech Synthesis Engines, Crete, Greece.
  • Kasmi, N., & Mahmoudi, S. (10 March 2015). "Taking Advantage of Heterogeneous Architectures for Conjugate Gradient Solver Computation" [Poster presentation]. 8ème édition de la Matinée des Chercheurs 2015 (MdC2015), Mons, Belgium.
  • Tits, M. (10 March 2015). "Analyse de l'Expertise Gestuelle" [Poster presentation]. 8ème édition de la Matinée des Chercheurs 2015 (MdC2015), Mons, Belgium.
    Poster MdC2015 Mickael Tits FNRS logo.pdf
  • Popov, G., Dualibe, F., Ndungidi, P., Moeyaert, V., & Valderrama, C. (10 March 2015). "Design and simulation of a wireless and battery-less temperature sensor in a CMOS 65nm technology" [Poster presentation]. 8ème édition de la Matinée des Chercheurs 2015 (MdC2015), Mons, Belgium.
  • QUENON, A., Dualibe, F., & Ndungidi, P. (10 March 2015). "A method for designing high-frequency operational amplifiers using the gm/Id methodology" [Poster presentation]. 8ème édition de la Matinée de Chercheurs, Mons, Belgium.
  • Daouri, S., Dualibe, F., & Ndungidi, P. (10 March 2015). "Design of a voltage controlled oscillator in a CMOS 150nm technology" [Poster presentation]. 8ème édition de la Matinée de Chercheurs, Mons, Belgium.
  • Dedeycker, L., Popov, G., & Dualibe, F. (10 March 2015). "Design investigation of ultra low voltage energy harvesting circuit based on an inductive oscillator" [Poster presentation]. 8ème édition de la Matinée des Chercheurs 2015 (MdC2015), Mons, Belgium.
  • Pierquin, E., & Becue, V. (10 March 2015). "Ville Numérique et mobilités créatives" [Poster presentation]. 8ème édition de la Matinée des Chercheurs 2015 (MdC2015), Mons, Belgium.
  • Menassel, M., & Becue, V. (10 March 2015). "Les dispositifs numériques créatifs comme outil de médiation dans l'espace urbain" [Poster presentation]. 8ème édition de la Matinée des Chercheurs 2015 (MdC2015), Mons, Belgium.
  • Ndungidi, P., Popov, G., Dualibe, F., & Valderrama, C. (10 March 2015). "Design of RF systems based on multiabstraction models and multi-objective optimization" [Poster presentation]. 8ème édition de la Matinée de Chercheurs, Mons, Belgium.
  • Seddati, O., Dupont, S., & Mahmoudi, S. (10 March 2015). "DNN for action recognition in videos" [Poster presentation]. 8ème édition de la Matinée de Chercheurs, Mons, Belgium.
  • Florentin, J., Fauville, B., Moiny, F., Dutoit, T., Gérard, M., Kouroussis, G., & Verlinden, O. (10 March 2015). "Detection of wildlife in a soundscape" [Poster presentation]. 8ème édition de la Matinée des Chercheurs 2015 (MdC2015), Mons, Belgium.

Reports/Internal report

  • Garcia Vazquez, H., & Dualibe, F. (2015). "Ultra-low power RF front-end powered by energy harvesting (POHAR projet, Anual report, Numéro de convention : 1410164)".
  • Manitsaris, A., Tsagkaris, A., Marchavilas, G., Veranis, G., Chawah, P., Crevier-Buchman, L., Dupont, S., Tilmanne, J., Tsalakanidou, F., Kitsikidis, A., Dimitropoulos, K., Grammalidis, N., Chantas, G., Karavarsamis, S., Denby, B., Leboullenger, C., Ceregini, A., Dagnino, F., Pozzi, F., ... Yilmaz, E. (2015). "Final Report on System Specification - FP7 i-Treasures Deliverable 2.4".
  • Seddati, O., Dupont, S., & Mahmoudi, S. (2015). "Report on Video Motion Feature Extraction - IMOTION Deliverable 2.1".
  • Schuldt, H., Dupont, S., Giangreco, G., Rossetto, L., Sahillioglu, Y., Seddati, O., Sen, C., Sezgin, M., Tanase, C., & Yildirim, D. (2015). "IMOTION - Intelligent MultiModal Augmented Video Motion Retrieval System - Periodic Report 1".

Dissertations and theses/Doctoral thesis

  • Brognaux, S. (2015). "Expressive speech synthesis: Research and system design with hidden Markov Model" [Doctoral thesis, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons.
  • Frisson, C. (2015). "Designing interaction for browsing media collections (by similarity)" [Doctoral thesis, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons.

Diverse speeches and writings/Article for a general audience

  • Ndungidi, P., Dualibe, F., & Valderrama, C. (2015). Conception des systèmes radiofréquences (RF) de courte portée à base des modèles multiabstractions et de l'optimisation multiobjectif. "POLYTECH.NEWS , N°51".
  • Dutoit, T., Valderrama, C., Drugman, T., & Mahmoudi, S. (2015). Vers une estimation qualitative et quantitative automatisée de la toux. "Polytech News N° 51".

Diverse speeches and writings/Other

  • Dupont, S. (2015). "VideoSketcher - Innovative Query Modes for Manipulating and Searching Video through Motion and Sound - Final Demo".


Scientific journals/Book review

  • Frisson, C., Riche, N., Coutrot, A., Delestage, C.-A., Dupont, S., Ferhat, O., Guyade, N., Mahmoudi, S., Mancas, M., Mital, P. K., Ech aniz, A. P., Rocca, F., Rochette, A., & Yvart, W. (2014). Auracle: how are salient cues situated in audiovisual content? "The 10th International Summer Workshop on Multimedia Interfaces".
  • Moinet, A. (01 June 2014). Ralenti audio pour vidéos de sport en slow motion. "Polytech.News, 50".

Parts of books/Contribution to collective works

  • Gillis, N. (2014). The Why and How of Nonnegative Matrix Factorization. In "Regularization, Optimization, Kernels, and Support Vector Machines". Chapman Hall / CRC Press.
  • Rocca, F. (2014). When TV meets the Web: towards personalised digital media. In "Semantic Multimedia Analysis and Processing". CRC Press.
  • Tsatsou, D., Mancas, M., Kuchar, J., Nixon, L., Vacura, M., Leroy, J., Rocca, F., & Mezaris, V. (2014). When TV meets the Web: towards personalised digital media. In "Semantic Multimedia Analysis and Processing". CRC Press.
  • Rocca, F., Mancas, M., & Gosselin, B. (2014). Head Pose Estimation by Perspective-n-Point Solution Based on 2D Markerless Face Tracking. In "Intelligent Technologies for Interactive Entertainment". Reidsma, Dennis.
  • Mahmoudi, S., Ozkan, E., Manneback, P., & Tosun, S. (2014). Taking Advantage of Heterogeneous Platforms in Image and Video Processing. In "Complex HPC book" (pp. 429-450). Wiley.
  • Mahmoudi, S., Kierzynka, M., & Manneback, P. (2014). Real-Time GPU-Based Motion Detection and Tracking Using Full HD Videos. In "Intelligent Technologies for Interactive Entertainment" (pp. 12-21). Springer.

Scientific journals/Article

  • Ruch, W., Platt, T., Hofmann, J., Niewiadomski, R., Urbain, J., Mancini, M., & Dupont, S. (18 November 2014). Gelotophobia and the Challenges of Implementing Laughter into Virtual Agents Interactions. "Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 8" (928). doi:10.3389/fnhum.2014.00928
  • Larhmam, M., Mahmoudi, S., Benjelloun, M., Mahmoudi, S., & Manneback, P. (2014). A Portable Multi-CPU/Multi-GPU based Vertebra Localization in Sagittal MR Images. "Lecture Notes in Computer Science", (2014), 209-218.
  • Possa, P., Mahmoudi, S., Harb, N., Valderrama, C., & Manneback, P. (10 October 2014). A Multi-Resolution FPGA-Based Architecture for Real-Time Edge and Corner Detection. "IEEE Transactions on Computers, 63" (10, Oct 2014), 2376-2388. doi:10.1109/TC.2013.130
  • Pompili, F., Gillis, N., Absil, P.-A., & Glineur, F. (02 October 2014). Two Algorithms for Orthogonal Nonnegative Matrix Factorization with Application to Clustering. "Neurocomputing, 141", 15-25.
    13 Two Algorithms for Orthogonal Nonnegative Matrix Factorization with Application to Clustering.pdf
  • Deshayes, R., Meyers, B., Mens, T., & Vangheluwe, H. (30 September 2014). ProMoBox in Practice : A Case Study on the GISMO Domain-Specific Modelling Language. "CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 1237", 21-30.
  • Deshayes, R., Meyers, B., Lucio, L., Syriani, E., Wimmer, M., & Vangheluwe, H. (15 September 2014). ProMoBox: A Framework for Generating Domain-Specific Property Languages. "Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 8706", 1-20. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-11245-9_1
  • Laffineur, L., Degeest, A., Frisson, C., & Giot, R. (11 July 2014). Interactive Network Installation. "Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 136", 140-143. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-08189-2_20
  • Mancini, M., Ach, L., Bantegnie, E., Baur, T., Berthouze, N., Datta, D., Ding, Y., Dupont, S., Griffin, H., Lingenfelser, F., Niewiadomski, R., Pelachaud, C., Pietquin, O., Piot, B., Urbain, J., Volpe, G., & Wagner, J. (2014). Laugh When You're Winning. "IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology".
  • Mahmoudi, S., & Benjelloun, M. (01 July 2014). A classification based medical images retrieval system. "International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, S (2014) 9" (Suppl 1), 77-S80. doi:10.1007/s11548-014-1023-y
  • Gillis, N. (24 June 2014). Successive Nonnegative Projection Algorithm for Robust Nonnegative Blind Source Separation. "SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, 7" (2), 1420-1450.
    15 Successive Nonnegative Projection Algorithm for Robust Nonnegative Blind Source Separation.pdf
  • Garcia Vazquez, H., Khemchandani, S., Ramos, D., & Pino, J. (24 June 2014). A fully integrated dual-band LNA with switched loads. "Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 56" (9), 2107-2110. doi:10.1002/mop.28524
  • Schoeffmann, K., Ahlström, D., Bailer, W., Cobârzan, C., Hopfgartner, F., McGuinness, K., Gurrin, C., Frisson, C., Le, D.-D., Del Fabro, M., Bai, H., & Weiss, W. (01 June 2014). The Video Browser Showdown: a live evaluation of interactive video search tools. "International Journal of Multimedia Information Retrieval, 3" (2), 113-127. doi:10.1007/s13735-013-0050-8
  • Bollepalli, B., Urbain, J., Raitio, T., Gustafson, J., & Cakmak, H. (2014). A Comparative Evaluation of Vocoding Techniques for HMM-based Laughter Synthesis. "IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing. Proceedings".
  • Cakmak, H., Urbain, J., Tilmanne, J., & Dutoit, T. (2014). Evaluation of HMM-based visual laughter synthesis. "IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing. Proceedings", 4578 - 4582. doi:10.1109/ICASSP.2014.6854469
  • Gillis, N., & Luce, R. (01 April 2014). Robust Near-Separable Nonnegative Matrix Factorization Using Linear Optimization. "Journal of Machine Learning Research, 15" (Apr), 1249-1280.
    14 Robust Near-Separable Nonnegative Matrix Factorization Using Linear Optimization.pdf
  • Urbain, J., Cakmak, H., Charlier, A., Denti, M., Dutoit, T., & Dupont, S. (2014). Arousal-Driven Synthesis of Laughter. "IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing".
  • Mahmoudi, S., Kierzynka, M., Manneback, P., & Kurowski, K. (25 March 2014). Real-time motion tracking using optical flow on multiple GPUs. "Bulletin de l'Académie polonaise des sciences. Série des sciences techniques, 62" (1), 139-150. doi:10.2478/bpasts-2014-0016
  • Gillis, N., & Vavasis, S. A. (24 March 2014). Fast and Robust Recursive Algorithms for Separable Nonnegative Matrix Factorization. "IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 36" (4), 698-714.
    12 Fast and Robust Recursive Algorithms for Separable NMF.pdf
  • MERATI, M., Mahmoudi, S., & Chikh, M. A. (14 March 2014). Texture and Classifier Based Medical Images Retrieval. "Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics, Volume 4" (Number 1), 43-48.
  • LIMA, A. D. D., BARROS, C. A., SILVEIRA, L. F. Q., XAVIER DE SOUZA, S., & Valderrama, C. (12 March 2014). Parallel cyclostationarity-exploiting algorithm for energy-efficient spectrum sensing. "IEICE Transactions on Communications, Volume E97-B" (Issue 2, 2014), 326-333. doi:10.1587/transcom.E97.B.326
  • Picart, B., Drugman, T., & Dutoit, T. (2014). Automatic Variation of the Degree of Articulation in New HMM-based Voices. "IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing", 307 - 322. doi:10.1109/JSTSP.2014.2302742
  • Daoudi, A., & Mahmoudi, S. (31 January 2014). Automatic Segmentation of the Left Atrium on CT Images. "Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNCS 8330", 14-23.
  • Ammar, M., Mahmoudi, S., Chikh, M. A., & Abbou, A. (31 January 2014). Toward an Automatic Left Atrium Localization Based on Shape Descriptors and Prior Knowledge. "Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNCS 8330", 42-48.
  • Garcia Vazquez, H., Khemchandani, S., & Pino, J. (28 January 2014). A low power RF receiver for digital TV DVB-SH. "Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 56" (3), 528-531. doi:10.1002/mop.28154
  • Sabato, C., Giraudet, A., Delattre, V., Desnos, Y., Frisson, C., Giot, R., Yvart, W., Rocca, F., Dupont, S., Vandem Bemden, G., Leleu-Merviel, S., & Dutoit, T. (10 January 2014). Scenarizing CADastre Exquisse: A Crossover between Snoezeling in Hospitals/Domes, and Authoring/Experiencing Soundful Comic Strips. "Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 8326", 22-33. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-04117-9_3
  • Jacobs, B., Jacobs, L.-A., Frisson, C., Yvart, W., Dutoit, T., & Leleu-Merviel, S. (10 January 2014). Scenarizing Metropolitan Views: FlanoGraphing the Urban Spaces. "Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 8326", 11-21. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-04117-9_2
  • Baltazar, A., Baltazar, P., & Frisson, C. (10 January 2014). An Interactive Device for Exploring Thematically Sorted Artworks. "Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 8326", 34-43. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-04117-9_4
  • Benjelloun, M., Dadi, E. W., & Daoudi, E. M. (06 January 2014). New approach for efficiently retrieving similar 3D models based on reducing the research space. "International Journal of Imaging and Robotics, 13" (2), 104-111.
  • Ma, W.-K., Bioucas-Dias, J. M., Chan, T.-H., Gillis, N., Gader, P., & Plaza, A. (01 January 2014). A Signal Processing Perspective on Hyperspectral Unmixing: Insights from Remote Sensing. "IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, 31" (1), 67-81.
    11 Signal processing perspective on hyperspectral unmixing.pdf
  • Gurrieri, M., Fortemps, P., & Siebert, X. (01 January 2014). Alternative Decomposition Techniques for Label Ranking. "Communications in Computer and Information Science, 443" (2), 464-474.
  • Gillis, N., & Glineur, F. (01 January 2014). A continuous characterization of the maximum-edge biclique problem. "Journal of Global Optimization, 58" (3), 439-464.
    09 A continuous characterization of the maximum-edge biclique problem.pdf

Books/Book published as author, translator, etc.

  • Diaz, R., Khemchandani, S., Garcia Vazquez, H., & Pino, J. (2014). "Design of Low-Noise Amplifiers for Ultra-Wideband Communications". McGraw Hill Education.

Scientific congresses and symposiums/Unpublished conference/Abstract

  • Mahmoudi, S. (01 December 2014). "Medical images analysis and annotation for computer aided diagnosis: Invited talk" [Paper presentation]. IWMCS'2014 Second International Workshop on Mathematics and Computer Science, Tiratet, Algeria.
  • Pirlot, M. (24 November 2014). "Apprentissage des paramètres d'un modèle de tri ordonné de type Electre" [Paper presentation]. Journées doctorales JGO 2014, Université d'Alger USTHB , Algeria.
  • Mahmoudi, S., & Manneback, P. (13 November 2014). "Multi-CPU-GPU based Image and Video processing" [Paper presentation]. Séminaire, Master 2 calcul scientifique, Lille, France.
  • Vankerkem, M. (13 November 2014). "A la recherche de mon opposé" [Paper presentation]. APM NANCY MAJORELLE, Art-sur-Meurthe, France.
  • Vankerkem, M. (10 October 2014). "A la recherche de mon opposé" [Paper presentation]. APM NANTES A VENIR, Saint Herblain, France.
  • Castagnola, J., & Dualibe, F. (20 August 2014). "Diseño de transistores MOS para alta frecuencia utilizando el método Gm/Id" [Paper presentation]. 10° seminario de Comunicaciones , SECOM 2014, Cordoba, Argentina.
  • Florentin, J., Verlinden, O., Dutoit, T., Moiny, F., Kouroussis, G., & Rasmont, P. (16 June 2014). "Identification of woodpecker species through their drumming" [Paper presentation]. Ecology and acoustics: emergent properties from community to landscape, Paris, France.
  • Vankerkem, M. (23 April 2014). "A la recherche de mon opposé" [Paper presentation]. APM NAMUR, Namur, Belgium.
  • Vankerkem, M. (08 April 2014). "A la recherche de mon opposé" [Paper presentation]. APM VAR, La Motte en Provence, France.
  • Vankerkem, M. (26 February 2014). "A la recherche de mon opposé" [Paper presentation]. APM GRENOBLE, Eybens, France.
  • Florentin, J. (21 February 2014). "Acoustic Monitoring in Environmental Studies Using Automated Bird Song Recognition" [Paper presentation]. 2nd ABAV PhD and Young Acousticians Day, Liège, Belgium.
  • Vankerkem, M. (14 February 2014). "A la recherche de mon opposé" [Paper presentation]. APM LES PAYS SAVOYARDS, Aix-les-Bains, France.
  • Dupont, S. (22 January 2014). "FP7 FET ILHAIRE Project - Testimony of Belgian participation to the FET Programme" [Paper presentation]. H2020 FET Infomation Day Organized by FNRS/FWO, Brussels, Belgium.
  • Vankerkem, M. (20 January 2014). "A la recherche de mon opposé" [Paper presentation]. APM CORREZE, Brive la Gaillarde, France.
  • Vankerkem, M. (14 January 2014). "A la recherche de mon opposé" [Paper presentation]. APM ORLEANS, Saint Jean de Braye, France.

Scientific congresses and symposiums/Paper published in a book

  • Mousseau, V., & Pirlot, M. (2014). "From Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis to Preference Learning DA2PL 2014" [Paper presentation]. From Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis to Preference Learning DA2PL 2014, Ecole Centrale Paris , France.

Scientific congresses and symposiums/Paper published in a journal

  • Lourenço, S., Martins, L. G., Wanderley, M., Tits, M., & Megre, R. (2014). "Towards a Multimodal Analysis of European Piano Schools of Music Performance" [Paper presentation]. Conference on Interdisciplinary Musicology, Berlin, Germany.
  • Ramos, D., Garcia Vazquez, H., Khemchandani, S., Pino, J., Lujan, C., & Bistue, G. (2014). "A high sensitivity and low power envelope detector for wireless sensor nodes" [Paper presentation]. XXIX Design of Circuits and Integrated Circuits Conference (DCIS), Madrid, Spain.
  • Gurrieri, M., Fortemps, P., & Siebert, X. (2014). "Data Generation Techniques for Label Ranking" [Paper presentation]. From Decision Aid to Preference Learning, Paris, France.
  • Barbulescu, A., Ronfard, R., Bailly, G., Gagneré, G., & Cakmak, H. (2014). "Beyond Basic Emotions: Expressive Virtual Actors with Social Attitudes" [Paper presentation]. 7th International ACM SIGGRAPH Conference on Motion in Games 2014 (MIG 2014), Los Angeles, United States.
  • Gurrieri, M., Siebert, X., Ait Taleb, N., Pirlot, M., & Fortemps, P. (2014). "Data Generation Techniques for Label Ranking" [Paper presentation]. From Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis to Preference Learning DA2PL 2014, Ecole Centrale Paris , France.
  • Frisson, C., Dupont, S., Yvart, W., Riche, N., Siebert, X., & Dutoit, T. (2014). "A Proximity Grid Optimization Method to Improve Audio Search for Sound Design" [Paper presentation]. International Symposium/Conference on Music Information Retrieval, .
  • Benmouna, Y., Chikh, M. A., & Mahmoudi, S. (2014). "String Resource Integration in Gene Selection of microarray data" [Paper presentation]. The Biomedical Engineering International Conference BIOMEIC'14, Tlemcen, Algeria.
  • Ammar, M., Mahmoudi, S., Chikh, M. A., & Abbou, A. (2014). "Interpretable segmentation process applied to cardiac short axis MRI images" [Paper presentation]. The Biomedical Engineering International Conference BIOMEIC'14, Tlemcen, Algérie, 2014, Tlemcen, Algeria.
  • Kasmi, N., Mahmoudi, S., Zback, M., & Manneback, P. (2014). "Performance evaluation of sparse matrix-vector product (SpMV) computation on GPU architecture" [Paper presentation]. WCCS14, Agadir, Morocco.
  • Frisson, C., Dupont, S., Yvart, W., Riche, N., Siebert, X., & Dutoit, T. (2014). "AudioMetro: Directing Search for Sound Designers Through Content-based Cues" [Paper presentation]. Audio Mostly Conference, . doi:10.1145/2636879.2636880
  • Chang, X., Escobar Juzga, F., & Valderrama, C. (2014). "FPGA-based Heterogeneous Architecture for Sequence Alignment" [Paper presentation]. SBCCI 2014 27 Simposium on Integrated Circuits and Systems Design - SForum, Aracaju, SE, Brazil.
  • Chang, X., Escobar Juzga, F., & Valderrama, C. (2014). "FPGA-based Heterogeneous Architecture for Sequence Alignment" [Paper presentation]. SBCCI 2014 27 Simposium on Integrated Circuits and Systems Design - SForum, Aracaju, SE, Brazil.
  • Alves De Albuquerque, G. L., Carvalho, M. J. M., & Valderrama, C. (2014). "Brazilian Nano-satellite with Reconfigurable SOC GNSS Receiver Tracking capability" [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Field-Programmable Logic and Applications, Munich, Germany.
  • Nedjar, I., Mahmoudi, S., & Chikh, M. A. (2014). "Content-based Medical Images Retrieval" [Paper presentation]. 19th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MECHANICS IN MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY (ICMMB- 19), Bologna, Italy.
  • Gillis, N. (2014). "Semidefinite Programming Based Preconditioning for More Robust Near-Separable Nonnegative Matrix Factorization" [Paper presentation]. international Traveling Workshop on Interactions between Sparse models and Technology (iTWIST), Namur, Belgium.
  • Vatavu, R.-D., & Mancas, M. (2014). "Visual Attention Measures for Multi-screen TV" [Paper presentation]. acm international conference on interactive experiences for tv and online video, Newcastle, United Kingdom.
  • Soto, A., Lindstrom, E., Dualibe, F., Oliva, A., & Mandolesi, P. (2014). "Design and Simulation of the Control Architecture of a Fully Integrated Single Inductor Multiple Output (SIMO) DC-DC Converter" [Paper presentation]. Escuela Argentina de microelectronica, tecnologia y aplicaciones, EAMTA/CAMTA, Mendoza, Argentina.
  • Ramos, D., Garcia Vazquez, H., Dualibe, F., Khemchandani, S., & Pino, J. (2014). "Low power Wake-up Receivers for WSN at 868 MHz" [Paper presentation]. 8th Argentine Conference on Micro-Nanoelectronics Technology and Applications (CAMTA 2014), Villa María, Argentina.
  • Gurrieri, M., Fortemps, P., & Siebert, X. (2014). "Reduction learning techniques for Label Ranking" [Paper presentation]. 0th Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies, Barcelona, Spain.
  • Gillis, N. (2014). "Semidefinite Programming Based Preconditioning for More Robust Near-Separable Nonnegative Matrix Factorization" [Paper presentation]. Semidefinite Programming Based Preconditioning for More Robust Near-Separable Nonnegative Matrix Factorization, International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems (MTNS), Netherlands.
  • Grisard, F., Kayalar, C., Alacam, S., Özgün, A., Ipek, Y., & Dupont, S. (2014). "Social Documentary: An interactive and evolutive installation to explore crowd-source media content" [Paper presentation]. 2nd International Workshop on Interactive Content Consumption at TVX 2014 (WSICC2014), Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom.
  • Luong, P., Christoffersen, C., Rossi, C., & Dualibe, F. (2014). "Sub-1 V, 4 nA CMOS Voltage References with Digitally-Trimmable Temperature Coefficient" [Paper presentation]. IEEE NEW Circuit and Systems Conference, Trois-Rivières, Canada.
  • Ravet, T., Tilmanne, J., & D'alessandro, N. (2014). "Hidden Markov Model Based Real-Time Motion Recognition and Following" [Paper presentation]. Proceedings of the 2014 International Workshop on Movement and Computing (MOCO'14), Paris, France.
  • Brognaux, S., Picart, B., & Drugman, T. (2014). "Speech synthesis in various communicative situations: Impact of pronunciation variations" [Paper presentation]. Interspeech 2014, Singapore, Singapore.
  • Gillis, N. (2014). "The Why and How of Nonnegative Matrix Factorization" [Paper presentation]. Belgian-Dutch Conference on Machine Learning (BENELEARN), Bruxelles, Belgium.
  • Yvart, W., Dutoit, T., & Dupont, S. (2014). "Une approche info-communicationnelle des librairies musicales en ligne" [Paper presentation]. Proc. SFSIC'14. XIXe congrès SFSIC, Toulon, France.
  • Leroy, J., Riche, N., Mancas, M., Gosselin, B., & Dutoit, T. (2014). "SuperRare: an Object-oriented Saliency Algorithm Based on Superpixels Rarity" [Paper presentation]. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2014), Hong Kong, China.
  • Cakmak, H., Urbain, J., Tilmanne, J., & Dutoit, T. (2014). "The AV-LASYN Database : A synchronous corpus of audio and 3D facial marker data for audio-visual laughter synthesis" [Paper presentation]. LREC 2014, Reykjavik, Iceland.
  • Nedjar, I., Mahmoudi, S., & Chikh, M. A. (2014). "Annotation and retrieval approaches for medical images" [Paper presentation]. 4th Doctoral day JD-GBM'2014, Tlemcen , Algeria.
  • Mahmoudi, S., & Manneback, P. (2014). "Tutoriel : Traitement Temps Réel d'Images et de Vidéos de Haute Définition sur GPU Multiples" [Paper presentation]. ComPas'2014. Conférence en Parallélisme, Architecture et Système, Neuchâtel, Switzerland.
    Tutoriel Sidi Ahmed Mahmoudi ComPAS2014.pdf
  • Mahmoudi, S., & Manneback, P. (2014). "MultiGPU based Event Detection and Localization using High Definition Videos" [Paper presentation]. The 4th International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems (ICMCS'14), Marrakech, Morocco.
  • Lazouni, M. A., Settouti, N., Daho, M. E. H., Mahmoudi, S., & Chikh, M. A. (2014). "Automatic Detection Of Difficult Tracheal Intubation" [Paper presentation]. The 4th International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems (ICMCS'14), Marrakech, Morocco.
  • Tilmanne, J., D'alessandro, N., Ravet, T., Astrinaki, M., & Moinet, A. (2014). "Full-Body Gait Reconstruction Using Covariance-Based Mapping Within a Realtime HMM-based Framework" [Paper presentation]. The 50th annual convention of the AISB, Goldsmiths, University of London, London, United Kingdom.
  • Mousseau, V., Sobrie, O., & Pirlot, M. (2014). "Learning Ordinal Sorting Models from Large Learning Sets: A Multicriteria Decision Aid Perspective" [Paper presentation]. Dagstuhl Seminar 14101 on Preference Learning, Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany.
  • Frisson, C., Rocca, F., Dupont, S., Dutoit, T., Grobet, D., Giot, R., El Brouzi, M., Bouaziz, S., Yvart, W., & Leleu-Merviel, S. (2014). "Tangible Needle, Digital Haystack: Tangible Interfaces for Reusing Media Content Organized by Similarity" [Paper presentation]. Tangible and Embedded Interaction, . doi:10.1145/2540930.2540983
  • Gurrieri, M., Fortemps, P., & Siebert, X. (2014). "Alternative Decomposition Techniques for Label Ranking" [Paper presentation]. 28th Conference on Quantitative Methods for Decision Making-ORBEL 2014, Mons , Belgium.
  • Siebert, X. (2014). "MediaCycle : A tool for interactive browsing of multimedia libraries" [Paper presentation]. 28th Conference on Quantitative Methods for Decision Making-ORBEL 2014, Mons , Belgium.
  • Tilmanne, J., D'alessandro, N., Astrinaki, M., & Ravet, T. (2014). "Exploration of a Stylistic Motion Space Through Realtime Synthesis" [Paper presentation]. 9th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP2014), Lisbon, Unknown/unspecified.
  • Dimitropoulos, K., Manitsaris, S., Tsalakanidou, F., Nikolopoulos, S., Denby, B., Al Kork, S., Crevier-Buchman, L., Pillot-Loiseau, C., Adda-Decker, M., Dupont, S., Tilmanne, J., Ott, M., Alivizatou, M., Yilmaz, E., Hadjileontiadis, L., Charisis, V., Deroo, O., Manitsaris, A., Kompatsiaris, I., & Grammalidis, N. (2014). "Capturing the Intangible: An Introduction to the i-Treasures Project" [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications, .
  • Tadrist, N., & Debauche, O. (2014). "La modélisation à l'aide du modèle SWAT des flux hydriques et du transport en suspension sur le bassin versant de la vallée de l'oued EL-Hachem" [Paper presentation]. Meeting international «Gestion des Ressources et Application Biotechnologiques en Aridoculture et cultures Oasiennes : Perspectives pour un Développement Durable des Zones Arides », Djerba, Tunisia.
    Présentation de communication_nassima_djerba-02.pdfNassima_article_Djerba.pdf

Scientific congresses and symposiums/Poster

  • Florentin, J., Fauville, B., Moiny, F., Dutoit, T., Rasmont, P., Gerard, M., Kouroussis, G., & Verlinden, O. (12 December 2014). "Wildlife acoustic indicators and a soundscape study in Chevetogne, Belgium" [Poster presentation]. Zoology 2014, the 21st Benelux Congress of Zoology, Liège, Belgium.
  • Grisard, F., Kayalar, C., Alaçam, S., Balaban, O., Ipek, Y., & Dupont, S. (24 June 2014). "Social Documentary: An interactive and evolutive installation to explore crowd-sourced media content" [Poster presentation]. 2nd International Workshop on Interactive Content Consumption at TVX 2014 (WSICC2014), Brussels, Belgium.
  • Tadrist, N., Debauche, O., Degré, A., & Xanthoulis, D. (12 May 2014). "Modeling using the SWAT model of water flow and transport in suspension in the watershed of the valley of Wadi El-Hachem" [Poster presentation]. The Third International Conference on Water Resources and Environmental Management (ICWRE-2014), Antalya, Turkey.

Reports/Internal report

  • Dupont, S., Urbain, J., Pelachaud, C., André, E., Wagner, J., Volpe, G., Mancini, M., Berthouze, N., Griffin, H., Curran, W., McKeown, G., Ruch, W., Hofmann, J., Platt, T., Pietquin, O., Piot, B., & Bantegnie, E. (2014). "FP7 ILHAIRE Periodic Report Year 3 - Project Objectives, Work Progress and Achievements".
  • Dupont, S. (2014). "FP7 ILHAIRE Periodic Report Year 3 - Publishable Summary (Project Nbr. 270780)".
  • Lefebvre, D., Thunissen, M., Vandem Bemden, G., Dontaine, E., Rochette, A., Rodriguez, S., Giot, R., Frisson, C., Dupont, S., & Dutoit, T. (2014). "Rapport Technique et Scientifique Année Projet RW GREENTIC SonixTrip (1317970) : Solution End-to-End intégrée (de l'authoring à la liseuse) de création de versions numériques interactives et sonorisées de bandes dessinées".
    SonixTrip - Rapport technique et scientifique - 1317970 - Greentic - Ann‚e '1 - All.pdf
  • Chantas, G., Nikolopoulos, S., Kompatsiaris, I., Karavarsamis, S., Adda-Decker, M., Yilmaz, E., Manitsaris, A., Kourvoulis, G., Glushkova, A., Grammalidis, N., Volioti, C., Dimitropoulos, K., Tilmanne, J., Dagnino, F., Pozzi, F., Crevier Buchman, L., Manitsaris, S., & Khodor al Kork, S. (2014). "First Version of Multimodal Analysis, Fusion and Semantic Media Interpretation".
  • Dupont, S., Urbain, J., Pelachaud, C., André, E., Wagner, J., Volpe, G., Mancini, M., Berthouze, N., Griffin, H., Curran, W., McKeown, G., Ruch, W., Hofmann, J., Platt, T., Pietquin, O., Piot, B., & Bantegnie, E. (2014). "FP7 ILHAIRE Periodic Report Year 3 - Project Management and Use of Resources".
  • Urbain, J., Dupont, S., Pelachaud, C., & McKeown, G. (2014). "Laughter Similarity Browsing - FP7 ILHAIRE Deliverable 1.5".
  • Nixon, L., Baltussen, L. B., Grisard, F., Dupont, S., & Patz, N. (2014). "Scenario Demonstrators - FP7 LinkedTV Deliverable 6.2".
  • Giangreco, G., Rossetto, L., Schuldt, H., Sezgin, M., Sahillioglu, Y., Dupont, S., & Seddati, O. (2014). "Initial Requirements and System Specification - IMOTION Deliverable 1.1".
  • Denby, B., Al Kork, S., Hakoun, A., Xu, K., Roussel, P., Stone, M., Manitsaris, A., Kourvoulis, G., Katos, A., Glushkova, A., Gatziaki, V., Volioti, C., Grammalidis, N., Dimitropoulos, K., Tsalakanidou, F., Kitsikidis, A., Adda-Decker, M., Crevier-Buchman, L., Pillot-Loiseau, C., ... Manitsaris, S. (2014). "First Report on ICH Capture and Analysis - FP7 i-Treasures Deliverable 3.1".
  • Denby, B., Al Kork, S., Hakoun, A., Xu, K., Roussel, P., Stone, M., Manitsaris, A., Kourvoulis, G., Katos, A., Glushkova, A., Gatziaki, V., Volioti, C., Grammalidis, N., Dimitropoulos, K., Tsalakanidou, F., Kitsikidis, A., Adda-Decker, M., Crevier-Buchman, L., Pillot-Loiseau, C., ... Manitsaris, S. (2014). "First Version of ICH Capture and Analysis Modules - FP7 i-Treasures Deliverable 3.2".
  • Charisis, V., Hadjidimitriou, S., Hadjileontiadis, L., Grammalidis, N., Dimitropoulos, K., Tsalakanidou, F., Kitsikidis, A., Chantas, G., Nikolopoulos, S., Kompatsiaris, I., Cotescu, M., Manitsaris, A., Kourvoulis, G., Katos, A., Katsouli, E., Glushkova, A., Volioti, C., Pozzi, F., Crevier-Buchman, L., ... Picart, B. (2014). "Assessment Plan - FP7 i-Treasures Deliverable 7.1".
  • Pozzi, F., Ceregni, A., Dagnino, F., Ott, M., Tavella, M., Adda-Decker, M., Crevier-Buchman, L., Dias, M., Dimitropoulos, K., Glushkova, A., Grammalidis, N., Hadjileontiadis, L., Kourvoulis, G., Manitsaris, A., Pillot-Loiseau, C., Tilmanne, J., & Tsekouropoulou, V. (2014). "Report on analysis of educational scenarios".
  • Mancas, M., Rocca, F., Grisard, F., Tsatsou, D., Kliegr, T., Kuchar, J., & Stein, D. (2014). "Contextualisation solution and implementation: Deliverable D4.6 FP7 project LinkedTV".
  • Mancas, M. (2014). "Rapport semestre 3 Projet Predattor".
  • Mancas, M. (2014). "Rapport année 2 Projet Predattor".

Dissertations and theses/Doctoral thesis

  • Urbain, J. (2014). "Acoustic Laughter Processing" [Doctoral thesis, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons.

Learning materials/Course notes

  • Dualibe, F., & Oliva, A. (2014). "Power Management Integrated Circuit Desing".

Diverse speeches and writings/Article for a general audience

  • Widart, C., & Moinet, A. (2014). Enfin du son sur des images de foot au ralenti : L'UMons travaille sur un système inédit. "La Province".

Diverse speeches and writings/Other

  • Paquet, C., & Moinet, A. (2014). "UMons: les images sportives bientôt agrémentées de ralentis sonores".
  • Paquet, C., & Moinet, A. (2014). "UMons: les images sportives bientôt agrémentées de ralentis sonores".


Parts of books/Contribution to collective works

  • Urbain, J., Niewiadomski, R., Mancini, M., Griffin, H., Cakmak, H., Ach, L., & Volpe, G. (2013). Multimodal Analysis of Laughter for an Interactive System. In "Intelligent Technologies for Interactive Entertainment" (pp. 183-192). Springer.
  • Leroy, J., Rocca, F., Mancas, M., & Gosselin, B. (2013). 3D Head Pose Estimation for TV Setups. In "Intelligent Technologies for Interactive Entertainment". Springer.
    3D Head Pose Estimation for TV setups.pdf
  • D'alessandro, N., Astrinaki, M., & Dutoit, T. (2013). MAGEFACE : Performative Convension of Facial Characteristics into Speech Synthesis Parameters. In M. Mancas, T. Dutoit, N. D'alessandro, X. Siebert, B. Gosselin, C. Valderrama, M. Mancas (Ed.), T. Dutoit (Ed.), N. D'alessandro (Ed.), X. Siebert (Ed.), B. Gosselin (Ed.), ... C. Valderrama (Ed.), "Intelligent Technologies for Interactive Entertainment" (pp. 179-182).
  • Tilmanne, J., & Dutoit, T. (2013). Styl­is­tic walk syn­the­sis based on Fourier decom­po­si­tion. In "Intelligent Technologies for Interactive Entertainment" (pp. 71-79). Springer.
  • Leroy, J., Rocca, F., Mancas, M., Ben Madhkour, R., Grisard, F., Kliegr, T., Kuchar, J., Vit, J., Pirner, I., & Zimmermann, P. (2013). KINterestTV-Towards Non-invasive Measure of User Interest While Watching TV. In "Innovative and Creative Developments in Multimodal Interaction Systems". Springer.
  • Fortounis, G., Chessini Bose, R., Harb, N., Jojczyk, L., Da Cunha Possa, P., & Valderrama, C. (2013). Multi-Core Embedded Systems. In "Encyclopedia of Embedded Computing Systems" (pp. 350). IGI Global. doi:10.4018/978-1-4666-3922-5
  • Mahmoudi, S., & Benjelloun, M. (2013). Using Global Shape Descriptors for Content Medical Based Image Retrieval. In "Handbook of Research on ICTs and Management Systems for Improving Efficiency in Healthcare and Social Care". IGI Global.
  • CULIBRK, D., Mancas, M., & CRNOJEVIC, V. (2013). Dynamic Texture Recognition Based on Compression Artifacts. In "Towards Advanced Data Analysis by Combining Soft Computing and Statistics Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing". Editions Springer.
  • Vatavu, R.-D., & Mancas, M. (2013). Interactive TV Potpourris: An Overview of Designing Multi-screen TV Installations for Home Entertainment. In "Intelligent Technologies for Interactive Entertainment". Springer.
  • Ben Madhkour, R., Burczykowski, L., Mancas, M., & Gosselin, B. (2013). Image Surround: Automatic Projector Calibration for Indoor Adaptive Projection. In "Intelligent Technologies for Interactive Entertainment" (pp. 156-162). Springer.

Scientific journals/Article

  • Sabbe, A., Wilquin, H., & Debailleux, L. (2013). 3DMONS-Parametric 3D modeling of the city of Mons. "Quarterly Progress Scientific Report of the Numediart Research Program".
  • Lazouni, M. A., Chikh, M. A., & Mahmoudi, S. (02 December 2013). A New Computer Aided Diagnosis System for Pre-Anesthesia Consultation. "Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics, 3" (4), 471-479.
  • Lazouni, M. A., Daho, M. E. H., Settouti, N., Chikh, M. A., & Mahmoudi, S. (01 December 2013). Machine Learning Tool for Automatic ASA Detection. "Studies in Computational Intelligence, SCI 488", 9-16.
  • Reboursière, L., & Dupont, S. (30 November 2013). EGT: Enriched Guitar Transcription. "Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 124", 163-168.
  • Frisson, C., Keyaerts, G., Grisard, F., Dupont, S., Ravet, T., Zajega, F., Colmenares Guerra, L., Todoroff, T., & Dutoit, T. (30 November 2013). MashtaCycle: On-Stage Improvised Audio Collage by Content-Based Similarity and Gesture Recognition. "Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 124", 114-123.
  • Picart, B., Drugman, T., & Dutoit, T. (17 October 2013). HMM-based speech synthesis with various degrees of articulation: A perceptual study. "Neurocomputing, Volume 132", 142 - 147. doi:10.1016/j.neucom.2012.10.040
  • Drugman, T., Urbain, J., Bauwens, N., Chessini Bose, R., Valderrama, C., Lebecque, P., & Dutoit, T. (09 September 2013). Objective Study of Sensor Relevance for Automatic Cough Detection. "IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine, 17" (3), 699-707.
  • Riche, N., Mancas, M., Duvinage, M., Mibulumukini, M., Gosselin, B., & Dutoit, T. (2013). RARE2012: A multi-scale rarity-based saliency detection with its comparative statistical analysis. "Signal Processing: Image Communication".
  • Naoui, M., Belalem, G., & Mahmoudi, S. (01 September 2013). A Reflexion on Implementation Version for Active Appearance Model. "International Journal of Computer Vision and Image Processing, 3" (Issue 3), 16-30. doi:10.4018/ijcvip.2013070102
  • Gillis, N. (06 August 2013). Robustness Analysis of Hottopixx, a Linear Programming Model for Factoring Nonnegative Matrices. "SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, 34" (3), 1189-1212.
    10 Robustness Analysis of Hottopixx - a linear programming model for factoring nonnegative matrices.pdf
  • D'alessandro, N., Tilmanne, J., Astrinaki, M., Hueber, T., Dall, R., Ravet, T., Moinet, A., Cakmak, H., Babacan, O., Barbulescu, A., Parfait, V., Huguenin, V., Kalayci, E., & Hu, Q. (2013). Reactive Statistical Mapping: Towards the Sketching of Performative Control with Data. "IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology".
  • Escobar Juzga, F., Chang, X., Ibala, C., & Valderrama, C. (04 July 2013). Accuracy Study of a Real-Time Hybrid Sound Source Localization Algorithm. "Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, 124", 146-155.
  • Escobar Juzga, F., Chang, X., IBALA, C., & Valderrama, C. (03 July 2013). Accuracy study of a real-time hybrid sound source localization algorithm. "Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 124" (2013), 146-155. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-03892-6_17
  • Mahmoudi, S., Kierzynka, M., & Manneback, P. (02 July 2013). Real-Time GPU-Based Motion Detection and Tracking Using Full HD Videos. "Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, 124", 12-21.
  • Mahmoudi, S., & Benjelloun, M. (27 June 2013). Medical images annotation and retrieval. "International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, 8", 75-S78.
  • Urbain, J., Cakmak, H., & Dutoit, T. (2013). Evaluation of HMM-Based laughter synthesis. "IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing. Proceedings".
  • Picart, B., Drugman, T., & Dutoit, T. (29 April 2013). Analysis and HMM-based synthesis of hypo and hyperarticulated speech. "Computer Speech and Language, Volume 28" (Issue 2), 687 - 707. doi:10.1016/j.csl.2013.04.008
  • Zajega, F., picard-limpens, C., René, J., Puleo, A., Decuypere, J., Frisson, C., Ravet, T., & Mancas, M. (02 February 2013). Medianeum: Gesture-Based Ergonomic Interaction. "Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 124", 96-103.
  • Frisson, C., Dupont, S., Moinet, A., Picard, C., Ravet, T., Dutoit, T., & Siebert, X. (07 January 2013). VideoCycle: User-Friendly Navigation by Similarity in Video Databases. "Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 7733", 550-553.

Scientific congresses and symposiums/Unpublished conference/Abstract

  • Valderrama, C. (15 November 2013). "Evolution of Multicore Architectures: design strategies, languages and tools" [Paper presentation]. ICTP (International Center of Theoretical Physics) - IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) International Training Workshop on FPGA Design for Scientific Instrumentation and Computing, Trieste, Italy.
  • Valderrama, C. (14 October 2013). "Design Requirements for Multicore Reconfigurable Platforms" [Paper presentation]. PSP-FPGA Symposium, The future of architectural design for embedded platforms, Congrescentrum Het Pand, Onderbergen 1, 9000 Gent, Belgium.
    2013.10.14 PSP FPGA Symposium Gent 0.1.pdf
  • Frisson, C., & Schayes, E. (10 October 2013). "LavaAMP" [Paper presentation]. ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST), Student Innovation Contest (SIC), St Andrews, United Kingdom.
  • Urbain, J. (04 September 2013). "Automatic Phonetic Transcription of Laughter and its Application to Laughter Synthesis" [Paper presentation]. Fifth biannual Humaine Association Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction, Genève, Switzerland.
  • Dualibe, F. (15 August 2013). "An introduction to CMOS Data converters: The 2014 Argentinean School of Microelectronics, Technologies and Applications" [Paper presentation]. The 8th Argentinean School of Microelectronics, Technologies and Applications, Universidad Tecnologica Nacional, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
  • Urbain, J. (23 July 2013). "An overview of automatic acoustic laughter processing" [Paper presentation]. 13th International Summer School and Symposium on Humour and Laughter: Theory, Research and Applications, Magdeburg, Germany.
  • Mahmoudi, S., & Manneback, P. (15 April 2013). "Optical flow based motion tracking on multiple GPUs" [Paper presentation]. 4th st Workshop of COST 0805 action. Open Network for High-Performance Computing on Complex Environments, Madrid, Spain.
  • Mahmoudi, S. (14 March 2013). "Pour une meilleure exploitation des architectures Multi-CPU/Multi-GPU Application au traitement d'objets multimédias" [Paper presentation]. Formations CISM/CÉCI, Université de Louvain La Neuve, UCL, Belgium.
    Pour une meilleure exploitation des architectures parallèles et hétérogènes ' Application au traitement d'objets multimédias'.pdf

Scientific congresses and symposiums/Paper published in a book

  • Mancas, M., Dutoit, T., D'alessandro, N., Siebert, X., Gosselin, B., & Valderrama, C. (2013). "Intelligent Technologies for Interactive Entertainment: 5th International ICST Conference, INTETAIN 2013" [Paper presentation]. 5th International ICST Conference, INTETAIN 2013, Mons, Belgium.

Scientific congresses and symposiums/Paper published in a journal

  • Daoudi, A., Mahmoudi, S., & Chikh, M. A. (2013). "Active shape model for the semi-automatic segmentation of the right ventricle" [Paper presentation]. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SIGNAL, IMAGE, VISION AND THEIR APPLICATIONS (SIVA'13), Guelma , Algeria.
  • Nedjar, I., Mahmoudi, S., & Chikh, M. A. (2013). "Content-based medical images classification" [Paper presentation]. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SIGNAL, IMAGE, VISION AND THEIR APPLICATIONS (SIVA'13), Guelma , Algeria.
  • Seriari, M., Chikh, M. A., & Mahmoudi, S. (2013). "Breast cancer diagnosis in digital mammogram using curvelet transform and GLCM features" [Paper presentation]. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SIGNAL, IMAGE, VISION AND THEIR APPLICATIONS (SIVA'13), Guelma , Algeria.
  • Dupont, S., & Ravet, T. (2013). "Improved Audio Classification using a Novel Non-Linear Dimensionality Reduction Ensemble Approach" [Paper presentation]. 14th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, ISMIR, Curitiba, Brazil.
  • Mahmoudi, S., & Manneback, P. (2013). "Real time Multi-GPU-based Event Detection in High Definition Videos" [Paper presentation]. The 5th International Conference on Electronics Engineering, Oran, Algeria.
  • Frisson, C., Schayes, E., Uyttenhove, S., Dupont, S., Giot, R., & Dutoit, T. (2013). "Designing artfully-mediated interactive surfaces organizing media collections" [Paper presentation]. ACM Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces (ITS), Workshop: Collaboration meets Interactive Surfaces: Walls, Tables, Tablets and Phones, St Andrews, United Kingdom.
  • Amaral, V., Cicchetti, A., & Deshayes, R. (2013). "A Multiparadigm Approach to Integrate Gestures and Sound in the Modeling Framework" [Paper presentation]. 7th International Workshop on Multi-Paradigm Modeling (MPM'13), Miami, United States - Florida.
  • Leroy, J., Rocca, F., & Gosselin, B. (2013). "Proxemics Measurement During Social Anxiety Disorder Therapy Using a RGBD Sensors Network" [Paper presentation]. MICCAI 2013 workshop on Bio-Imaging and Visualization for Patient-Customized Simulations, Nagoya, Japan.
    Proxemics Measurement During Social Anxiety Disorder Therapy Using a RGBD Sensors Network.pdf
  • Deshayes, R., Mens, T., & Palanque, P. (2013). "A Generic Framework for Executable Gestural Interaction Models" [Paper presentation]. IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing, San Jose, United States - California.
  • Deshayes, R. (2013). "A Domain-Specific Modeling Approach for Gestural Interaction" [Paper presentation]. IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing, San Jose, United States - California.
  • Mibulumukini, M., Riche, N., Mancas, M., Gosselin, B., & Dutoit, T. (2013). "BIOLOGICALLY PLAUSIBLE CONTEXT RECOGNITION ALGORITHMS" [Paper presentation]. ICIP 2013, Melbourne, Australia.
  • Decombas, M., Riche, N., Dufaux, F., Pesquet-Popescu, B., Mancas, M., Gosselin, B., & Dutoit, T. (2013). "Spatio-Temporal Saliency Based on Rare Model" [Paper presentation]. ICIP 2013, Melbourne, Australia.
  • Babacan, O., Drugman, T., D'alessandro, N., Henrich, N., & Dutoit, T. (2013). "A Quantitative Comparison of Glottal Closure Instant Estimation Algorithms on a Large Variety of Singing Sounds" [Paper presentation]. Interspeech, Lyon, France.
  • Riche, N., Duvinage, M., Mancas, M., Gosselin, B., & Dutoit, T. (2013). "Saliency and Human Fixations: State-of-the-art and Study of Comparison Metrics" [Paper presentation]. international Computer Vision, Sydney, Australia.
  • Urbain, J., Cakmak, H., & Dutoit, T. (2013). "Automatic Phonetic Transcription of Laughter and its Application to Laughter Synthesis" [Paper presentation]. Fifth biannual Humaine Association Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction, Genève, Switzerland.
  • Moinet, A., Dutoit, T., & Latour, P. (2013). "Audio Time-Scaling for Slow Motion Sports Videos" [Paper presentation]. 16th International Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFx-13), Maynooth, Ireland.
  • Astrinaki, M., Moinet, A., D'alessandro, N., & Dutoit, T. (2013). "Pure Data External for Reactive HMM-based Speech and Singing Synthesis" [Paper presentation]. 16th International Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFx-13), Maynooth, Ireland.
  • Astrinaki, M., Moinet, A., Junichi, Y., Richmond, K., Ling, Z.-H., King, S., & Dutoit, T. (2013). "MAGE - Reactive articulatory feature control of HMM-based parametric speech synthesis" [Paper presentation]. 8th Speech Synthesis Workshop (SSW8), Barcelona, Spain.
  • Riche, N., Duvinage, M., Mancas, M., Gosselin, B., & Dutoit, T. (2013). "A study of parameters affecting visual saliency assessment" [Paper presentation]. 6th International Symposium on Attention in Cognitive Systems, Beijing, China.
  • Benjelloun, M., Dadi, E. W., & Daoudi, E. M. (2013). "Large Scale 3D Shape Retrieval by exploiting mutli-core and GPU" [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications, Las Vegas, United States - Nevada.
  • Dupont, S., Ravet, T., picard-limpens, C., & Frisson, C. (2013). "Nonlinear Dimensionality Reduction Approaches applied to Music and Textural Sounds" [Paper presentation]. IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME 2013), San Jose, United States - California.
  • Frisson, C., Keyaerts, G., Grisard, F., Dupont, S., Ravet, T., Zajega, F., Colmenares Guerra, L., Todoroff, T., & Dutoit, T. (2013). "MashtaCycle: On-Stage Improvised Audio Collage by Content-Based Similarity and Gesture Recognition" [Paper presentation]. INTETAIN 2013, Mons, Belgium.
  • Gurrieri, M., Siebert, X., & Fortemps, P. (2013). "Label Ranking with Preference Intensity" [Paper presentation]. 26th European Conference on Operational Research , EURO/INFORMS MMXIII, Rome, Italy.
  • Schoreels, J., Deshayes, R., & Mens, T. (2013). "KinectBalls: An Interactive Tool for Ball Throwing Games" [Paper presentation]. INTETAIN 2013, Mons, Belgium. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-03892-6_11
  • Urbain, J., Niewiadomski, R., Mancini, M., Griffin, H., Cakmak, H., Ach, L., & Volpe, G. (2013). "Multimodal Analysis of laughter for an Interactive System" [Paper presentation]. INTETAIN 2013, Mons, Belgium.
  • Gurrieri, M., Fortemps, P., & Siebert, X. (2013). "Label Ranking with Intensity of Preference" [Paper presentation]. 26th European Conference on Operational Research , EURO/INFORMS MMXIII, Rome, Italy.
  • Picart, B., Brognaux, S., & Drugman, T. (2013). "HMM-based Speech Synthesis of Live Sports Commentaries: Integration of a Two-Layer Prosody Annotation" [Paper presentation]. 8th Speech Synthesis Workshop (SSW8), Barcelona, Spain.
  • Borzee, F., Mousseau, V., Pirlot, M., Siebert, X., & Viappiani, P. (2013). "Bayesian Recommendations and Utility Elicitation with Intensity of Preference Statements" [Paper presentation]. 26th European Conference on Operational Research , EURO/INFORMS MMXIII, Rome, Italy.
  • Castermans, T., Duvinage, M., & Riche, N. (2013). "Online emotion classification from electroencephalographic signals : a first study conducted in a realistic movie theater" [Paper presentation]. 12th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing ICAISC 2013, Zakopane, Poland.
  • Mens, T., Deshayes, R., & Palanque, P. (2013). "PetriNect: A Tool for Executable Modeling of Gestural Interaction" [Paper presentation]. IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing, San Jose, United States - California.
  • Astrinaki, M., D'alessandro, N., Reboursière, L., Moinet, A., & Dutoit, T. (2013). "Mage 2.0: New features and its application in the development of a talking guitar" [Paper presentation]. 13th Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME'13), Daejeon + Seoul, South Korea.
  • Wang, J., D'alessandro, N., Pon, A., & Fels, S. (2013). "PENny : An Extremely Low-Cost Pressure-Sensitive Stylus for Existing Capacitive Touchscreens" [Paper presentation]. 13th Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME'13), Daejeon + Seoul, South Korea.
  • Brognaux, S., Picart, B., & Drugman, T. (2013). "A New Prosody Annotation Protocol for Live Sports Commentaries" [Paper presentation]. Interspeech 2013, Lyon, France.
  • Belaidi, S., Mahmoudi, S., & Chikh, M. A. (2013). "Automatic regions detection in X- rays images using SVM method" [Paper presentation]. Troisième Journée Doctorale en génie biologique et médical, Tlemcen, Algeria.
  • Babacan, O., Drugman, T., D'alessandro, N., Henrich, N., & Dutoit, T. (2013). "A comparative study of pitch extraction algorithms on a large variety of singing sounds" [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Vancouver, Canada.
  • Leroy, J., Rocca, F., Mancas, M., & Gosselin, B. (2013). "Second screen interaction: an approach to infer TV watcher's interest using 3D head pose estimation" [Paper presentation]. LiME, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
    Second screen interaction an approach to infer tv watcher's interest using 3d head pose estimation.pdf
  • Niewiadomski, R., Hofmann, J., Urbain, J., Platt, T., Wagner, J., Piot, B., Cakmak, H., Pammi, S., Baur, T., Dupont, S., Geist, M., Lingenfelser, F., McKeown, G., Pietquin, O., & Ruch, W. (2013). "Laugh-aware virtual agent and its impact on user amusement" [Paper presentation]. Twelfth International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS2013), Saint Paul, United States - Minnesota.
  • Toledo, L., Dualibe, F., Petrashin, P., & Lancioni, W. (2013). "A low voltage CMOS voltage reference based on partial compensation of MOSFET threshold voltage and mobility using current subtraction" [Paper presentation]. IEEE Latin-America Symposium on Circuit and Systems, LASCAS, Cuzco, Peru.
  • Soto, A., Dualibe, F., Lindstrom, E., Oliva, A., & Mandolesi, P. (2013). "Fully Integrated Single-Inductor Multiple-Output (SIMO) DC-DC Converter in CMOS 65 nm Technology" [Paper presentation]. IEEE Latin-America Symposium on Circuit and Systems, LASCAS, Cuzco, Peru.
  • Ben Madhkour, R., Mancas, M., & Gosselin, B. (2013). "Automatic Geometric projector calibration: Application to a 3D real-time visual feedback" [Paper presentation]. International conference on Computer Vision Theory and Apllications, Barcelona, Spain.
  • Frisson, C. (2013). "Design­ing tangible/free-form appli­ca­tions for nav­i­ga­tion in audio/visual col­lec­tions (by content-based sim­i­lar­ity)" [Paper presentation]. Proceedings of the 7th International ACM Conference on Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction (TEI '13), Barcelona, Spain.
  • Petrashin, P., Dualibe, F., Toledo, L., & Lancioni, W. (2013). "Low-Cost DC BIST for Analog Circuits: A Case Study" [Paper presentation]. IEEE Latin America Test Workshop LATW 2013, Cordoba, Argentina.
  • Mancas, M., & Le Meur, O. (2013). "MEMORABILITY OF NATURAL SCENES: THE ROLE OF ATTENTION" [Paper presentation]. ICIP 2013, Melbourne, Australia.
  • Frisson, C., Dupont, S., Moinet, A., Picard, C., Ravet, T., Siebert, X., & Dutoit, T. (2013). "Video­Cy­cle: user-friendly nav­i­ga­tion by sim­i­lar­ity in video data­bases" [Paper presentation]. Pro­ceed­ings of the Mul­ti­me­dia Mod­el­ing Con­fer­ence (MMM), Video Browser Show­down ses­sion, Huangshan, China.
  • Pompili, F., Gillis, N., Absil, P.-A., & Glineur, F. (2013). ONP-MF: An Orthogonal Nonnegative Matrix Factorization Algorithm with Application to Clustering. "European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks".
    05 ONP-MF An Orthogonal Nonnegative Matrix Factorization Algorithm with Application to Clustering.pdf

Scientific congresses and symposiums/Poster

  • Tadrist, N., & Debauche, O. (18 December 2013). "LE TRANSPORT SOLIDE DANS L'OUED EL-HACHEM ET SES EFFETS SUR LA RECHARGE DE LA NAPPE À PARTIR DES LACHERS DU BARRAGE DE BOUKOURDANE (Nord de l'Algérie)" [Poster presentation]. Meeting international «Gestion des Ressources et Application Biotechnologiques en Aridoculture et cultures Oasiennes : Perspectives pour un Développement Durable des Zones Arides », Djerba, Tunisia.
  • Astrinaki, M., Moinet, A., D'alessandro, N., & Dutoit, T. (02 September 2013). "Pure Data External for Reactive HMM-based Speech and Singing Synthesis" [Poster presentation]. 16th International Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFx-13), Maynooth, Ireland.
  • Astrinaki, M., D'alessandro, N., Junichi, Y., Simon, K., & Dutoit, T. (12 June 2013). "MAGE :: A Platform For Reactive HMM-based Speech & Singing Synthesis" [Poster presentation]. SICSA DEMOfest, Edinburgh , United Kingdom.
  • Ndungidi, P., & Dualibe, F. (12 March 2013). "Rapid Top-Down Specification of an RF Receiver using Genetic Multi-Objective Optimization Method" [Poster presentation]. La matinée des chercheurs 2013, Mons, Belgium.
  • Mahmoudi, S. (10 March 2013). "For a smart processing of Full HD images and videos on Parallel and Heterogeneous Platforms" [Poster presentation]. La matinée des chercheurs 2013, Mons, Belgium.
    Poster MDC 2013 For a Smart Processing.pdf

Reports/Internal report

  • Dupont, S., Urbain, J., Pelachaud, C., André, E., Wagner, J., Volpe, G., Mancini, M., Berthouze, N., Griffin, H., Curran, W., McKeown, G., Ruch, W., Hofmann, J., Platt, T., Pietquin, O., Piot, B., & Ach, L. (2013). "FP7 ILHAIRE Periodic Report Year 2 - Project Objectives, Work Progress and Achievements".
  • Dupont, S. (2013). "FP7 ILHAIRE Periodic Report Year 2 - Publishable Summary (Project Nbr. 270780)".
  • Nixon, L., Patz, N., Baltussen, L. B., Verbruggen, E., Blom, J., Dupont, S., Hildebrand, M., Ebermann, J., & Milanova, V. (2013). "FP7 LinkedTV Deliverable 6.2 - Scenario Demonstrators".
  • Mancini, M., Niewiadomski, R., Volpe, G., Aung, H., Berthouze, N., Griffin, H., Dupont, S., Urbain, J., Hofmann, J., Platt, T., Ruch, W., Wagner, J., Lingenfelser, F., André, E., & Pelachaud, C. (2013). "FP7 ILHAIRE Deliverable 2.2 - Improved Multimodal Analysis and Recognition".
  • Urbain, J., Niewiadomski, R., Huang, J., Ding, Y., Datta, D., Bantegnie, E., Ach, L., Mancini, M., Pelachaud, C., Dupont, S., & Dutoit, T. (2013). "FP7 ILHAIRE Deliverable 3.2 - Improved Multimodal Audio-Facial-Gestural Laugh Generation and Synthesis".

Dissertations and theses/Doctoral thesis

  • Picart, B. (2013). "Statistical Parametric Speech Synthesis Based on the Degree of Articulation" [Doctoral thesis, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons.
  • Moinet, A. (2013). "Slowdio: Audio Time-Scaling for Slow Motion Sports Videos" [Doctoral thesis, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons.
  • Decuypere, J. (2013). "Simulation of the Retina Response in Mesopic Lighting Conditions" [Doctoral thesis, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons.
  • Da Cunha Possa, P. (2013). "Reconfigurable low-latency architecture for real-time image and video processing" [Doctoral thesis, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons.
  • Mahmoudi, S. (2013). "Traitement Efficace d'Objets Multimédias sur Architectures Parallèles et Hétérogènes" [Doctoral thesis, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons.
  • Tilmanne, J. (2013). "Data-Driven Stylistic Humanlike Walk Synthesis" [Doctoral thesis, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons.

Diverse speeches and writings/Article for a general audience

  • Mahmoudi, S. (2013). Traitement efficace d'objets multimédias sur architectures parallèles et hétérogènes. "Polytech News N° 49".


Scientific journals/Book review

  • Da Cunha Possa, P., Mahmoudi, S., Harb, N., & Valderrama, C. (29 August 2012). A New Self-Adapting Architecture for Feature Detection. "Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 978-1-4673-2257-7" (2012(22) Oslo), 643 - 646. doi:10.1109/FPL.2012.6339230

Parts of books/Contribution to collective works

  • Hassairi, W., Bousselmi, M., Abid, M., & Valderrama, C. (2012). Matlab/SystemC for the New Co-Simulation Environment by JPEG Algorithm. In "MATLAB - A Fundamental Tool for Scientific Computing and Engineering Applications" (pp. 320). InTech. doi:10.5772/3338
  • Mancas, M., De Beul, D., Riche, N., & Siebert, X. (2012). Human Attention Modelization and Data Reduction. In "Video Compression". InTech.

Scientific journals/Article

  • Clark, R. A. J., Konkiewicz, M. A., Astrinaki, M., & Yamagishi, J. (2012). Reactive Control of Expressive Speech Synthesis Using Kinect Skeleton Tracking. "IPSJ SIG Technical Reports".
  • Gillis, N. (01 December 2012). Sparse and Unique Nonnegative Matrix Factorization Through Data Preprocessing. "Journal of Machine Learning Research, 13" (2012), 3349-3386.
    08 Sparse and Unique Nonnegative Matrix Factorization Through Data Preprocessing.pdf
  • Pirri, F., Pizzoli, M., & Mancas, M. (04 October 2012). Human-Motion saliency in complex scenes. "Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 7206", 81-92.
  • IBALA, C., VACHAUCEZ, J., Valderrama, C., & Bettens, F. (05 September 2012). Novel interface drivers to combine real-time localization and tracking algorithms. "International Conference on Applied Electronics, CFP1269A-PRT" (Code 93615), 111-114.
  • Castermans, T., Duvinage, M., & Riche, N. (2012). Emotive Cinema. "Quarterly Progress Scientific Report of the Numediart Research Program".
  • Tilmanne, J., & Dutoit, T. (2012). Continuous Control of Style and Style Transitions through Linear Interpolation in Hidden Markov Model Based Walk Synthesis. "Lecture Notes in Computer Science".
  • Lecron, F., Benjelloun, M., & Mahmoudi, S. (25 June 2012). Descriptive Image Feature for Object Detection in Medical Images. "Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNCS 7325", 331-338.
  • Mahmoudi, S., Manneback, P., Augonnet, C., & Thibault, S. (21 June 2012). Traitements d'images sur architectures parallèles et hétérogènes : Traitement hétérogène d'images. "Technique et Science Informatiques, 31/8-10 - 2012" (8-9-10/2012), 1183-1203. doi:10.3166/tsi.31.1183-1203
    documentation 2.pdf
  • Mahmoudi, S., & Benjelloun, M. (01 May 2012). A New Medical Image Retrieval Approach Based on Curvelet Transform. "International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, 07" (S1), 103-S109. doi:10.1007/s11548-012-0705-6
  • Gillis, N., & Glineur, F. (13 April 2012). On the Geometric Interpretation of the Nonnegative Rank. "Linear Algebra and its Applications, 437" (11), 2685-2712.
    07 On the Geometric Interpretation of the Nonnegative Rank.pdf
  • Gillis, N., & Plemmons, R. (09 April 2012). Sparse nonnegative matrix underapproximation and its application to hyperspectral image analysis. "Linear Algebra and its Applications, 438" (10), 3991-4007.
    06 Sparse NMU and its application to HSI.pdf
  • Ammar, M., Mahmoudi, S., Chikh, M. A., & Amine, A. (01 April 2012). Endocardial Border Detection in Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Images Using Level Set Method. "Journal of Digital Imaging, Volume 25" (Issue 2), 294-306. doi:10.1007/s10278-011-9404-z
  • Tilmanne, J., Moinet, A., & Dutoit, T. (26 March 2012). Stylistic gait synthesis based on hidden Markov models. "EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, 2012" (March).
  • Astrinaki, M., D'alessandro, N., & Dutoit, T. (01 March 2012). MageFaceOSC: Performative Speech Synthesis Based On Realtime Face Tracking. "Quarterly Progress Scientific Report of the Numediart Research Program, 5" (1), 15-16.
  • Zajega, F., picard-limpens, C., René, J., Puleo, A., Decuypere, J., Ravet, T., Frisson, C., & Mancas, M. (04 February 2012). MEDIANEUM: CRAFTING INTERACTIVE TIMELINES FROM MULTIMEDIA CONTENT. "Quarterly Progress Scientific Report of the Numediart Research Program, 5" (2).
  • Drugman, T., Bozkurt, B., & Dutoit, T. (14 January 2012). A comparative study of glottal source estimation techniques. "Computer Speech and Language, 26" (1), 20-34.
  • Gillis, N., & Glineur, F. (01 January 2012). Accelerated Multiplicative Updates and Hierarchical ALS Algorithms for Nonnegative Matrix Factorization. "Neural Computation, 24" (4), 1085-1105.
    05 Accelerated MU and HALS Algorithms for NMF.pdf

Scientific congresses and symposiums/Unpublished conference/Abstract

  • Valderrama, C. (05 December 2012). "FPGA-ASIC new frontiers" [Paper presentation]. Potentiels de la technologie FPGA dans la conception des systèmes, CETIC Charleroi, Belgium.
  • Valderrama, C. (05 December 2012). "FPGA-ASIC, de nouveaux horizons" [Paper presentation]. Groupe de discussion: Potentiels de la technologie FPGA dans la conception des systèmes, Gosselies, Belgium.
  • Zajega, F., Mancas, M., Ben Madhkour, R., Leroy, J., Riche, N., Rocca, F., Dutoit, T., & Yves, R. (07 November 2012). "KinAct: the attentive social game demonstration" [Paper presentation]. Asian Conference on Computer Vision, Daejeon, South Korea.
  • Mahmoudi, S. (23 May 2012). "Traitement d'images et fouille de données au service de l'aide au diagnostic médical" [Paper presentation]. Deuxième Journée Doctorale en génie biologique et médical, Tlemcen, Algeria.
  • Astrinaki, M., D'alessandro, N., & Dutoit, T. (02 May 2012). "MAGE : A Platform for Performative Speech Synthesis - New Approach in Exploring Applications Beyond Text-To-Speech" [Paper presentation]. The Listening Talker (LISTA) workshop, Edinburgh, United Kingdom.
  • Mahmoudi, S., & Manneback, P. (18 April 2012). "GPU-based real time motion tracking in high definition videos" [Paper presentation]. 3rd Workshop of COST action IC805. Open Network for High-Performance Computing on Complex Environments, Gênes, Italy.
  • Tilmanne, J. (01 March 2012). "Continuous control of style in Hidden Markov Model based humanlike walk synthesis" [Paper presentation]. Movement qualities and physical models visualization, Paris, France.
  • Mahmoudi, S., & Manneback, P. (26 January 2012). "Image and Video Processing on Parallel (GPU) and Heterogeneous Architectures" [Paper presentation]. 2nd Workshop of COST 0805 Open Network for High-Performance Computing on Complex Environments, Timisoara, Romania.

Scientific congresses and symposiums/Paper published in a book

  • Pirlot, M., Gurrieri, M., & Siebert, X. (2012). "DA2PL'2012: From Multiple Criteria Decision Aid to Preference Learning" [Paper presentation]. From Multiple Criteria Decision Aid to Preference Learning DA2PL 2012, Mons, Belgium.
    Proceedings DA2PL.pdf
  • Dutoit, T., D'alessandro, N., & Todoroff, T. (2012). "Actes des Journées de l'Informatique Musicale 2012" [Paper presentation]. Journées d'Informatique Musicale (JIM 2012), Mons, Belgium.

Scientific congresses and symposiums/Paper published in a journal

  • Picart, B., Drugman, T., & Dutoit, T. (2012). "Statistical Methods for Varying the Degree of Articulation in New HMM-based Voices" [Paper presentation]. IEEE Workshop on Spoken Language Technology (SLT), Miami, United States - Florida.
  • Astrinaki, M., D'alessandro, N., Picart, B., Drugman, T., & Dutoit, T. (2012). "Reactive and Continuous Control of HMM-based Speech Synthesis" [Paper presentation]. IEEE Workshop on Spoken Language Technology (SLT), Miami, United States - Florida.
  • Brognaux, S., Drugman, T., & Beaufort, R. (2012). "Automatic Detection and Correction of Syntax-based Prosody Annotation Errors" [Paper presentation]. IEEE Workshop on Spoken Language Technology (SLT), Miami, United States - Florida.
  • Brognaux, S., Roekhaut, S., Drugman, T., & Beaufort, R. (2012). "Train&Align: A New Online Tool for Automatic Phonetic Alignment" [Paper presentation]. IEEE Workshop on Spoken Language Technology (SLT), Miami, United States - Florida.
  • Ndungidi, P., Garcia Vazquez, H., del Pino, J., Dualibe, F., & Valderrama, C. (2012). "RF specification driven by Multi-Objective Optimization Method" [Paper presentation]. XXVII Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems Conference (DCIS), Avignon, France.
  • Tilmanne, J., & Dutoit, T. (2012). "Walker speed adaptation in gait synthesis" [Paper presentation]. 5th International Conference, Motion in Games 2012, Rennes, France.
  • Riche, N., Mancas, M., CULIBRK, D., CRNOJEVIC, V., Gosselin, B., & Dutoit, T. (2012). "Dynamic saliency models and human attention: a comparative study on videos" [Paper presentation]. Proceedings of the 11th Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV), Daejeon, South Korea.
  • Babacan, O., Frisson, C., & Dutoit, T. (2012). "Improving the Understanding of Turkish Makam Music through the MediaCycle Framework" [Paper presentation]. 2nd CompMusic Workshop, Bahçese­hir Üniver­sitesi, Besik­tas, Istan­bul, Turkey.
  • Platt, T., Hofmann, J., Ruch, W., Niewiadomski, R., & Urbain, J. (2012). "Experimental standards in research on AI and humor when considering psychology" [Paper presentation]. AAAI Technical Report FS-12-02 Artificial Intelligence of Humor, Washington, DC, United States - District of Columbia.
  • Urbain, J., Cakmak, H., & Dutoit, T. (2012). "Development of HMM-based acoustic laughter synthesis" [Paper presentation]. Interdisciplinary Workshop on Laughter and other Non-Verbal Vocalisations in Speech, Dublin, Ireland.
  • Urbain, J., & Dutoit, T. (2012). "Measuring instantaneous laughter intensity from acoustic features" [Paper presentation]. Interdisciplinary Workshop on Laughter and other Non-Verbal Vocalisations in Speech, Dublin, Ireland.
  • Brognaux, S., Roekhaut, S., Drugman, T., & Beaufort, R. (2012). "Automatic Phone Alignment: A Comparison between Speaker-Independent Models and Models Trained on the Corpus to Align" [Paper presentation]. 8th International Conference on Natural Language Processing (JapTAL 2012), Kanazawa, Japan.
  • Brognaux, S., Roekhaut, S., Drugman, T., & Beaufort, R. (2012). "Automatic Phone Alignment: A Comparison between Speaker-Independent Models and Models Trained on the Corpus to Align" [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Natural Language Processing, Kanazawa, Japan.
  • Mahmoudi, S., & Manneback, P. (2012). "Efficient Exploitation of Heterogeneous Platforms for Images Features Extraction" [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Image Processing Theory Tools and Applications, Istanbul, Turkey.
    Efficient Exploitation of Heterogeneous Platforms.PDF
  • Mahmoudi, S., Lecron, F., Manneback, P., Benjelloun, M., & Mahmoudi, S. (2012). "Efficient Exploitation of Heterogeneous Platforms for Vertebra Detection in X-Ray Images" [Paper presentation]. Biomedical Engineering International Conference, Biomeic, Tlemcen, Algeria.
    Efficient Exploitation of Heterogeneous Platforms for Vertebra Segmentation in X-Ray Images.pdf
  • Meziane, A., Mahmoudi, S., & Chikh, M. A. (2012). "Étude et comparaison des méthodes de segmentation d'images cérébrales" [Paper presentation]. Biomedical Engineering International Conference - BIOMEC 2012, Tlemcen - Algérie, France.
  • Seriari, M., Mahmoudi, S., & Chikh, M. A. (2012). "Détection automatique des masses dans les images mammographiques" [Paper presentation]. Biomec 2012  Biomedical Engineering International Conference, Tlemcen, Algeria.
  • Ammar, M., Mahmoudi, S., Chikh, M. A., & Abbou, A. (2012). "Segmentation de la cavité cardiaque gauche dans les images IRM par l'algorithme Espérance-Maximisation (EM)" [Paper presentation]. Biomedical Engineering International Conference - BIOMEC 2012, Tlemcen - Algérie, France.
  • Riche, N., Mancas, M., Gosselin, B., & Dutoit, T. (2012). "RARE: a New Bottom-Up Saliency Model" [Paper presentation]. IEEE ICIP, Orlando, United States - Florida.
  • Drugman, T., Urbain, J., Bauwens, N., Chessini Bose, R., Aubriot, A.-S., Lebecque, P., & Dutoit, T. (2012). "Audio and Contact Microphones for Cough Detection" [Paper presentation]. 13th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (Interspeech 2012), Portland, United States - Oregon.
  • Saad, S., Mahmoudi, S., & Manneback, P. (2012). "An Ontology for video human movement representation based on Benesh notation" [Paper presentation]. I-Semantics'2012, Graz, Austria. doi:10.1145/2362499.2362519
  • Astrinaki, M., Reboursière, L., Moinet, A., R., G., D'alessandro, N., & Dutoit, T. (2012). "Is This Guitar Talking or What !?" [Paper presentation]. eNTERFACE'12, Metz, France.
  • Urbain, J., Niewiadomski, R., Hofmann, J., Bantegnie, E., Baur, T., Berthouze, N., Cakmak, H., Cruz, R. T., Dupont, S., Geist, M., Griffin, H., Lingenfelser, F., Mancini, M., Miranda, M., McKeown, G., Pammi, S., Pietquin, O., Piot, B., Platt, T., ... Wagner, J. (2012). "Laugh Machine" [Paper presentation]. eNTERFACE'12, Metz, France.
  • Babacan, O., Frisson, C., & Dutoit, T. (2012). "Improv­ing the Under­stand­ing of Turk­ish Makam Music through the Medi­a­Cy­cle Frame­work" [Paper presentation]. Proceedings of the 2nd CompMusic Workshop, Bahçese­hir Üniver­sitesi, Besik­tas, Istan­bul, Turkey.
  • Niewiadomski, R., Urbain, J., Pelachaud, C., & Dutoit, T. (2012). "Finding out the audio and visual features that influence the perception of laughter intensity and differ in inhalation and exhalation phases" [Paper presentation]. 4th International Workshop on Corpora for Research on EMOTION SENTIMENT & SOCIAL SIGNALS, Satellite of LREC 2012, Istanbul, Turkey.
  • Saad, S., De Beul, D., Mahmoudi, S., & Manneback, P. (2012). "Annotation sémantique des mouvements humains par une approche ontologique" [Paper presentation]. COmpression et REprésentation des Signaux Audiovisuels (CORESA), Lille, France.
  • Frisson, C., Dupont, S., Leroy, J., Moinet, A., Ravet, T., Siebert, X., & Dutoit, T. (2012). "LoopJam: turning the dance floor into a collaborative instrumental map" [Paper presentation]. Proceedings of the 12th Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME'12), Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States - Michigan.
  • Reboursière, L., Lähdeoja, O., Drugman, T., Dupont, S., Picard-Limpens, C., & Riche, N. (2012). "Left and right-hand guitar playing techniques detection" [Paper presentation]. 12th Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME'12), Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States - Michigan.
  • Astrinaki, M., D'alessandro, N., & Dutoit, T. (2012). "MAGE - A Platform for Tangible Speech Synthesis" [Paper presentation]. 12th Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME'12), Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States - Michigan.
  • Frisson, C., Dupont, S., Leroy, J., Moinet, A., Ravet, T., Siebert, X., & Dutoit, T. (2012). "LoopJam : une Carte Musicale Collaborative sur la Piste de Danse" [Paper presentation]. Actes des Journées d'Informatique Musicale (JIM 2012), Mons, Belgium.
  • Saad, S., De Beul, D., Mahmoudi, S., & Manneback, P. (2012). "An Ontology for video human movement representation based on Benesh notation" [Paper presentation]. 2012 International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems (ICMCS), Tanger, Morocco. doi:10.1109/ICMCS.2012.6320129
  • Lähdeoja, O., Reboursière, L., Drugman, T., Dupont, S., Picard-Limpens, C., & Riche, N. (2012). "Detection des Techniques de Jeu de la Guitare" [Paper presentation]. Journées d'Informatique Musicale (JIM 2012), Mons, Belgium.
  • Picart, B., Drugman, T., & Dutoit, T. (2012). "Assessing the Intelligibility and Quality of HMM-based Speech Synthesis with a Variable Degree of Articulation" [Paper presentation]. The Listening Talker (LISTA) workshop, Edinburgh, United Kingdom.
  • CULIBRK, D., SLADOJEVIC, S., Riche, N., Mancas, M., & CRNOJEVIC, V. (2012). "Data-driven approach to dynamic visual attention modelling" [Paper presentation]. Proceedings of SPIE, .
  • Tsatsou, D., Nixon, L., Mancas, M., Vacura, M., Rudiger, K., Leroy, J., Kuchar, J., Kober, M., Loli, M., & Mezaris, V. (2012). "Contextualised user profiling in networked media environments" [Paper presentation]. Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization, Monreal, Canada.
  • Gillis, N., Plemmons, R., & Zhang, Q. (2012). Priors in Sparse Recursive Decompositions of Hyperspectral Images. "Algorithms and Technologies for Multispectral, Hyperspectral, and Ultraspectral Imagery".
    04 Priors in Sparse Recursive Decompositions of HSI.pdf

Reports/Internal report

  • Dupont, S. (2012). "FP7 ILHAIRE Periodic Report Year 1 Publishable Summary (Project Nbr. 270780)".
  • Stanoevska-Slabeva, K., Ebermann, J., Köhler, J., Pauer, A., Nixon, L., Mezaris, V., Svatek, V., Dupont, S., Hardman, L., Troncy, R., Fricke, R., Oomen, J., Gural, J., & de Abreu Pereira, N. (2012). "FP7 LinkedTV Deliverable 8.1 Exploitation Plan for the Project".

Learning materials/Course notes


  • Moinet, A., Dutoit, T., & Latour, P. (10 October 2012). "Time-stretching of an audio signal".


Scientific journals/Book review

  • Ben Madhkour, R., Leroy, J., & Zajega, F. (01 December 2011). KOSEI: a kinect observation system based on kinect and projector calibration. "Quarterly Progress Scientific Report of the Numediart Research Program, 4" (4), 71-81.
  • Bagein, M., Fremal, S., & Mahmoudi, S. (2011). Green Computing, ou comment les processeurs graphiques économisent le temps et l'énergie. "Polytech News", (46).
  • Mancas, M., Ben Madhkour, R., Leroy, J., Riche, N., Yves, R., & Zajega, F. (01 September 2011). Kinact: a Saliency-based Social Game. "Quarterly Progress Scientific Report of the Numediart Research Program, 4" (2), 29-36.
  • Frisson, C., Dupont, S., Leroy, J., Moinet, A., Ravet, T., & Siebert, X. (01 June 2011). LoopJam: a collaborative musical map on the dance floor. "Quarterly Progress Scientific Report of the Numediart Research Program, 4" (2), 37-40.
  • Todoroff, T., Leroy, J., & Picard, C. (01 June 2011). Orchestra: Wireless sensor system for augmented performances & fusion with Kinect. "Quarterly Progress Scientific Report of the Numediart Research Program, 4" (2), 29-36.
  • Mahmoudi, S. (2011). La navigation dans les bases d'objets tridimensionnels au service de l'exploitation du patrimoine. "Polytech News", (45).

Scientific journals/Article

  • Mens, T., & Deshayes, R. (01 December 2011). 3DGestState: Gestural interaction and reconstruction of 3D models. "Quarterly Progress Scientific Report of the Numediart Research Program, 4" (1-4), 87-92.
  • Lähdeoja, O., & Reboursière, L. (01 December 2011). Augmented Window. "Quarterly Progress Scientific Report of the Numediart Research Program, 4" (4).
  • Picart, B., Drugman, T., & Dutoit, T. (07 November 2011). Perceptual Effects of the Degree of Articulation in HMM-based Speech Synthesis. "Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 7015", 177 - 182. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-25020-0_23
  • Reboursière, L., Lähdeoja, O., Chessini Bose, R., Drugman, T., Dupont, S., Picard-Limpens, C., & Riche, N. (2011). Guitar As Controller. "Quarterly Progress Scientific Report of the Numediart Research Program".
  • Gillis, N., & Glineur, F. (22 September 2011). A multilevel approach for nonnegative matrix factorization. "Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 236" (7), 1708-1723.
    04 A Multilevel Approach for Nonnegative Matrix Factorization.pdf
  • Astrinaki, M., Babacan, O., D'alessandro, N., Dutoit, T., & Fels, S. (01 September 2011). MAGE/pHTS in Collaborative Vocal Puppetry (CoVoP) - Mult-User Performative HMM-based Voice Synthesis on Distributed Platforms. "Quarterly Progress Scientific Report of the Numediart Research Program, 4" (3), 59-64.
  • Lecron, F., Mahmoudi, S., Benjelloun, M., Mahmoudi, S., & Manneback, P. (15 August 2011). Heterogeneous Computing for Vertebra Detection and Segmentation in X-Ray Images. "International Journal of Biomedical Imaging, Volume 2011," (10.1155/2011), 1-12. doi:10.1155/2011/640208
  • Drugman, T., Bozkurt, B., & Dutoit, T. (01 July 2011). Causal-anticausal Decomposition of Speech using Complex Cepstrum for Glottal Source Estimation. "Speech Communication, 53" (6), 855-866.
  • Gillis, N., & Glineur, F. (25 June 2011). Low-Rank Matrix Approximation with Weights or Missing Data is NP-hard. "SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, 32" (4), 1149-1165.
    03 Low-Rank Matrix Approximtion with Weights or Missing Data is NP-hard.pdf
  • Petrashin, P., & Dualibe, F. (2011). OBT implementation on Gm-C filters without self-tuning capability. "IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems".
  • Dupont, S., Frisson, C., Urbain, J., Mahmoudi, S., & Siebert, X. (01 March 2011). MEDIABLENDER : INTERACTIVE MULTIMEDIA SEGMENTATION. "Quarterly Progress Scientific Report of the Numediart Research Program, 4" (1), 1-6.
  • Astrinaki, M., Babacan, O., D'alessandro, N., Picart, B., & Dutoit, T. (01 March 2011). pHTS for Max/MSP: A Stream­ing Archi­tec­ture for Sta­tis­ti­cal Para­met­ric Speech Syn­the­sis. "Quarterly Progress Scientific Report of the Numediart Research Program, 4" (1), 7-11.
  • Gillis, N., & Plemmons, R. (01 February 2011). Dimensionality Reduction, Classification, and Spectral Mixture Analysis using Nonnegative Underapproximation. "Optical Engineering, 50" (2), 027001.
    02 Dimensionality reduction classification and spectral mixture analysis using non-negative underapproximation.pdf
  • Mahmoudi, S., Benjelloun, M., & Filali Ansary, T. (30 January 2011). 3D Objects Retrieval using Curvature Scale Space and Zernike Moments. "Journal of Pattern Recognition Research, Volume 06" (Issue 01), 75-95.

Scientific congresses and symposiums/Unpublished conference/Abstract

  • Mahmoudi, S. (27 June 2011). "Traitement d'Objets Multimédia sur Architectures Multi-coeurs Hétérogènes (Multi-CPU/Multi-GPU)" [Paper presentation]. Séminaire en Informatique. Invité, INRIA Grenoble, France.
  • Mahmoudi, S., & Manneback, P. (28 April 2011). "Multimedia Processing on Parallel Heterogeneous Architectures (Multi-CPU/Multi-GPU)" [Paper presentation]. Groupe de Contact FNRS 'Calcul Intensif ', Liège, Belgium.

Scientific congresses and symposiums/Paper published in a journal

  • Mancas, M., Riche, N., Leroy, J., Gosselin, B., & Dutoit, T. (2011). "'Toward a Social Attentive Machine'" [Paper presentation]. AAAI Fall Symposia, Washington, United States - District of Columbia.
  • Urbain, J., & Dutoit, T. (2011). "A Phonetic Analysis of Natural Laughter, for Use in Automatic Laughter Processing Systems" [Paper presentation]. Fourth bi-annual International Conference of the HUMAINE Association on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII2011), Memphis, United States - Tennessee.
  • Tilmanne, J., & Dutoit, T. (2011). "Continuous Control of Style through Linear Interpolation in Hidden Markov Model Based Stylistic Walk Synthesis" [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Cyberworlds, CW 2011, Banff, Canada.
  • Dupont, S., Frisson, C., Leroy, J., Moinet, A., Ravet, T., Siebert, X., & Urbain, J. (2011). "LoopJam" [Paper presentation]. NEM 2011, Torino, Italy.
  • Moinet, A., & Dutoit, T. (2011). "PVSOLA: a Phase Vocoder with Synchronized OverLap-Add" [Paper presentation]. 14th International Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFx), Paris, France.
  • Todoroff, T., Picard-Limpens, C., Leroy, J., & Crevoisier, A. (2011). "Capturing gestures for expressive sound control" [Paper presentation]. ISEA 2011, Istanbul, Turkey.
  • Frisson, C., Dupont, S., Siebert, X., & Dutoit, T. (2011). "Similarity in media content: digital art perspectives" [Paper presentation]. ISEA 2011, Istanbul, Turkey.
  • Mancas, M., Riche, N., Leroy, J., & Gosselin, B. (2011). "Abnormal motion selection in crowds using bottom-up saliency" [Paper presentation]. ICIP 2011 : 2011 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Bruxelles, Belgium.
  • Mancas, M., Pirri, F., & Pizzoli, M. (2011). "From saliency to eye gaze: embodied visual selection for a pan-tilt-based robotic head" [Paper presentation]. International Symposium on Visual Computing (ISVC), Las Vegas, United States - Nevada.
  • Astrinaki, M., Babacan, O., D'alessandro, N., Dutoit, T., & Fels, S. (2011). "CoVoP - Collaborative Vocal Puppetry Multi-User Performative Voice Synthesis on Distributed Platorms" [Paper presentation]. eNTERFACE'11, Pilsen, Czechia.
  • Picart, B., Drugman, T., & Dutoit, T. (2011). "Continuous Control of the Degree of Articulation in HMM-based Speech Synthesis" [Paper presentation]. Interspeech 2011, Firenze, Italy.
  • Tilmanne, J., & Dutoit, T. (2011). "Adaptive training of hidden Markov models for stylistic walk synthesis" [Paper presentation]. SIGGRAPH, Vancouver, Canada.
  • Mancas, M., Pirri, F., & Pizzoli, M. (2011). "Human-motion saliency in multi-motion scenes and in close interaction" [Paper presentation]. International Gesture Workshop on Gesture in Embodied Communication and Human-Computer Interaction, Athens, Greece.
  • D'alessandro, N., Ooge, C., Dutoit, T., & Fels, S. (2011). "Analysis-by-Performance : Gesturally-Controlled Voice Synthesis as an Input for Modelling of Vibrato in Singing" [Paper presentation]. ICMC 2011 - International Computer Music Conference, Huddersfield, United Kingdom.
  • Riche, N., Mancas, M., Gosselin, B., & Dutoit, T. (2011). "3D  Saliency  for  Abnormal  Motion  Selection:   the  Role  of  the  Depth  Map" [Paper presentation]. ICVS, Sophia Antipolis, France.
  • Leroy, J., Riche, N., Zajega, F., Mancas, M., Tilmanne, J., Gosselin, B., & Dutoit, T. (2011). "The Attentive Machine: be Different!" [Paper presentation]. INTETAIN 2011, Genoa, Italy.
  • Leroy, J., Mancas, M., & Gosselin, B. (2011). "Personal space augmented reality tool" [Paper presentation]. 32nd WIC Symposium on Information Theory in the Benelux, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Brussels, Belgium.
  • Mahmoudi, S., Manneback, P., Augonnet, C., & Thibault, S. (2011). "Détection optimale des coins et contours dans des bases d'images volumineuses sur architectures multicoeurs hétérogènes" [Paper presentation]. 20èmes Rencontres Francophones de l'Informatique Parallèle, Saint-Malo, France.
    Détection optimale des coins et contours dans des bases d'images volumineuses sur architectures multicoeurs hétérogènes.pdf
  • Mahmoudi, S., Fremal, S., Bagein, M., & Manneback, P. (2011). "Calcul intensif sur GPU: exemples en traitement d'images, en bioinformatique et en télécommunication" [Paper presentation]. CIAE 2011 : Colloque d'Informatique, automatique et electronique, Casablanca, Morocco.
    Calcul Intesif sur GPU.pdf
  • Astrinaki, M., Babacan, O., D'alessandro, N., & Dutoit, T. (2011). "sHTS: A Streaming Architecture for Statistical Parametric Speech Synthesis" [Paper presentation]. p3s - International Workshop on Performative Speech and Singing Synthesis, Vancouver, Canada.
  • KHAMBHAITA, H., KRUIJFF, G. J., FANELLO, S. R., GIANNI, M., PAPADAKIS, P., Pirri, F., Pizzoli, M., RUDI, A., & Mancas, M. (2011). "Help Me to Help You: how to Learn Intentions, Actions and Plans" [Paper presentation]. Help Me to Help You: how to Learn Intentions, Actions and Plans, Palo Alto, United States.
  • Gillis, N., & Plemmons, R. (2011). Sparse Nonnegative Matrix Underapproximation and its Application for Hyperspectral Image Analysis. "worskshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing: Evolution in Remote Sensing".
    03 Sparse NMU for HSI.pdf

Scientific congresses and symposiums/Poster

  • Drugman, T., Urbain, J., & Dutoit, T. (01 September 2011). "Assessment of Audio Features for Automatic Cough Detection" [Poster presentation]. Eusipco 2011, Barcelona, Spain.
  • Mahmoudi, S. (21 June 2011). "Calcul Intensif sur GPU: Application au Traitement d'Objets Multimédia" [Poster presentation]. Journée des doctorants GRASCOMP, Liège, Belgium.
  • Benjelloun, M. (07 March 2011). "La dynamique Vertébrale de la 2D à la 3D" [Poster presentation]. 6ème édition de la Matinée des Chercheurs (MDC 2011), Mons, Belgium.

Diverse speeches and writings/Article for a general audience

  • Bagein, M., fremal, S., Mahmoudi, S., Noël, S., & Manneback, P. (2011). GPU ? Vous avez dit GPU ? "Polytech News N° 45".

Diverse speeches and writings/Other

  • Pietquin, O., & Dupont, S. (2011). "Incorporating Laughter into Human-Avatar Interactions: Research and Evaluation - The ILHAIRE project".


Parts of books/Contribution to collective works

  • Dutoit, T., & Dupont, S. (2010). Speech processing. In "Multimodal signal processing - Theory and applications for human-computer interaction" (pp. 25-61). Elsevier.

Scientific journals/Article

  • Jean François, N., Ben Madhkour, R., & Deshayes, R. (2010). Monumental projections. "Quarterly Progress Scientific Report of the Numediart Research Program".
  • John Anderson, M., Astrinaki, M., Chessini Bose, R., Reboursière, L., & Todoroff, T. (01 December 2010). Augmented Conductor. "Quarterly Progress Scientific Report of the Numediart Research Program, 3" (4), 71-76.
  • Tilmanne, J., & Dutoit, T. (14 November 2010). Expressive Gait Synthesis Using PCA and Gaussian Modeling. "Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 6459", 363-374.
  • Picard, C., Frisson, C., Faure, F., Drettakis, G., & Kry, P. G. (21 October 2010). Advances in modal analysis using a robust and multiscale method. "EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, 2010" (392782), 1-12. doi:10.1155/2010/392782
  • DA CUNHA POSSA, P., EL HADHRI, Z., & Valderrama, C. (06 October 2010). Image and video processing on fpgas: An exploration framework for real-time applications. "IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 10" (PART 1, 2010), 54-59.
  • Xanthoulis, D., Debauche, O., Fonder, N., & Degré, A. (05 October 2010). Citerne d'eau de pluie et effet sur le débit à l'exutoire du bassin versant de l'Orneau dans la région de Gembloux (Belgique). "Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement, 15" (2), 239-249.
  • Urbain, J., Niewiadomski, R., Bevacqua, E., Dutoit, T., Moinet, A., Pelachaud, C., Picart, B., Tilmanne, J., & Wagner, J. (28 September 2010). AVLaughterCycle: Enabling a virtual agent to join in laughing with a conversational partner using a similarity-driven audiovisual laughter animation. "Journal on Multimodal User Interfaces, 4" (1), 47-58. doi:10.1007/s12193-010-0053-1
  • Tardieu, D., Siebert, X., Mazzarino, B., Chessini Bose, R., Dubois, J., Dupont, S., Varni, G., & Visentin, A. (01 September 2010). Browsing a dance video collection: dance analysis and interface design. "Journal on Multimodal User Interfaces, 4" (1), 37-46.
  • John Anderson, M., Reboursière, L., & Chessini, R. (01 September 2010). Developping Social Controllers. "Quarterly Progress Scientific Report of the Numediart Research Program, 3" (3).
  • Gillis, N., & Glineur, F. (01 April 2010). Using underapproximations for sparse nonnegative matrix factorization. "Pattern Recognition, 43" (4), 1676-1687.
    01 Using underapproximations for sparse nonnegative matrix factorization.pdf
  • Mancas, M., Ben Madhkour, R., Mahmoudi, S., & Ravet, T. (31 March 2010). Vir­Track: Track­ing for Vir­tual Studios: Vir­Track: Track­ing for Vir­tual Studios. "Quarterly Progress Scientific Report of the Numediart Research Program, 3" (1), 1-4.
  • Asaei, A., Picart, B., & Bourlard, H. (2010). Analysis of Phone Posterior Feature Space Exploiting Class-Specific Sparsity and MLP-based Similarity Measure. "IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing. Proceedings", 4886 - 4889. doi:10.1109/ICASSP.2010.5495121
  • Drugman, T., Bozkurt, B., & Dutoit, T. (2010). Glottal Source Estimation Using an Automatic Chirp Decomposition. "Lecture Notes in Computer Science".

Scientific congresses and symposiums/Unpublished conference/Abstract

  • Devuyst, S., Dutoit, T., Ravet, T., Stenuit, P., & Kerkhofs, M. (18 September 2010). "Comparison of Visual Sleep Stage Classification according to AASM and Rechtschaffen & Kales Rules" [Paper presentation]. ESRS 2010 - the 20th Congress of the European Sleep Research Society (Journal of Sleep Research, Vol.19, Suppl.2), Lisbonne, Portugal.
  • Tardieu, D., Siebert, X., Mazzarino, B., & Blumenthal, B. (01 April 2010). "An interactive installation for browsing an dance video database" [Paper presentation]. Le Fresnoy, Studio National des Arts Contemporains, Tourcoing, Tourcoing, France.

Scientific congresses and symposiums/Paper published in a journal

  • Picart, B., Drugman, T., & Dutoit, T. (2010). "Analysis and Synthesis of Hypo and Hyperarticulated Speech" [Paper presentation]. 7th ISCA Tutorial and Research Workshop on Speech Synthesis, Kyoto, Japan.
  • Mahmoudi, S., Lecron, F., Manneback, P., Benjelloun, M., & Mahmoudi, S. (2010). "GPU-based segmentation of cervical vertebra in X-Ray images" [Paper presentation]. IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing, Crete, Greece.
  • Urbain, J., Bevacqua, E., Dutoit, T., Moinet, A., Niewiadomski, R., Pelachaud, C., Picart, B., Tilmanne, J., & Wagner, J. (2010). "La base de données AVLaughterCycle" [Paper presentation]. XXVIIIèmes Journées d'Etude sur la Parole, Mons, Belgium.
  • Urbain, J., Bevacqua, E., Dutoit, T., Moinet, A., Niewiadomski, R., Pelachaud, C., Picart, B., Tilmanne, J., & Wagner, J. (2010). "The AVLaughterCycle database" [Paper presentation]. Seventh international conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, Valletta, Malta.
  • Tardieu, D., Dupont, S., Siebert, X., Mazzarino, B., & Blumenthal, B. (2010). "An Interactive installation for browsing a Dance Video Database" [Paper presentation]. IMIDA2010, Workshop on Interactive Multimedia Installations and Digital Art, at ICME2010, Singapore, Singapore.
  • Frisson, C., Dupont, S., Siebert, X., Tardieu, D., Dutoit, T., & Macq, B. (2010). "DeviceCycle: rapid and reusable prototyping of gestural interfaces, applied to audio browsing by similarity" [Paper presentation]. Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression, Sydney, Australia.
  • Tardieu, D., Siebert, X., Mazzarino, B., & Blumenthal, B. (2010). "An interactive installation for browsing a dance video database" [Paper presentation]. IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo, Singapore.
  • Reboursière, L., Frisson, C., Lähdeoja, O., John Anderson, M., Picard-Limpens, C., & Todoroff, T. (2010). "Multimodal Guitar : A Toolbox For Augmented Guitar Performances" [Paper presentation]. 10th Conferece on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME'10), Sydney, Australia.
  • Drugman, T., Bozkurt, B., & Dutoit, T. (2010). "Analyse et Modification de la Qualité Vocale basée sur l'Excitation" [Paper presentation]. 28èmes Journées d'Etude sur la Parole (JEP 2010), Mons, Belgium.
  • Dupont, S., Frisson, C., Siebert, X., & Tardieu, D. (2010). "Browsing sound and music librairies by similarity" [Paper presentation]. 128th Convention of the Audio Engineering Society, .
  • Mancas, M., & Gosselin, B. (2010). "Dense crowd analysis through bottom-up and top-down attention" [Paper presentation]. Proc. of the Brain Inspired Cognitive Sytems (BICS 2010), Madrid, Spain.
  • Gillis, N., & Plemmons, R. (2010). Dimensionality Reduction, Classification, and Spectral Mixture Analysis using Nonnegative Underapproximation. "Algorithms and Technologies for Multispectral, Hyperspectral, and Ultraspectral Imagery".
    02 Dimensionality Reduction, Classification, and Spectral Mixture Analysis using NMU.pdf


Parts of books/Contribution to collective works

  • Mancas, M. (2009). Relative influence of bottom-up and top-down attention. In "Attention in cognitive systems" (pp. 212-226). Springer Berlin/Heidelberg.

Scientific journals/Article

  • Urbain, J., Bevacqua, E., Dutoit, T., Moinet, A., Niewiadomski, R., Pelachaud, C., Picart, B., Tilmanne, J., & Wagner, J. (2009). AVLaughterCycle: an audiovisual laughing machine. "Proceedings of the 5th International Summer Workshop on Multimodal Interfaces", 79-87.
  • Tardieu, D., Dubois, J., Chessini Bose, R., Dupont, S., Mazzarino, B., Hidot, S., Moinet, A., Siebert, X., Varni, G., & Visentin, A. (01 September 2009). Video Navigation Tool: Application to browsing a database of dancers' performances. "Quarterly Progress Scientific Report of the Numediart Research Program, 2" (3), 85-90.
  • Frisson, C., Reboursière, L., Chu, W. Y., Lähdeoja, O., John Anderson, M., Picard-Limpens, C., Shen, A., & Todoroff, T. (01 September 2009). Multimodal Guitar : Performance Toolbox and Study Workbench. "Quarterly Progress Scientific Report of the Numediart Research Program, 2" (3).
  • Mancas, M., Glowinski, D., Volpe, G., Camurri, A., Bretéché, P., Demeyer, J., Ravet, T., & Coletta, P. (01 August 2009). Real-time motion attention and expressive gesture interfaces. "Journal on Multimodal User Interfaces, 2" (3-4), 187-198.
  • Dupont, S., Dubuisson, T., Mills, J., Moinet, A., Siebert, X., Tardieu, D., & Urbain, J. (26 June 2009). LaughterCycle. "Quarterly Progress Scientific Report of the Numediart Research Program, 2" (2), 23-32.
  • Mejeded, M., & Mahmoudi, S. (03 May 2009). The deformable models and their applications in the processing of medical images : Les modèles déformables et leurs applications dans le traitement des images médicales. "CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Volume 547", 11.
  • Mancas, M., Ravet, T., Mahmoudi, S., Hidot, S., Tilmanne, J., Chessini Bose, R., & Machy, C. (31 March 2009). Natural interaction between real and virtual world. "Quarterly Progress Scientific Report of the Numediart Research Program, 2" (1), 1-8.
  • Tilmanne, J., Urbain, J., Kothare, M. V., Vande Wouwer, A., & Kothare, S. V. (01 March 2009). Algorithms for sleep-wake identification using actigraphy : a comparative study and new results. "Journal of Sleep Research, 18" (1), 85-98.
  • Siebert, X., Dupont, S., Fortemps, P., & Tardieu, D. (01 March 2009). MediaCycle: browsing and performing with sound and image libraries. "Quarterly Progress Scientific Report of the Numediart Research Program, 2" (1).
  • Frisson, C., Reboursière, L., Filatriau, J.-J., Todoroff, T., & Siebert, X. (01 March 2009). Behavioral Installations : emergent audiovisual installations influencd by visitor's behaviours. "Quarterly Progress Scientific Report of the Numediart Research Program, 2" (5).

Scientific congresses and symposiums/Unpublished conference/Abstract

  • Mahmoudi, S., & Manneback, P. (02 December 2009). "Traitements d'images sur GPU sous CUDA et OpenGL: application à l'imagerie médicale" [Paper presentation]. CIGIL09, Calcul intensif et grilles informatiques, USTL, Lille, France, Lille, France.
  • Mahmoudi, S., Manneback, P., Lecron, F., Benjelloun, M., & Mahmoudi, S. (19 October 2009). "Parallel image processing with CUDA and OpenGL" [Paper presentation]. 1st scientific workshop, open network for high-performance computing on complex environments, action cost 805, Lisbon, Portugal, Lisbon, Portugal.
  • Urbain, J., Dupont, S., Niewiadomski, R., Dutoit, T., & Pelachaud, C. (27 February 2009). "Towards a virtual agent using similarity-based laughter production" [Paper presentation]. Interdisciplinary workshop on laughter and other Interactional Vocalisations in speech, Berlin, Germany.

Scientific congresses and symposiums/Paper published in a journal

  • Siebert, X., Dupont, S., Frisson, C., & Tardieu, D. (2009). "MultiMediaCycle: consolidating the hyforge framework towards improved scalability and usability" [Paper presentation]. QPSR of the numediart research program, .
  • Gilroy, S. W., Cavazza, M., Niiranen, M., André, E., Vogt, T., Urbain, J., Benayoun, M., Seichter, H., & Billinghurst, M. (2009). "PAD-based multimodal affective fusion" [Paper presentation]. Third International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
  • Drugman, T., Bozkurt, B., & Dutoit, T. (2009). "Complex cepstrum-based decomposition of speech for glottal source estimation" [Paper presentation]. Interspeech 2009, Brighton, United Kingdom.
  • Charlier, M., Ohtani, Y., Toda, T., Moinet, A., & Dutoit, T. (2009). "Cross-language voice conversion based on eigenvoices" [Paper presentation]. Interspeech 2009, Brighton, United Kingdom.
  • Tardieu, D., Chessini Bose, R., Dubois, J., Dupont, S., Hidot, S., Mazzarino, B., Siebert, X., Varni, G., & Visentin, A. (2009). "Video Navigation Tool: Application to browsing a database of dancers performances" [Paper presentation]. 5th International Summer Workshop on Multimodal Interfaces - eNTERFACE'09, Genova, Italy.
  • Todoroff, T., & Reboursière, L. (2009). "1-D, 2-D and 3-D interpolation tools for MAX/MSP/Jitter" [Paper presentation]. ICMC 2009 - International Computer Music Conference, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
  • Bettens, F., & Todoroff, T. (2009). "Real-time DTW-based gesture recognition external object for Max/MSP and PureData" [Paper presentation]. Sound and Music Computing Conference, Porto, Portugal.
  • Urbain, J., Dubuisson, T., Dupont, S., Frisson, C., Sebbe, R., & D'alessandro, N. (2009). "AudioCycle : a similarity-based visualization of musical libraries" [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, New-York, United States - New York.
  • Drugman, T., Bozkurt, B., & Dutoit, T. (2009). "Chirp decomposition of speech signals for glottal source estimation" [Paper presentation]. ISCA Workshop on Non-Linear Speech Processing, Vic, Spain.
  • Todoroff, T., Bettens, F., Chu, W. Y., & Reboursière, L. (2009). "'Extension du corps sonore' - Dancing Viola" [Paper presentation]. New Interface for Musical Expression, Pittsburgh, United States.
  • Dupont, S., Dubuisson, T., Urbain, J., Sebbe, R., D'alessandro, N., & Frisson, C. (2009). "Audiocycle : browsing musical loop libraries" [Paper presentation]. International workshop on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing, Chania, Greece.
  • Frisson, C., Reboursière, L., Todoroff, T., & Filatriau, J.-J. (2009). "Bodily benchmark : gestural/physiological analysis by remote/wearable sensing" [Paper presentation]. QPSR of the numediart research program, .
  • Al Moubayeb, S., Baklouti, M., Chetouani, M., Dutoit, T., Mahdhaoui, A., Martin, J.-C., Ondas, S., Pelachaud, C., Urbain, J., & Yilmaz, M. (2009). "Generating robot/agent backchannels during a storytelling experiment" [Paper presentation]. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA'09), Kobe, Japan.
  • Drugman, T., Wilfart, G., Moinet, A., & Dutoit, T. (2009). "Using a pitch-synchronous residual codebook for hybrid HMM/frame selection speech synthesis" [Paper presentation]. ICASSP 2009 - International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, Taipei, Taiwan. doi:10.1109/ICASSP.2009.4960453
  • Mancas, M., Glowinski, D., Bretéché, P., Demeyer, J., Ravet, T., Volpe, G., Camurri, A., & Coletta, P. (2009). "Tracking-dependent and interactive video projection" [Paper presentation]. International Summer Workshop on Multimodal Interfaces, Paris, France.
  • Berry, M., Gillis, N., & Glineur, F. (2009). Document Classification Using Nonnegative Matrix Factorization and Underapproximation. "IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems".
    01 Document classification using NMU.pdf

Scientific congresses and symposiums/Poster

  • Mahmoudi, S., & Manneback, P. (18 June 2009). "Traitement d'images en parallèle avec cuda et opengl sur gpu" [Poster presentation]. Nouveaux outils pour le traitement d'image et la vision par ordinateur, Figeac, France.
  • Jottrand, M., Moinet, A., Couvreur, L., & Dutoit, T. (03 June 2009). "A semi-automatic indexing tool for daily news, based on text and audio keyword spotting" [Poster presentation]. International workshop on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing, Chania, Greece.
  • Mahmoudi, S. (17 March 2009). "Calcul intensif Gpgpu" [Poster presentation]. Matinée des chercheurs 2009, Mons, Belgium.
    MDC 2009. Sidi Mahmoudi.pdf


Scientific journals/Article

  • Dupont, S., D'alessandro, N., Dubuisson, T., Frisson, C., Sebbe, R., & Urbain, J. (26 December 2008). AudioCycle: Browing Musical Loop Libraries. "Quarterly Progress Scientific Report of the Numediart Research Program, 1" (4), 119-127.
  • Mancas, M., Bagein, M., Guichard, N., Hidot, S., Machy, C., Mahmoudi, S., & Siebert, X. (01 December 2008). Project # 4.3 : augmented virtual studio. "Quarterly Progress Scientific Report of the Numediart Research Program, 1" (4), 147-155.
  • Todoroff, T., Bettens, F., Chu, W. Y., & Reboursière, L. (01 December 2008). Project # 4.2 : Danc­ing Viola. "Quarterly Progress Scientific Report of the Numediart Research Program, 1" (4), 129-146.
  • Todoroff, T., Bettens, F., Chu, W. Y., & Reboursière, L. (01 December 2008). Dancing Viola. "Quarterly Progress Scientific Report of the Numediart Research Program, 1" (4).
  • D'alessandro, N., Babacan, O., Bozkurt, B., Dubuisson, T., Holzapfel, A., Kessous, L., Moinet, A., & Vlieghe, M. (01 September 2008). RAMCESS 2.X framework - expressive voice analysis for realtime and accurate synthesis of singing. "Journal on Multimodal User Interfaces, 2" (2), 133-144. doi:10.1007/s12193-008-0010-4
  • Tilmanne, J., Sebbe, R., & Dutoit, T. (01 September 2008). A database for stylistic human gait modeling and synthesis. "Quarterly Progress Scientific Report of the Numediart Research Program, 1" (3), 97-100.
  • Mancas, M., Glowinski, D., Bretéché, P., Demeyer, J., Ravet, T., Volpe, G., Camurri, A., & Coletta, P. (01 September 2008). Project # 3.1 : tracking-dependent and interactive video projection. "Quarterly Progress Scientific Report of the Numediart Research Program, 1" (3).
  • Al Moubayeb, S., Baklouti, M., Chetouani, M., Dutoit, T., Mahdhaoui, A., Martin, J.-C., Ondas, S., Pelachaud, C., Urbain, J., & Yilmaz, M. (01 September 2008). Project # 3.4 : multimodal feedback from robots and agents in a storytelling experiment. "Quarterly Progress Scientific Report of the Numediart Research Program, 1" (3), 109-118.
  • D'alessandro, N., Moinet, A., Dubuisson, T., Filatriau, J.-J., & Chu, W. Y. (01 September 2008). Project # 3.3 : expressive violin synthesis : a study case in realtime manipulation of complex data structures. "Quarterly Progress Scientific Report of the Numediart Research Program, 1" (3), 101-107.
  • Filatriau, J.-J., Dubuisson, T., Reboursière, L., & Todoroff, T. (01 June 2008). Project # 5 : breathing for opera. "Quarterly Progress Scientific Report of the Numediart Research Program, 1" (2).
  • Couvreur, L., Bettens, F., Drugman, T., Dubuisson, T., Dupont, S., Frisson, C., Jottrand, M., & Mancas, M. (01 June 2008). Project # 2.3 : audio thumbnailing. "Quarterly Progress Scientific Report of the Numediart Research Program, 1" (2), 67-85.
  • Sebbe, R.* , Bagein, M., Belanger, L., Chessini, R., Dechristophoris, J., Demeyer, J., Lecaude, N., Thillou, C., & Moinet, A. (01 June 2008). Project #4: Visual Paths. "Quarterly Progress Scientific Report of the Numediart Research Program, 1" (2), 43-51.
  • Ofli, F., Demir, J., Yemez, Y., Erzin, E., Tekalp, A. M., Balci, K., Kizoglu, I., Akarun, L., Canton-Ferrer, C., Tilmanne, J., Bozkurt, E., & Erdem, A. T. (31 May 2008). An Audio-Driven Dancing Avatar. "Journal on Multimodal User Interfaces, 2", 93-103.
    audio driven dancing avatar.pdf
  • Couvreur, L., Bettens, F., Drugman, T., Frisson, C., Jottrand, M., Mancas, M., & Moinet, A. (01 March 2008). Project # 1.1 : audio skimming. "Quarterly Progress Scientific Report of the Numediart Research Program, 1" (1), 1-16.
  • D'alessandro, N., Drugman, T., & Dubuisson, T. (01 March 2008). Project # 3 : transvoice table. "Quarterly Progress Scientific Report of the Numediart Research Program, 1" (1).
  • Thillou, C., Brouse, A., Filatriau, J.-J., Paco-Rocchia, S., Sebbe, R., Tilmanne, J., Todoroff, T., & Mancas, M. (01 March 2008). Project #2: Sensor-based Mini-Comedia. "Quarterly Progress Scientific Report of the Numediart Research Program, 1" (1), 17-34.
  • Degré, A., Dautrebande, S., Sohier, C., & Debauche, O. (15 January 2008). Statistique des extrêmes dans les bassins faiblement jaugés : application d'un modèle global pluie-débit à cinq bassins versants en région wallonne (Belgique). "Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement, 12" (4), 379-391.
  • Thillou, C., Ferreira, S., Demeyer, J., Minetti, C., & Gosselin, B. (02 January 2008). A Multifonctional Reading Assistant for the Visually Impaired. "International Journal of Image and Video Processing, 2".

Scientific congresses and symposiums/Unpublished conference/Abstract

  • Pirlot, M. (30 January 2008). "A new form of intransitivity of indifference: experimental evidence and formal analysis" [Paper presentation]. EURO Working Group on Behavioral Operational research, Zurich, Switzerland.
  • Vander Elst, L., Laurent, S., Galaup, C., Muller, R., & Picard-Limpens, C. (01 January 2008). "In vitro characterization of Gd and Eu complexes, suitable bimodal contrast agents for MRI and optical imaging" [Paper presentation]. New Developments in Contrast Agents Research, 11th special topic conference on molecular imaging, magnetic resonance imaging, and intermodality contrast agent research, Valencia, Spain.

Scientific congresses and symposiums/Paper published in a journal

  • Devuyst, S., Dutoit, T., Ravet, T., Stenuit, P., Kerkhofs, M., & Stanus, E. (2008). "Automatic processing of EEG-EOG-EMG artifacts in sleep stage classification" [Paper presentation]. ICBME'08 - International Conference on Biomedical Engineering, Singapore, Unknown/unspecified.
  • Mahmoudi, S., Haidar, S., Ihaddadene, N., & Djeraba, C. (2008). "Abnormal Event Detection in Real Time Video" [Paper presentation]. First International Workshop on Multimodal Interactions Analysis of Users in a Controlled Environment, Island of Crete, Greece.
  • Drugman, T., Dubuisson, T., Moinet, A., D'alessandro, N., & Dutoit, T. (2008). "Voice Source Parameters Estimation by Fitting the Glottal Formant and the Inverse Filtering Open Phase" [Paper presentation]. 16th European Signal Processing Conference, Lausanne, Switzerland.
  • Tilmanne, J., Sebbe, R., & Dutoit, T. (2008). "A database for stylistic human gait modeling and synthesis" [Paper presentation]. International Summer Workshop on Multimodal Interfaces, Paris, France.
  • D'alessandro, N., Chu, W. Y., Dubuisson, T., Filatriau, J.-J., & Moinet, A. (2008). "Expressive violin synthesis - A study case in real-time manipulation of complex data structures" [Paper presentation]. International Summer Workshop on Multimodal Interfaces, Paris, France.
  • Al Moubayeb, S., Baklouti, M., Chetouani, M., Dutoit, T., Mahdhaoui, A., Martin, J.-C., Ondas, S., Pelachaud, C., Urbain, J., & Yilmaz, M. (2008). "Multimodal feedback from robots and agents in a storytelling experiment" [Paper presentation]. International Summer Workshop on Multimodal Interfaces, Paris, France.
  • Drugman, T., Dubuisson, T., Moinet, A., D'alessandro, N., & Dutoit, T. (2008). "Glottal Source Estimation Robustness" [Paper presentation]. Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications, Porto, Portugal.
  • Drugman, T., Moinet, A., & Dutoit, T. (2008). "On the Use of Machine Learning in Statistical Parametric Speech Synthesis" [Paper presentation]. Benelearn 2008 - Annual Machine Learning Conference, Spa, Belgium.
  • Delcourt, V., Machy, C., Thillou, C., & Desurmont, X. (2008). "Automatic Reader of Recording Strips" [Paper presentation]. 8th World Conference on Railway Research, Seoul, South Korea.
  • Mancas, M. (2008). "Image Perception : Relative Inluence of Bottom-up and Top-Down Attention" [Paper presentation]. 5th International Workshop on Attention in Cognitive Systems, Santorin, Greece.
  • Ofli, F., Canton-Ferrer, C., Tilmanne, J., Demir, J., Bozkurt, E., Yemez, Y., Erzin, E., & Tekalp, A. M. (2008). "Audio-Driven Human Body Motion Analysis and Synthesis" [Paper presentation]. ICASSP 2008 - IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech & Signal Processing, Las Vegas, United States - Nevada.
    ICASSP 08 music driven body motion.pdf
  • Bauwens, J.-F., Mahmoudi, S., & Benjelloun, M. (2008). "Segmentation evaluation to improve automatic vertebral segmentation" [Paper presentation]. LID 2008, International conference on medical imaging, Liège, Belgium.
  • Mancas, M., Gosselin, B., & Macq, B. (2008). "Attention-based Pathology Visualization in Head and Neck Area" [Paper presentation]. Liège Image Days (1st), Liège, Belgium.

Computer developments/Other

  • De Lima, J., Dualibe, F., & Saez, R. (2008). "The MC34700 : 9 to 18V, Quad Output, Integrated MOSFET Power Supply: (".


Parts of books/Contribution to collective works

  • Thillou, C., & Gosselin, B. (2007). Natural Scene Text Understanding. In "Vision Systems - Segmentation & Pattern Recognition" (pp. 307-332). I-Tech Education and Publishing.

Scientific journals/Article

  • Benzeghiba, M., De Mori, R., Deroo, O., Dupont, S., Erbes, T., Jouvet, D., Fissore, L., Laface, P., Mertins, A., Ris, C., Rose, R., Tyagi, V., & Wellekens, C. (01 October 2007). Automatic Speech Recognition and Speech Variability: a Review. "Speech Communication, 49" (10-11), 763-786.
  • DeMori, R., Deroo, O., Dupont, S., Fissore, L., Laface, P., Mertins, A., & Wellekens, C. (01 October 2007). Introduction to the Special Issue on Intrinsic Speech Variation. "Speech Communication, 49" (10-11).
  • Mancas, M., Gosselin, B., & Macq, B. (01 September 2007). Perceptual Image Representation. "International Journal of Image and Video Processing, 2007".
  • Mahmoudi, S. (2007). Spine localization and vertebral mobility analysis using faces contours detection. "Annual International Conference of IEEE-EMBS, Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society", 6557-6560.
  • Thillou, C., & Gosselin, B. (01 July 2007). Color Text Extraction with Selective Metric-based Clustering. "Computer Vision & Image Understanding [=CVIU], 107" (1-2), 97-107.
  • Kostopoulos, K., Moustakas, K., Tzovaras, D., Nikolakis, G., Thillou, C., & Gosselin, B. (01 January 2007). Haptic Access to Conventional 2D Maps for the Visually Impaired. "Journal on Multimodal User Interfaces, 2" (1), 13-19.

Books/Book published as author, translator, etc.

  • Mancas, M. (2007). "Computational Attention : Towards Attentive Computers". Presses Universitaires de Louvain.

Books/Collective work published as editor or director

  • De Mori, R., Deroo, O., Dupont, S., Fissore, L., Laface, P., Mertins, A., Wellekens, C., De Mori, R. (Ed.), Deroo, O. (Ed.), Dupont, S. (Ed.), Fissore, L. (Ed.), Laface, P. (Ed.), Mertins, A. (Ed.), & Wellekens, C. (Ed.). (2007). "Intrinsic Speech Variation and Speech Recognition". Elsevier.

Scientific congresses and symposiums/Unpublished conference/Abstract

  • Bettens, F., Couvreur, L., Hancq, J., & Mancas, M. (25 June 2007). "Normalized Auditory Attention Levels for Automatic Audio Surveillance" [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Safety and Security Engineering, Malta.
  • Tilmanne, J., Urbain, J., Vande Wouwer, A., Kothare, M. V., & Kothare, S. V. (13 March 2007). "Actigraphy as a way of distinguishing sleep from wake" [Paper presentation]. 26th Benelux Meeting on Systems and Control, Lommel, Belgium.

Scientific congresses and symposiums/Paper published in a journal

  • Beaufort, R., & Thillou, C. (2007). "A Weighted Finite-State Framework for Correcting Errors in Natural Scene OCR" [Paper presentation]. 9th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition, Curitiba, Brazil.
  • Thillou, C., & Mancas, M. (2007). "Comparison between Pen-scanner and Digital Camera Acquisition for Engraved Character Recognition" [Paper presentation]. 2nd International Workshop on Camera-Based Document Analysis and Recognition, Curitiba, Brazil.
  • D'alessandro, N., Moinet, A., Dubuisson, T., & Dutoit, T. (2007). "Causal/Anticausal Decomposition for Mixed-Phase Description of Brass and Bowed String Sounds" [Paper presentation]. ICMC 2007 'Immersed Music' - International Computer Music Conference -, Copenhagen, Denmark.
  • D'alessandro, N., Babacan, O., Bozkurt, B., Dubuisson, T., Holzapfel, A., Kessous, L., Moinet, A., & Vlieghe, M. (2007). "RAMCESS framework 2.0 Realtime and Accurate Musical Control of Expression in Singing Synthesis" [Paper presentation]. Similar NoE Summer Workshop on Multimodal Interfaces, Istanbul, Turkey.
  • Tilmanne, J., Urbain, J., Vande Wouwer, A., Kothare, M. V., & Kothare, S. V. (2007). "Algorithms for Sleep-Wake Identification using Actigraphy: A Comparative Study and New Results" [Paper presentation]. 21st Annual Meeting of the Associated Professional Sleep Societies, Minneapolis, United States.
  • Dutoit, T., Holzapfel, A., Jottrand, M., Moinet, A., Perez, J., & Stylianou, Y. (2007). "Towards a Voice Conversion System Based on Frame Selection" [Paper presentation]. ICASSP 2007 - International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, Honolulu, United States - Hawaii. doi:10.1109/ICASSP.2007.366962
  • Mancas, M., Gosselin, B., & Macq, B. (2007). "A Three-Level Computational Attention Model" [Paper presentation]. A ICVS Workshop on Computational Attention & Applications, Bielefeld, Germany.
  • Mancas, M., Unay, D., Gosselin, B., & Macq, B. (2007). "Computational Attention for Defect Localisation" [Paper presentation]. A ICVS Workshop on Computational Attention & Applications, Bielefeld, Germany.
  • Mancas, M., Couvreur, L., Gosselin, B., & Macq, B. (2007). "Computational Attention for Event Detection" [Paper presentation]. A ICVS Workshop on Computational Attention & Applications, Bielefeld, Germany.

Scientific congresses and symposiums/Poster

  • Auria, A., D'alessandro, N., & Moinet, A. (13 March 2007). "HTS - A HMM-based Speech Synthesis System" [Poster presentation]. Matinée de Chercheurs de la Faculté Polytechnique de Mons, Mons, Belgium.
  • Benjelloun, M. (07 March 2007). "Image Comparison" [Poster presentation]. Matinée des chercheurs (MDC'2007), Mons, Belgium.
  • Benjelloun, M. (07 March 2007). "Analyse et évaluation de la dynamique Viscérale et Vertébrale" [Poster presentation]. Matinée des chercheurs 2007, Mons, Belgium.

Reports/Internal report

  • Dupont, S. (2007). "FP6 DIVINES Project Final Activity Report Publishable Executive Summary - February 2004-January 2007 (Project Nbr. 002034)".
  • Dupont, S. (2007). "FP6 DIVINES Project Periodic Activity Report Publishable Executive Summary - February 2006-January 2007 (Project Nbr. 002034)".

Computer developments/Other

  • De Lima, J., Saez, R., & Dualibe, F. (2007). "The MC34717 : 5A 1MHz Dual Switch-Mode Power Supply (".
  • De Lima, J., Saez, R., & Dualibe, F. (2007). "MC34716 : 3A 1MHz Dual Switch-Mode DDR PowerSupply(".
  • De Lima, J., Saez, R., & Dualibe, F. (2007). "MC34713 : 5A 1MHz Fully Integrated Single Switch-Mode Power Supply (".
  • De Lima, J., Saez, R., & Dualibe, F. (2007). "MC34712 : 3A 1MHz Fully Integrated DDR Switch-Mode Power Supply (".


Scientific journals/Article

  • Benzeghiba, M., De Mori, R., Deroo, O., Dupont, S., Erbes, T., Jouvet, D., Fissore, L., Laface, P., Mertins, A., Ris, C., Rose, R., Tyagi, V., & Wellekens, C. (2006). Automatic speech recognition and intrinsic speech variation. "IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing. Proceedings".
  • Benjelloun, M., Mahmoudi, S., & Tellez, H. (2006). Verterbra Edge Detection and Motion Estimation with Polar Signature. "IEEE International Conference on Image Processing", 761-764.
  • Benjelloun, M., Mahmoudi, S., & Tellez, H. (01 January 2006). Vertebra Edge Detection Using Polar Signature. "International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Volume 1, 2006", 476-479.

Scientific congresses and symposiums/Unpublished conference/Abstract

  • Dutoit, T., & Pietquin, O. (01 January 2006). "Dynamic Bayseian Networks for NLU Simulation with Application to Dialog Optimal Strategy Learning" [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, Toulouse, France.

Scientific congresses and symposiums/Paper published in a book

  • Dupont, S. (2006). "Proceedings of Workshop on Speech Recognition and Intrinsic Variation (SRIV2006)" [Paper presentation]. International Workshop on Speech Recognition and Intrinsic Variation (SRIV'2006), Toulouse, France.

Scientific congresses and symposiums/Paper published in a journal

  • Benzeghiba, M., DeMori, R., Deroo, O., Dupont, S., Jouvet, D., Fissore, L., Laface, P., Mertins, A., Ris, C., Rose, R., Tyagi, V., & Wellekens, C. (2006). "Impact of variabilities on speech recognition" [Paper presentation]. SPECOM 2006, 11th International Conference Speech and Computer, Saint Petersburg, Russia.
  • Dupont, S., & Ris, C. (2006). "Multiple acoustic and variability estimation models for ASR" [Paper presentation]. International Workshop on Speech Recognition and Intrinsic Variation (SRIV'2006), Toulouse, France.

Reports/Internal report

  • Dupont, S. (2006). "FP6 DIVINES Project Periodic Activity Report Publishable Executive Summary - February 2005-January 2006 (Project Nbr. 002034)".


Scientific congresses and symposiums/Paper published in a book

  • Dutoit, T. (2005). "Proceedings of the eNTERFACE'05 Summer Workshop on Multimodal Interfaces" [Paper presentation]. eNTERFACE Summer Workshop on Multimodal Interfaces, Mons, Belgium.

Scientific congresses and symposiums/Paper published in a journal

  • Dupont, S., Ris, C., Deroo, O., & Poitoux, S. (2005). "Feature Extraction and Acoustic Modeling: an Approach for Improved Generalization across Languages and Accents" [Paper presentation]. IEEE workshop on Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding (ASRU), San Juan , Unknown/unspecified.
  • Couvreur, L., Boite, J.-M., Dupont, S., & Ris, C. (2005). "Confidence Measure Normalization for Robust Selection of ASR Agents" [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Speech and Computer, Patras, Greece.
  • Dupont, S., & Ris, C. (2005). "A study of implicit and explicit modeling of coarticulation and pronunciation variation" [Paper presentation]. Interspeech 2005, Lisbonne, Portugal.
  • Dupont, S., & Woodruff, P. (2005). "Bimodal combination of speech anf handwriting for improved word recognition" [Paper presentation]. EUSIPCO 2005, Antalya, Turkey.

Scientific congresses and symposiums/Poster

  • Bozkurt, B., Dutoit, T., & Severin, F. (01 January 2005). "HNR extraction in voiced speech, oriented towards voice quality analysis" [Poster presentation]. EUSIPCO 2005, Antalya, Turkey.

Reports/Internal report

  • Dupont, S. (2005). "FP6 DIVINES Project Periodic Activity Report Publishable Executive Summary (Project Nbr. 002034): February 2004-January 2005".

Diverse speeches and writings/Other

  • Benjelloun, M., & Bauwens, J.-F. (2005). "Poster sur la Dynamique Viscérale et Vertébrale".


Scientific congresses and symposiums/Unpublished conference/Abstract

  • Bozkurt, B., D'Alessandro, C., Doval, B., & Dutoit, T. (01 January 2004). "Improved differential phase spectrum processing for formant tracking" [Paper presentation]. Icslp 2004, Jeju Island, South Korea.
  • Dutoit, T. (01 January 2004). "Speech Synthesis : up from state-of-the-art corpus based approaches ?" [Paper presentation]. 30 years of Communication acoustics International Workshop Université de Bochum, Bochum, Germany.

Scientific congresses and symposiums/Paper published in a journal

  • Dupont, S., & Ris, C. (2004). "Combined use of close-talk and throat microphones for improved speech recognition under non-stationary background noise" [Paper presentation]. Robust 2004 ITRW on Robustness Issues in Conversational, .

Scientific congresses and symposiums/Poster

  • Dutoit, T. (01 January 2004). "Unusual Teaching Short-Cuts to the Levinson and Lattice Algorithms" [Poster presentation]. ICASSP'04, Montréal, Canada.
  • Bozkurt, B., D'Alessandro, C., Doval, B., & Dutoit, T. (01 January 2004). "A method for glottal formant frequency estimation" [Poster presentation]. Icslp 2004, Jeju Island, South Korea.

Diverse speeches and writings/Other

  • Arias, C., Bonezzi, R., Boulanger, N., Sezgin, E., Sundell, P., Torres-Gomez, A., & Valenzuela, M. (2004). "Dynamique Viscérale et Vertébrale".


Scientific congresses and symposiums/Unpublished conference/Abstract

  • Bozkurt, B., & Dutoit, T. (01 January 2003). "Mixed-Phase Speech Modeling and Formant Estimation, Using Differential Phase Spectrums" [Paper presentation]. VOQUAL 2003, Genève, Switzerland.

Scientific congresses and symposiums/Paper published in a journal

  • Dupont, S., & Ris, C. (2003). "Robust Feature Extraction and Acoustic Modeling at Multitel: Experiments on the Aurora Databases" [Paper presentation]. Eurospeech 2003, Genève, Switzerland.

Dissertations and theses/Doctoral thesis

  • Mahmoudi, S. (2003). "Indexation de formes planes : application à la reconnaissance multi-vues de modèles 3D" [Doctoral thesis, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons.


  • Garudadri, H., Sivadas, S., Hermansky, H., Morgan, N., Wooters, C., Adami, A., Benitez, C., Burget, L., Dupont, S., Grezl, F., Jain, P., Kajarekar, S., & Motlicek, P. (01 October 2003). "Distributed voice recognition system utilizing multistream network feature processing (PCT Patent WO03094152/US2003204394)".
  • Dupont, S. (29 January 2003). "Robust Parameters for Noisy Speech Recognition (PCT patent WO2001BE00072 20010425)".
  • Garudadri, H., Hermansky, H., Burget, L., Jain, P., Kajarekar, S., Sivadas, S., Dupont, S., Benitez, C., & Morgan, N. (01 January 2003). "System and method for computing and transmitting parameters in a distributed voice recognition system (PCT Patent Patent WO02061727/US2003004720)".

Diverse speeches and writings/Article for a general audience

  • Dupont, S. (2003). FPMs et Multitel battent un record du monde. "Polytech-News (Num. 24)".


Scientific journals/Article

  • Segura, J., Benitez, M., de la Torre, A., Dupont, S., & Rubio, A. (2002). VTS residual noise compensation. "IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing. Proceedings".

Scientific congresses and symposiums/Unpublished conference/Abstract

  • Bozkurt, B., D'Alessandro, C., Dutoit, T., Pagel, V., & Prudon, R. (01 January 2002). "Improving Quality of MBROLA SYnthesis for Non-Uniform Units Synthesis" [Paper presentation]. IEEE TTS 2002 Workshop, Santa Monica, United States - California.

Scientific congresses and symposiums/Paper published in a journal

  • Adami, A., Burget, L., Dupont, S., Garudadri, H., Grezl, F., Hermansky, H., Jain, P., Kajarekar, S., Morgan, N., & Sivadas, S. (2002). "Qualcomm-icsi-ogi features for ASR" [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Speech and Language Computing (ICSLP'2002), Denver, United States - Colorado.

Scientific congresses and symposiums/Poster

  • Couvreur, L., Dutoit, T., Malfrère, F., Pagel, V., & Revercez, H. (01 January 2002). "Synthèse Vocale et Reconnaisance de la Parole : Droites Gauches et Mondes Parallèles" [Poster presentation]. 6è Congrès Français d'Acoustique, Lille, France.


Scientific congresses and symposiums/Paper published in a journal

  • Benitez, C., Burget, L., Chen, B., Dupont, S., Garudadri, H., Hermansky, H., Jain, P., Kajarekar, S., & Sivadas, S. (2001). "Robust ASR front-end using spectral-based and discriminant features: experiments on the aurora tasks" [Paper presentation]. Eurospeech 2001, Aalborg Congress and Culture Centre, Denmark.
  • Couvreur, C., Couvreur, L., Dupont, S., & Ris, C. (2001). "Fast Adaptation for Robust Speech Recognition in Reverberant Environments" [Paper presentation]. International Workshop on Adaptation Methods for Speech Recognition, Sophia Antipolis, France.
  • Dupont, S., & Ris, C. (2001). "Multiband with Contaminated Training Data" [Paper presentation]. CRAC Workshop (Eurospeech 2001 Satelitte event), Aalborg, Denmark.


Scientific journals/Article

  • Dupont, S., & Juergen, L. (01 September 2000). Audio-Visual Speech Modeling for Continuous Speech Recognition. "IEEE Multimedia, 2" (3), 141-151.
  • Dupont, S., & Ris, C. (2000). Assessing Local Noise Level Estimation Methods: Application to Noise Robust ASR. "Speech Communication", (34), 141-158.
  • Dupont, S., & Cheboub, L. (2000). Fast Speaker Adaptation of Artificial Neural Networks for Automatic Speech Recognition. "IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing. Proceedings".

Scientific congresses and symposiums/Paper published in a journal

  • Dutoit, T., & Malfrère, F. (2000). "Alignement automatique du Texte sur la Parole et Extraction de Caractéristiques Prosodiques" [Paper presentation]. Journées Scientifiques et Techniques 97, Avignon, France.
  • Dupont, S., & Cheboub, L. (2000). "Fast Speaker Adaptation of HMM/ANN automatic speech recognition systems" [Paper presentation]. IEEE Signal Processing Symposium, Hilvarenbeek, Netherlands.

Reports/Internal report

  • Amdal, I., Blomberg, M., Boite, J.-M., Bourlard, H., Brendborg, M., Christensen, H., Cochard, J.-L., Cernocky, J., Deroo, O., Dupont, S., Elenius, K., Fiser, R., Fontaine, V., Hanzl, V., Hutter, H. P., Hogberg, J., Imperl, B., Johansen, F. T., Kacic, Z., ... Wellekens, C. (2000). "Final Report of COST Action 249 Continuous Speech Recognition over the Telephone: Chapter 3 Acoustic Modelling".
  • Benjelloun, M. (2000). "Etat d'avancement du logiciel DYNART et du logiciel DYNVIS".

Dissertations and theses/Doctoral thesis

  • Dupont, S. (2000). "Etude et développement d'architectures multi-bandes et multi-modales pour la reconnaissance robuste de la parole" [Doctoral thesis, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons.

Diverse speeches and writings/Other

  • Benjelloun, M. (2000). "L'utilisation du parallélisme en traitement d'images".


Scientific congresses and symposiums/Paper published in a journal

  • Dupont, S., & Ris, C. (1999). "Assessing Local Noise Level Estimation Methods" [Paper presentation]. Workshop on Robust Methods For Speech Recognition in Adverse Conditions (Nokia, COST249, IEEE), Tampere, Finland.
  • Deroo, O., Dupont, S., & Ris, C. (1999). "Context Dependent Hybrid HMM/ANN Systems for large vocabulary continuous speech recognition system" [Paper presentation]. Eurospeech'99, Budapest, Hungary.


Scientific journals/Article

  • Dupont, S., & Luettin, J. (02 June 1998). Continuous Audio-Visual Speech Recognition. "Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1406".

Scientific congresses and symposiums/Paper published in a journal

  • Dupont, S. (1998). "Missing Data Reconstruction for Robust Automatic Speech Recognition in the Framework of Hybrid HMM/ANN Systems" [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Speech and Language Computing (ICSLP'98), Sydney, Australia.
  • Dupont, S., & Luettin, J. (1998). "Using the Multi-Stream Approach for Continuous Audio-Visual Speech Recognition: Experiments on the M2VTS Database" [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Speech and Language Computing (ICSLP'98), Sydney, Australia.
  • Dupont, S. (1998). "Reconstruction de Données Manquantes pour la Reconnaissance Robuste de la Parole dans le Cadre des Systèmes Hybrides HMM/ANN" [Paper presentation]. XXIIèmes Journées d'Etudes sur la Parole, Martigny, Switzerland.

Reports/Internal report

  • Luettin, J., & Dupont, S. (1998). "Continuous Audio-Visual Speech Recognition: Rapport de Recherche Idiap-RR-02-1998".

Dissertations and theses/Doctoral thesis

  • Dualibe, F. (1998). "Design of analogue fuzzy logic controllers in CMOS technologies: implementation, test and applications" [Doctoral thesis, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons.


Scientific journals/Article

  • Bourlard, H., Dupont, S., & Ris, C. (17 December 1997). Multi-Stream Speech Recognition. "CCAI: the Journal for the Integrated Study of Artificial Intelligence, Cognitive Science and Applied Epistemology, 15" (3), 215-234.
  • Dupont, S., Boite, J.-M., Bourlard, H., Deroo, O., & Fontaine, V. (1997). Hybrid HMM/ANN Systems for Training Independent Tasks : Experiments on Phonebook and Related Improvements. "IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing. Proceedings".
  • Bourlard, H., & Dupont, S. (1997). Subband-based Speech Recognition. "IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing. Proceedings".

Books/Book published as author, translator, etc.

  • Pirlot, M., & Vincke, P. (1997). "Semiorders: Properties, Representations, Applications". Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Scientific congresses and symposiums/Paper published in a journal

  • Dupont, S., Boite, J.-M., Ris, C., Deroo, O., Fontaine, V., & Zanoni, L. (1997). "Context Independent and Context Dependent Hybrid HMM/ANN Systems for Training Independent Tasks" [Paper presentation]. EUROSPEECH'97, Rhodes, Greece.
  • Dupont, S., & Bourlard, H. (1997). "Using Multiple Time Scales in a Multi-Stream Recognition System" [Paper presentation]. EUROSPEECH'97, Rhodes, Greece.
  • Dupont, S., Ris, C., & Bourlard, H. (1997). "Robust Speech Recognition Based on Multi-Stream Features" [Paper presentation]. ESCA/NATO Workshop on Robust Speech Recognition for Unknown Communication Channels, Pont-à-Mousson, France.
  • Boite, J.-M., Dupont, S., Ris, C., Bataille, F., Deroo, O., Fontaine, V., & Zanoni, L. (1997). "STRUT : Un logiciel complet pour l'entrainement et la reconnaissance de la parole" [Paper presentation]. Premières Journées Scientifiques et Techniques FRANCIL, Avignon, France.

Reports/Internal report

  • Dupont, S. (1997). "Using the Multi-Stream Approach for Continuous Audio-Visual Speech Recognition: Experiments on the M2VTS Database".
  • Dupont, S., Bourlard, H., & Ris, C. (1997). "Robust Speech Recognition based on Multi-Stream Features: Rapport de Recherche Idiap-RR-01-1997".
  • Dupont, S., Bourlard, H., & Ris, C. (1997). "Using the Multi-Stream Approach for Continuous Audio-Visual Speech Recognition: Rapport de Recherche Idiap-RR-14-1997".


Scientific journals/Article

  • Benjelloun, M., Finet, E., & Libert, G. (1996). L'inspection en temps réel à grande vitesse. "Real-Time & Embedded Systems".

Scientific congresses and symposiums/Unpublished conference/Abstract

  • Dupont, S. (17 June 1996). "Multi-Band Speech Recognition" [Paper presentation]. COST Action 249 Continuous Speech Recognition over the Telephone 6th MCM and WGMs, Stockholm, Sweden.

Scientific congresses and symposiums/Paper published in a book

  • Deroo, O., Leich, H., Boite, J.-M., Dupont, S., Ris, C., & Fontaine, V. (1996). Hybrid HMM/ANN systems for Speaker Independent Continuous Speech Recognition In French. In "ProRisc 8th Annual WorkShop on Circuits, System and Signal Processing (1996)". -.
  • Bourlard, H., & Dupont, S. (1996). A new ASR approach based on independent processing and recombination of partial frequency bands. In "International Conference on Speech and Language Processing (ICSLP'96)". -.
  • Bourlard, H., Dupont, S., Hermansky, H., & Morgan, N. (1996). Towards sub-band-based speech recognition. In "EUSIPCO (1996)". -.

Scientific congresses and symposiums/Paper published in a journal

  • Dupont, S., & Bourlard, H. (1996). "Multiband approach for speech recognition" [Paper presentation]. ProRisc 8th Annual WorkShop on Circuits, System and Signal Processing, Mierlo, Netherlands.

Reports/Internal report

  • Bourlard, H., Dupont, S., & Ris, C. (1996). "Multi-Stream Speech Recognition: Rapport de Recherche Idiap-RR-07-1996".


Dissertations and theses/Master’s dissertation

  • Dupont, S. (1995). "Etude et Développement d'un Convertisseur Pitch-to-MIDI" [Master’s dissertation, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons.


Dissertations and theses/Master’s dissertation

  • Dualibe, F. (1994). "Logique floue: de la théorie au matériel" [Master’s dissertation, Université de Mons]. ORBi UMONS-University of Mons.


Parts of books/Contribution to collective works

  • Teghem, J., & Benjelloun, M. (1992). Some experiments to compare rough sets theory and ordinal statistical methods. In "Intelligent Decision Support: Handbook of Applications and Advances of Rough Set Theory,R.Slowinski". Ed. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Kluwer, 1992, vol. 11, System Theory, Knowledge Engineering and Problem Solving.

In Press

Parts of books/Contribution to collective works

  • Mahmoudi, S., Stassin, S., Daho, M. E. H., Lessage, X., & Mahmoudi, S. (In press). Explainable Deep Learning for Covid-19 detection using chest X-ray and CT images. In "Intelligent Healthcare Informatics for Fighting the COVID-19 and Other Pandemics and Epidemics". Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-72752-9_16
    Paper 01_ Explainable Deep Learning_Covid19.pdf
  • Debailleux, L., Duroisin, N., & Hismans, G. (In press). Utilisation de la réalité virtuelle comme outil d’apprentissage du patrimoine culturel. Expérimentations menées auprès d’élèves présentant un développement typique. In Loye & N. Duroisin (Eds.), "Evaluation, apprentissage et numérique". Switzerland: Peter Lang.

Scientific journals/Article

  • Maiorca, A., Dutoit, T., & Yoon Youngwoo. (In press). Validating Objective Evaluation Metric: Is Fréchet Motion Distance able to Capture Foot Skating Artifacts ? "Proceedings of ACM International Conference on Interactive Media Experiences (IMX ’23)". doi:10.1145/3573381.3596460
  • Albert, J., Martin, B., Doh, M., Bogaert, J., La fisca, L., De Vos, L., Renard, B., Stragier, V., & Jean, E. (In press). User Preferences for Large Language Model versus Template-Based Explanations of Movie Recommendations: A Pilot Study. "Dutch-Belgian Workshop on Recommender Systems".